difference between holding a grudge and not forgetting

Forgiving is not always easy - especially if you have experienced . Deserved forgiveness is passive but empowering, relieving, and offers your wrongdoer new chance new life new opportunity to learn from mistakes made and to grow and to become a better person. What a bullet you dodged. NC Nice idea but no one can correct a relationship on their own. My life had literally come to standstill and wasnt going anywhere, but it was only until things ended with him that I started building up my self-esteem and confidence to set myself goals and actually achieve them. Even small hurts may need to be revisited and forgiven again and again. Ive taken this year to get happy on my own, and for the most part i am, except Im having major lack of confidence in moving forward and dating again. And its SPOT ON. Sign up for notifications from Insider! So, instead of braving the nasty weather to spend hours with people that I dont really want to get to know, I stayed in with a glass of red and watched a movie and had a lovely time! We dont need to do any of these things for others or to ourselves. Getting another person to change isn't the point of forgiveness. life sucks. today I can say I have learned how to communincate with her and how to communicate with myself to not fall into feeling like nothing as you pointed out. We were never enough of anything for her. Lessons were learned & I am working on me & my EU tendencies which have been there since childhood I am guessing. Im either totally into a man with all of my being, or Im totally out. Were not holy rollers or bible thumpers but we do believe and we do attend church every Sunday. It focuses on the wrong thing. I couldnt really forgive him but I could not let it go either. Be clear about boundaries. I keep thinking that the stuff he says and does seems so crazy and offensive that I have to wonder if its all just an act and hes just doing this because hes trying to seem cool or something like that. But I dont seem to find peace. Its also not a punishment.New year, new no. Of course, they object when you point it out. Its a choice. If we expect the Lord to forgive us for debts we cant pay, yet we expect other sinners to repay theirs to usitswellkinda hypocritical. Can You Take a Hint? Its been 2 weeks and Ive not responded. Kit-Kat, I suffer from the same problem. There is no sense. Do you think its mature behavior? Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW Ending the Opioid Crisis - Mayo Clinic Press, FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press. Vindication? It takes skill and practice to get good at that, I believe. Having gone through 30 days of NC with my neighbour who literally lives eight feet away from me, across the hall, I kept falling back into how much I must have hurt him by rejecting him. I was calm and polite as always. So she knows whats really going on. The flow on from that was years of self inflicted low self esteem because, although part of me could see how silly and unintelligent the people I went to school with were (are! My grandmother whom I was very close to died recently. she should just walk away whenever he approaches. But thats just me. Youre holding a grudge! Its not a joke. , Committing to someone whos on the fence about you is betrayal of the self. I hope we all reach this state and continue NC (and if we fall off, get right back on). Thats how people meet. Although, of course, I was pleased its finally out, truth be told, I was mostly *knackered* that day. Sandy- my daughter felt the same w my ex AC. I know this may be hard to read, all I can say is that from my own past experience when I was young (you sound quite young but I am making an assumption) when I felt overwhelmed with emotional pain I sometimes acted out from a place of fear, confusion and unwillingness to feel the pain of rejection. These Are 5 Ways Narcissists Use Projection. Anyway, sorry to get all Biblical on yall (came from an unlikely source, eh ladies and fellas? Unfortunately this is a case of When they tell you who they are, believe them. It feels hard to not want to be that people pleaser and try. Grudges and boundaries often appear similar, but they are in fact quite different. I was selfish. I replied just saying Its ok. Wondering if I meant anything as he sent a few lame text messages and that was it. I work alone and am not in a relationship. Doormatwhat a lousy situation. I know this was ridiculously LONG, but through a lot of growing pains and perspective, thats what made sense to me. He has feelings we assume and is a person and shouldnt, in my view, be so blatantly and thoughtlessly disregarded as an object of no significance in the context of CCs painful situation or within the context of subsequent responses. The Difference Between Forgiving And Moving On I think its important to do what YOU want for once, rather than letting the guilt stop you from moving on. Our gut, our minds, and even our hearts may be signalling that we should leave things alone and apply what weve learned into moving forward but then our inner critic pipes up with, Dont be a heartless beep beep! I dont want to debate, only to understand what you mean. Today, I am still grieving, suffereing, felt tricked by him in the friendship last year, You would think after all the hardship we went through that now we would be more ready to make it work, but no, he said his feelings switched off long time ago, yet he kept wanting me around. In my situation, we both have grown. He keeps telling me that all these women texting him think hes an ass and laughs about it again. Right now, its my faith that is getting me a bit balled up in what I think and do. Yeah, people pleasing. Were always so ready to call/txt the ex when we hear that word. I would love you to write a post on this Nat. But. This doesnt seem very respectful of women, and then he laughs about it. Dont have to make a big scene, just not be free to meet up as often. Dear ReadyForChange, your reply to the AC was SO self-possessed that he had to escalate his make her feel rejected plan. I deal with this a lot. Except I was thinking that maybe I am just seeing bad things in this new guy because of the old one being so bad. Your last two posts have come at exactly the right moment. Feeling indifferent to a person is another way that you might be able to tell that you're secretly harboring a grudge. Probably a Narc, with more baggage than an airport. She moved in with a new guy within a couple months of our breakup, and it is an effective deterrent to me reconciling anything with her. 156 0 obj <> endobj So that I may gain some insight which could help me in the future. Therefore, I will never get an apology and there really is nothing he can say to make what he did alright with me. Once I sense a romantic partner is bad news, something changes inside and I cant be with them. Forgiveness is an act of faith. Hell, no! What is the difference between forgiving our enemies and forgiving unrepentant people? I keep trying to fix it and I act like a good sport where I ignore the reality of how they act. But hopefully its a struggle worth winning. You just gotta listen and watch. Dear Nat, thanks again for the great post! Good people should allow a person to have as many chances as they ask for' and when our typical mode is people pleaser who worries too much about what everyone else thinks and silences their true self to follow 'shoulds' laid down by the inner critic, we go against ourselves. I dont like to be around you. The Connection Between ADHD & Forgiveness. After a few texts back and forth, much along the same lines as before, I realised that this time around the short and non committal texts were neither exciting nor interesting. My aunt is a full-on proselytizing Catholic and it was on a bus full of Christian ladies headed to the casino that she hit me, which led me to decide to cut my visit short and take up in a hotel. Something about the sordidness and secrecy kept pulling me toward him. Ive tended to do this on a more superficial level with friendships than with more intimate relationships. Theres nothing for me to be angry about, but because Im so hung up in being a good Christian I dont want to hurt him. But there are strategies you can try to help you move past your anger and hurt feelings. The Mental Health Effects of Holding a Grudge - Verywell Mind teachable- As you know and have counseled people for yearstheres no making sense of nonsense. My Mother believes if he really and truly had serious intentions, his ego and my not responding to him would not prevent him from reaching out to me. Do yourself a huge favor: dont try to make him more than he is. Harboring a grudge When people hold a grudge, they stay in the victim role and perpet- uate negative emotions associated with rehearsing the hurtful offense (Baumeister, Exline, & Sommer, 1998). If you have a parent, friend, *someone* in your life that feels perpetually disappointed in you and maybe even feels entitled to make their feelings and issues your problem, its okay to say no to this malarkey.Dont forget that my book, The Joy of Saying No: A Simple Plan to Stop People Pleasing, Reclaim Boundaries, and Say Yes to the Life You Want is out now. I would love to deliver all his stuff to his girlfriend except I wouldnt know which girlfriend to go to.. Its always uplifting for us all to hear stories of victory and healing. But he actually destroyed my confidence by denying me affection, respect, and appreciation and was deaf to me.completely stone deaf. Somehow it feels less amazing than we thought it would once we are over someone and they contact us, I think (Im not there yet, but so I have heard). I also dont think asses make good friend material. Dont they usually tell recovering addicts to not associate w people they knew, or certain places? It just seems so crazy and inappropriate I dont know how it could be a genuine view. How did that statement make you feel? Even knowing that wasnt enough for me, I apparently needed a hefty dose of agonizing pain before I finally had my fill and got burned so bad Ill never want to be in that pit again. The recent comments from those of us whove given up (for now)arent because were pessimistic or bitter or whatever. I think Ive been too polite and nice with all this. Teachable, I would block his email on Facebook. Dear Love Talk Show - What's the difference between holding a grudge Ive been 1 year out of an unhealthy 3.5 year relationship, and Im struggling with thoughts about breaking 6 months no contact with her. Holding a grudge or not forget? - GirlsAskGuys Merci. I understand, Rosie, and I find soothing your willingness to comment. You will always remember. A bit OTT, but saw this on Pinterest today and made me think of all of us: You may have convinced yourself that you are too broken for love, but there is someone who will prove to you that true love can heal the shattered of hearts. If we keep listening to the shoulds, we just end up stuck in a cycle of lather, rinse, repeat. So you painfully move on. Even months or years later, were so committed to our anger that we start to lose perspective. Forgiving the person does not mean forgetting about what happened; it is simply acknowledging differences and accepting that everyone makes mistakes. I told her she was already forgiven but that I still was leaving and wouldnt stay as a guest of someone who thinks that them being annoyed means they can slap me. I dont know if hes being serious or if hes trying to seem masculine. Here is his message hi!! Oh lizzp, never intended to say the new guy doesnt have feelings! What a beautiful sentence. You're mean to not want to go there. Normally, when things do not work out, I just endure the pain but try to move on. Ive been there. I did a thing where I didnt make a scene about my anniversary, hoping people close to me would gather around without a script. My prayers for you continue. I worked SO hard trying to make the relationship work while he either withdrew emotionally while he attacked and blamed me. I feel like hes pushing it in my face to get a reaction from me. Just stay NC. The message she left was so hurtful. Less anxiety, stress and hostility. When I talk to people who struggle with walking away and staying away and who keep getting their fingers burned, there can often be this fear of appearing to hold a grudge. CC, I just read your comment. When I thought of it like an addiction, it really put it into perspective for me, and that so-called love feeling/connection, was out of the equation. You're holding a grudge! Ive been struggling with what I would want out of an encounter. I still get triggered and I still walk around on eggshells. I appreciate your imput. One night the devil made me do it. You cant make sense out of insanity and crazymaking. (he said) In fact, he is already complaining about the amount of time he will have them (3 days a week) and says he doesnt want them so much. Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, Have questions about sex? The strange thing is that we actually feel better when we stop pretending that we dont feel the way that we do or that we dont have needs, wants, and expectations. He also conveniently forget to tell me that his old friend was coming to visit and the relationship is not platonic his words!!! She left me a voice mail message one day when I didnt do something for her fast enough. Perhaps thats wrong and Im inflexible or maybe too flexible with maintaining my borders, I dont know. Thats just circumstantial. My mother, who is in poor health and very demanding and lazy, expected me to step into my grandmothers role of basically being her punching bag. It sounds like youre dismissing the red flags because you are attracted to him. You might not think that's what you're doing, but it very well could be. Fortunately, I am was emotionally sober enough to realize that he was just trying to manipulate me into letting him do whatever he wants despite the torture it puts me through.

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difference between holding a grudge and not forgetting