22 degree astrology kill or be killed

19- Libra degree. Also, very interesting article! Its as if shadow people and people up to no good, appeared out of nowhere, so I could pay all my karma, and its for lifetimes; which has been my lifes goal when it became apparent that this type of life was not going to stop. One has difficulties in understanding that self-centeredness harms relationships with friends or lovers, and that other people's aspirations must be given due consideration. i thought it was a fame indincator because leonardo dicapro has it keke palmer and so mnay others! Being placed in the 12th house means your career can be connected to isolated places or far away places or working in solitude. If I told you the details you would be completely horrified. 5 of Erotica. Hi, Niki! Thank you for your comment! The 22nd degree is the Capricorn degree. 0 degree: Every 0 degree is like a double whammy of each sign. 22nd degree in moon sign. I mean even a 1-2 min difference in the birth time can indicate a different Asc degree. I don't know a lot about astrology but it's fun to learn. I have Mars at 18 Gemini. Moon in the second house at 22 degrees Ive been studying astrology but not quite sure how it applies to me and dont want to conjure up any negativity in my life. Lovers Compatibility Package 79.95$, Soul Mates Report & Potential Together 21.95$, Your Life Destiny & Reach Your Full Potential 22.95$, Your 12 Months Ahead, Personal Forecast 26.95$. People say it is the degree of strife ??? Hi there! Regarding my moon my mom is Capricorn! Thank you so much for your comforting words and explanation. The silver lining is that you can really make a work out of it. I used to have severe asthma as a child, but not sure if that has relevance in my future. For a more in-depth interpretation of your Mars in Capricorn, one must know which house is affected and the aspects. It is also considered a critical degree. But I can see what you mean and indeed shadow work is extremely important. I believe that it sometimes means being exposed to the more difficult and gruesome side of life. I have seen many models chart and those who in the beauty industry having Virgo Venus. 18 degree Mercury XI house, II house Virgo without planets. For a specific reading, more details are needed, such as which house is your Venus located in, what aspects it has. Im very worried now and was wondering if you have any insight on what this may mean for me? Extreme difficulty and grief dominant throughout life despite immense effort to function better within it. My dad is a capricorn rising and my mum a virgo rising haha, My Capricorn sun is in the 22nd degree and Im not going to lie but that is scaring me lol. its nice to meet you! Best wishes, Lia x. I was freaking myself out! My ascendant is 18 degrees and my moon is 22 degree. This thread got me thinking of sabianshope i'm not too off topic here. Thx. 8th house sun in Taurus 22.31 degrees my dad died when I was 4 years old. 20- Scorpio: often shows jealousy or revenge. Do you have a day chart or a night chart? Read more at NPR. She fights a lot with all of us-mostly with me (she is a teenager). good news, happy to hear that! Along with Saturn in Leo, apparently thats a really bad placement too. A child murdered at age 0 had Sun/Moon midpoint at 18 Aries which indicates terrible death. Hi, I have my sun in Taurus at 22 degrees and also my mars in taurus at 22 degrees both in my 10th house, Im worried this means something negative about my career or finances or reputation. Barbee Knowflake . Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, and r/astrology is a community for sharing news and information about astrological topics. What does that mean for me? I have my study notes and the results of my researches, which Im planing to share. I would be grateful to learn what your opinion is of my 18 degree conjunction placement. . I understand that I have an absence with my father figure as well and I always try to be peaceful but people would often start fights with me or if I were to travel and stay at the place long term, I would encounter the pandemic with xenophobia on Asians due to covid or civil unrest sort of situation (Im currently in Minneapolis since 2-3 years ago). I also have Sun conjunct North Node and squared by MC. Ive been learning astrology for a while but Im still quite confused about the degrees. By Posted browning 725 pro sporting canada In tennis necklace swarovski Covid-19 was the eighth leading cause of death among children in recent months, according to a study published Monday. Hi could you please tell me more about how I can use my Neptune (Aquarius 12 house) and my Jupiter (Scorpio 9th house ) in a positive way ? What is the meaning behind that? In general Jupiter-Venus conjunction in systray is great for all Venus domains- if Venus is the stronger one- but its not a deal-breaker. 18th degree doesnt necessarily mean that the native will manifest the lowest possible-or the most negative scenario. my dads mercury in Cancer is at 22degrees and his jupiter in taurus at 18 degrees.is that bad ???????? I learned everything I needed to know from this website. I really appreciate it and we all can learn from it! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Jupiter Sagittarius 18 Have you experienced early loss of your mother or grandmother? I have 7th house Pluto at 22 and my father passed away when I was young. It can have many general interpretations, such as a long-lasting marrige, working together with the spouse, a more mature or older spouse etc. And it is truly magical. Work in the 8th house fields, or channel that energy somehow into your work. 22 of Killings. The purpose of astrology is not to scare anyone. It can indicate double Capricorn-like lovers/partners. Here you can find out more about each of the degrees and their meanings. i dont know about you guys but i highly suggest doing shadow work for my saggitarius peeps. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Once I heard what Nikola said about 18 degree I was confused because of the placement in my chart. Do not be scared! Hi Niki, 22 degrees astrology. The final degree in the natal chart: poised for change. My marriage to a Virgo moon (moon is used in Vedic) who is also a Virgo Ascendant has been an unqualified DISASTER. Does that basically mean i will have to experience a serious illness? I have a minor aspect to mars but thats it. What would be your interpretation of this? The meaning of 12 degrees in Astrology. He was also an Aries Sun So my Neptune in Capricorn 18 placement in my 2nd H(Sag 27) is a bit concerning Ive been warned abt it relating to lung health issues. i have four 22 degree placements, my mars in leo, venus in virgo, 4th house taurus and scorpio midheaven 9th house too. I also have few houses and ascendant at 8 Scorpio degree, I heard 8th degree also being critical since it belongs to Scorpio. So, both their fathers had a Chiron theme in their lives. Plus both me and my twin have 29 placements, mine being Neptune in Scorpio. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. 22 Scorpio (232): HUNTERS SHOOTING WILD DUCKS. Have fun on those days! Neptune is your 7th house co-ruler in the 5th house, in Capricorn according to whole sign house system. Kill Or Be Killed, Vol. Anyway, interpret it as a double Capricorn energy. Once the native learns these lessons she is able to maintain a loving romantic relationhsip. I love degrees and trying to understand them as well. Moon Scorpio 22 It surely has. 22 degrees astrology. I have placements at 22 degrees ( mercury, jupiter, uranus, and chiron) a lot of the information Ive found online have mentioned the kill or be killed. Now that my lifetime (40 years) of paying that debt as an adult is completed (2020) I now I get the Magical qualities of the 18 degrees of Scorpio RIsing. okay thanks for listening to my ted talk lol if u felt better im glad, even if it doesnt go away it will help for the time being. Hi dear Niki, Ive read in the comments that any planet in 11th house is good; I have pluto in scorpio at 22 degrees, does that mean Ill be killed in a massive attack or sth? My Ascendent is at 18th of Scorpio and I have Neptun at 22th of Scorpio in the first house, conjunct my Ascendent. Which signs? She also has her moon in Aries at 0 degrees and Neptune in Aquarius at 15 degrees Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Do you think its an influence of this degree? So something to do with a leadership position, center-stage role, being in the public eye, etc. Singer and songwriter Sam Cooke. Also, february 9, the lunar eclipse was on Leo 21, with chiron (barely a degree from the sun) at 22aqua. I have both my moon in aries at 22 degrees (in my first house!) Or just work your a$$ off.. hii, I recently just found out about these degrees and its been making me kinda anxious I have my Sagittarius mars in the 22 in my 8th house and Gemini Saturn in the 22 in my 2nd house. What is your take on these placements? Great post! My Chiron is in Capricorn at 22 degrees and I dont really understand what it means. According to the degree theory from the late and great Nikola Stojanovic, 12 degrees is the degree of Pisces. i looked them up and all of them linked with jealousy. Is all this true ? Publisher's summary: Confraternities were the most common form of organized religious life in medieval and early modern Europe. Rony and Josue Castaneda, 31 and 22 respectively, were convicted of second-degree murder by a jury on Feb. 9 for Melgoza's death, the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office said in a . in which house are they located? (The whole chart should be considered.) I love your blog, it gives so much insight in simple points. i would like to know more how this can play out for me positively? Mars in Aries, 1H Ihave lost my baby brother when I was 4. Hi Niki, while the 22nd degree is the "kill or me killed" degree and we can see this manifest in many ways. As far as worrying about a complicated pregnancy I recommend you look at critical degrees of planets. This is a community for discussing and learning astrology, not for personal chart and life questions. Please help me out in understanding what i need to do?!.. When I was a kid(middle school) I was convinced I was going to be murdered at some point in my life. Hi, I also have Neptune in the 18th degrees, but its in Aquarius & the 11th house. sun in 1h, i think this about my death. smart question indeed! Virgo degrees: 6 th degree and 18 th degree. About those degrees. Ive been single every since. strokes of an axe in her husband's apartment.She was born on 7 August 1951, 9:33 AM CET, 11E34, 48N08.Her 8th house, defining the way someone parts from this life, begins in Aries at the 28th degree (the degree of Cancer - house, home). This is a very general interpretation. If a friend of Saturn (Venus and Mercury) even that hard aspect can bring great results later. the starrs, moons , planets, the universe is here to guide us to reach our highest potential. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I had night terrors and bizarre dreams. Home; Forums; Marketplace; . 4 TP Aug 15, 2018. I really do hope you have other great planetary placements. I cant seem to find a silver lining here Help! Mine too. And plus I have 2242 MC Capricorn AND IC cancer . suggest to my friends. This is an introduction into the most famous degree in astrology. Mars there makes things happen. my venus is in virgo in the 18 degree. I have an 18 degree in venus, that is in Gemini, what does that brings to me? Hellothanks for a very interesting article. My sun is in the 6th (work) and I am a Capricorn rising and I feel Work is the most important thing in my life. I recently started researching on degrees and its relationship to astrology. 23- Aquarius "To Cut" degree, Divorce, Split from the group. It was informative. Another possible manifestation as 8th house is transformation and having Pluto there is a double whammy in your life, a lot of transformations happens but having Pluto at the 22nd degree means those transformations happen very slowly, step-by-step not all of a sudden. The fact that you are worried when you are reading this post, is the textbook manifestation of Virgo because Virgo rules worrying. Unfortunately, the more negative manifestation of the 22nd degree is to lose someone, and Sun represents the father (or father figure) in the chart. manifest clarity and find solutions. Do you have your Jupiter at the 18th degree in 8th house and Saturn in 22nd degree in 7th house? They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. Im so sad, me and my mom have been so stressed over this, we wake up with a heavy heart everyday. Is it a bad thing ? If we look at the arithmetic, each sign of 30 degrees has one 22nd degree, for a total of 3% of the zodiac. Hi! you can change your desitny. All of this has made me very stressed and I feel like I am doomed. , i have 18 degrees uranus in the second house what does this mean ahah. You did a great job explaining these often sensationalized degrees in a way that even those with a basic understanding of astrology can appreciate. What about your career? How is your relationship going? Kill or Be Killed: Directed by B.L. 1 TP Jan 18, 2017. Pluto in Sagittarius in 9th house. I just found out that I have 18.45 in my Leo venus in th 11th house. Thank you so much again for the blog!!! but i think it has something to do with my cusp because my birth is december 23. lemme know what you think!! Your emotional health can have a massive impact on that baby in the long run. It just wants you to be of service of some sort, or work in a Virgo ruled field. Hey Sabrina, Not all! Hi Im scared.. I would appreciate your insight as to how I can make the best use of this influence for the higher good of all. Ive also definitely been witness to some traumatic shit also. Im relatively new to astrology & really freaking out about the 22 degrees kill or be killed thing as I have 4 placements at 22 degrees: to interpret all of these planetary placements one must see the whole natal chart. I have my Mars and Chiron in 22 degrees in aqua and this has been my life experience too, Leo Sun 22 and would most definitely agree w this, Hi wondering could you help or advise, I've just read this exact same thing in my birth chart nothnode in Scorpio critical at 21 degrees , It says the same kill or be killed. The Worst part is it says this is 1 of the worse placements you can have for your life it indicates the worst possible life scenariosI'm absolutely heartbroken and don't know what to do. All I find are Sabian symbols and they're so vague and unhelpful. I just found out about the meaning of these degrees and looking on my natal chart I have an 18 Pluto in Sagittarius which sits on my 22 Midheaven in Scorpio 10th House. At a young age, this combination can feel like a limitation (in that specific area of life) but later you can manifest stability with that. I attribute the many points to my survival and decent nature, as I have so many they form conjunctions, sextiles, and trines. Chapter 5 - THE SABBATH. Im super worried bc I just looked through my cousins chart and her Rising sign is in Capricorn at 22 degrees. Kill or be killed. Hopefully some light will shine on my life too. So male figures, emphasised, for sure. i could be completely wrong, but something tells me ive got the jist of this if not in astrological terms, in universal terms. My Capricorn sun is 18 degrees. Is it a bad thing ? Hi, super-strong Capricorn energy! Im so happy that more people are taking about degrees because theyre my favorite thing in astrology. Just add Capricorn qualities (22nd degree) such as hard work, slow progress, achievements, delays, etc. I only recently tapped into degrees so I could use a few guidance points. I am no longer grieving for him as such but the connection. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Thanks. I have Moon at 21'05 (Aquarius) and its ruler, Uranus is on the 9th cusp (house of dreams and visions) so I often dream of being in danger. and i have to confess that i am struggling to forgive. It is always something else in disguise and I'm usually able to distinguish what is going on in my mind. Having difficulties with exams is indicated by the 9th house or the ruler of the 9th house is weak or weakened by other planets. Hey Im scared now I have MC in 22 56 Taurus and my 4th house starts at 22 Scorpio containing Pluto. I have an 18 degree Cancer sun in my 12th house and I think it shows because Im an extreme perfectionist especially in terms of being as kind as i can, so Im hypercritical of any mistakes I make. Having your Venus at the 22nd degree means add Capricorn qualities, which point back to work/vocation/career. Mars in Virgo at the 18th degree is already a double-whammy Virgo energy and Mars there can give the best engineers, business people of all sorts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_(astrology)#Description, http://www.astrologyinserbia.com/e/knjige/tajne/tajna_22.htm, http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/01/my-entry.html#more, http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/02/lunar-eclipse-februarys-leo-full-moon-a-messenger-fulfilling-their-mission.html, http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11158&highlight=death, http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5746&highlight=death, http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8524&highlight=death. Hi I loved this blog. Bit late to the party by my 9th House Libra Saturn in square my 5th House Cancer NN. #1. Fate is driving me insane. Because I have Saturn at 21.40, so would that count as 22?? However, upon the brothers' arrest, a photobooth picture was retrieved from his front pocket showing him, his brother and a female guest from the . If you can read your own chart, just add more Capricorn attributes to these planets. Member. I am really worried.. I already felt like my whole chart in general was a mess, with so many oppositions, and had not given much thought to degrees before exploring Nikolas degree theory, and now after stumbling upon it, it has made me so anxious! Chapter 7 - DESIRE, THE WORD OF GOD. My mother has her natal sun in exactly 22 degrees. Neptune and Uranus are also there. If you anyone culd help advise I'd really appreciate it , I'm flabbergasted because I'm in the middle of healing my myself from internal childhood wound.if you could maybe explain a little more yourself or anyone that can help me .I feel dooms after reading that tbh Thanks in advise, I appreciate it, have a blessed day everybody . These cookies do not store any personal information. Maybe there is Saturn, which requires repetition wherever it is placed. The 22nd degree found in astrology charts is sometimes referred to as the "to kill or be killed degree". Btw to know the exact degree of the MC you must have an accurate time of birth. Any planet in the 11th house is good. But when I was a baby my father could be killed, had a threat to his life. Selfish, jealous, and conceited character. The degrees just add more meaning or deeper insight. I have my sun in 22 degrees in Leo as well as my north node in this house. 24- Pisces degree. I also heard that 25 degrees in Leo is pretty feared aspect (Ive got this placement in ascendent) Throughout the forums but mainly in natal astrology there are two main branches Placidus (unequal size houses) v Equal House (whereby each house is same size) but lots more. Is my career dead ?? if you don't, you may not relate to this. Ive made some other comments on 22 degrees if you want me to tag you in those posts. Unfortunately, I dont know if there are good sources of information online about this topic. This would be Gemini rising in the 1st house at the 22degree . Most of the time the native manifests at the 18th degree Virgo qualities. What does that mean ? I have some excellent intel on this topic. My boyfriend and I both have 22 degree placements. Because it . Chapter 3 - THE LAW OF CREATION. If most of the angles are 29 degrees then the native would have a violent death for certain. Your Venus at 22.01 degrees counts as the 22nd degree and 1st minute. (10h) and my moon 12H pisces trine venus.. (sorry, just had to list the aspects for you to get a big picture) pls help! 0 coins. if you could, can you please explain what these placements mean? Am i thinking right ?? Hey Melanie, wishing you all the best! Kill Or Be Killed, Vol. Mars Pisces 22 thats a lot of 22s.. any insights would be so appreciated you have no idea, One of the many possible interpretaion can be to spend money (2nd house) quickly (Mars) BUT having Mars at the 22nd degree means youd better be careful with spendings and spend more slowly (22nd degree, Capricorn analogy). Then I call it and all the fears go by. I have just discovered Nikola Stojanovic famous astrologer from Belgrade/Serbia. I have a rare muscle disease that makes me slowly an invalid, because its rare nobody can tell me more about the specific course it will go, and diabetes type 1, (also incurable), no astrologer could ever tell me something about my health situation. As you said you have a Virgo Ascendant, hopefully the busy Aquarius house (now 4 planets are in Aquarius), which is your 6th house, brings you healing! my Gemini moon being at 18 Thank you for sharing your story! 18- Virgo degree. On top of that, my moon is in Aries, ruled by Mars, so my relationship with my mother was very difficult and full of conflicts. ASTROLOGY IS TO HELP US ENHANCE KNOWLEDGE. Well, for self-esteem check your 2nd house, the planets in the 2nd house and also the 2nd house ruling planet. Hello.. my daughter have moon 2247 in Gemini 12H , Im scared what does it mean ? I hope that exalted Moon in Taurus helps a lot in grieving. What about both degrees in a natal chart in three different positions? Hiii! Me? It can be literal, but most often it is a metaphorical interpretation for when a situation has a reached a dire point or needs immediate resolution. I dont think having the MC at the 18th degree is that bad, I have the same. Yahoo Answers. Happy for you! my daughters Gemini rising at 18 With all my love, Niki. A community for asking questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general. What would that be? 22 mutable for insanity (I have my natal Moon on an insane degree! please do no freak out. View Archive. How can I turn this into something positive? His father committed suicide, a gun shot to the head. I would suggest adding a basic Virgo quality to your Uranus, which can be ie budgeting. Or illness? After deep diving into astrology over the last few years, it all makes a lot more sense. Click enter, and look for all the people with Sun in 22 degrees, and take note of how they died. South and North Node at 22, along with my Ascendant, Descendant (in Capricorn which is maybe helpful), Mercury, Ceres, Chiron, lot of fortune, and lot of spirit (in Virgo which is also maybe helpful). Ascendant at the 18th degree (Meaning+ Examples), https://astroniki.com/22nd-degree-in-astrology/, Special Deal! my sun (libra) and moon (virgo) are in the 18th degree and its really freaking me out cause apparently im either connected to satan or will have a really bad illness and i dont know how to handle this information. my sun is the 22nd degree of taurus in the 12h. Love and healing to everyone with these placements, Is there any significance to I listened to an astrologer talking about degree theory earlier today and Im not sure I buy itseems like its causing unnecessary stress for folks! I have 22 degrees in my sun (Aquarius) in my 6th house. us : +1 (888) 261-8481 22 degree is "kill or be killed" degree if, for example, venus is placed at 22 degrees leo in your natal chart, you may expect that year to be one in which romantic relationships become very significant and dramatic in your . I wish a ot of succes with your career! Thank you for this article it definitely helped soothe my anxiety a bit. The last time I ever saw my Grandfather was my 18th birthday as he passed on the next day. In your case, Neptune and Uranus in the 4th house could manifest the most positive way if you either work from home or have a super organized and clean home. Interesting!!! In a yearlong period from August 2021 to July 2022, 821 children ages 0 to 19 died from covid-19 at a rate of 1 per 100,000. May 9, 2020. For example I have my 2nd House cusp at 22.03degrees, is that considered 22nd or 23rd degree?.I have my Moon in Gemini at 18.55 degrees so I should assume that it's at 19 am I correct? You'll find plenty who died of natural causes. First of all, aim to manifest the Scprio ascendant energy on the highest possible level, and the Neptune energy as well. For more specific interpretation I must see the whole chart. Hi Niki, To interpret that planetary position the whole natal chart must be seen. Chapter 4 - THE SECRET OF FEELING. He also has a 18 degree sun. nice. My Ascendant is in Aquarius on the 18th degree and I have the worst life of anyone Ive ever known so I think there is something to the reputation. I would sleep with my covers over my head to hide from perceived threats that felt paranormal. Unfortunately, my mother passed away and I had a very good relationship with her. see how it talks about self centeredness and jealousy? The king of Soul was also shot dead during a kidnapping. I have that too, my MC is in Capricorn at 18th degree. Hi Jess, I have 22 degrees through out my chart and lemme tell you. Looks like eing pretty heavy? hi, my north node is 18 in capricorn and in my 12th house. Hello, can you tell me something more about my pretty important 18 & 22 conjuction? being a perfectionist can be super beneficial and you can achieve a lot with that. Please do not be worried about these degrees. Watch out for 18 degrees as well. So, talking about coincidence, we have more of ``degree theory`` in here. Leo qualities 3 times. The most important are your Ascendant and the Sun to interpret. Its a 9 in numerology, that is also the worst, which is also my life path number.

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22 degree astrology kill or be killed