which choice is false about your exposure control plan

Copies of the Hazard Communication Program are available in the (location) for review by any interested employee. Share your wisdom and thoughts in the comments below or in the Facebook discussion. Contaminated laundry shall be handled as little as possible and with a minimum of agitation. 0000032643 00000 n Hep B is a virus that causes acute and chronic liver disease and failure. The University of Nevada, Reno Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan incorporates the most current work procedures, engineering controls, and medical surveillance practices. Although exposures to blood-borne pathogens are rare, one incident has the potential to cause a life threatening disease. c. Ask a co-worker to remove your gloves. Needlesticks and other sharps-related injuries may expose workers to bloodborne pathogens. 0000049885 00000 n The exception to this are records for vaccinations provided to employees through the Patient Centered Family Medicine Clinic, which will reside in the State of Nevada Immunization database. 0000027666 00000 n Employees who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from all direct contact with blood or OPIM and from handling patient-care equipment until the condition resolves. After obtaining consent, collect exposed employees blood as soon as feasible after exposure incident, and test blood for HBV and HIV serological status. University personnel who handle contaminated laundry must wear protective gloves and lab coat or other personal protective equipment as necessary to prevent contact with blood or OPIM. 0000061002 00000 n Other employers and contractors will be provided with MSDSs for hazardous chemicals generated by this companys operations in the following manner: In addition to providing a copy of an MSDS to other employers, other employers will be informed of necessary precautionary measures to protect employees exposed to operations performed by this company. This safety policy is directed towards protecting, as much as possible, all University personnel from exposure to blood and OPIM. Work activities are sometimes performed by employees in areas where chemicals are transferred through unlabeled pipes. This plan will be reviewed and revised annually or whenever changes in procedure or personnel occur. Unless you have an open wound, hands-only CPR is unlikely to cause a risk of exposure. 0000207621 00000 n Terms in this set (39) Every medical facility is required by OSHA to have an exposure control plan. The University Workers Compensation Office keeps records of exposure incidents involving bloodborne pathogens including associated medical records. (Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for ensuring that warning labels are affixed or red bags are used as required if regulated waste or contaminated equipment is brought into the facility. Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan | Environmental Health Exposure Control Plan. aA=K. Reporting these findings to the supervisor of the workplace, and make recommendations as appropriate. 0000022907 00000 n Actual work with the infectious agents can only occur after successful demonstration of prerequisite microbiological proficiency, All training should be documented as outlined in the "recordkeeping" section. 0000016434 00000 n 15 - Bloodborne Pathogens Flashcards | Quizlet The supervisor must conduct employee PPE assessments and implement these assessments in the workplace standard operating procedures (SOPs). These tests can confirm if the person has HIV/AIDS, Hep B or Hep C. If a bloodborne pathogen is confirmed, they can administer antiretroviral medications to the exposed person. Warning labels must be affixed to waste containers, refrigerators, freezers, and other containers used to store, transport or ship blood or OPIM. An immediate evaluation is important, as efficacy of post-exposure medication for HIV and other infectious agents may be less effective if the initiation of treatment is delayed. Labels shall: Display the universal biohazard symbol and contain the word "biohazard". Vaccination will be provided by (List health care professional responsible for this part of the plan) at (location). Record Keeping - Records of training conducted by EH&S are maintained by EH&S. It is the responsibility of (Name of responsible person and/or position) to provide other employers and contractors with information about hazardous chemicals that their employees may be exposed to on a job site and suggested precautions for employees. (Changes may include an evaluation of safer devices, adding employees to the exposure determination list, etc. The employer must write a plan that lists the jobs where workers may be exposed, along with a list of the tasks and procedures performed by those workers that result in their exposure. Professionals could generally include: With that said, you never know when you might need help during a workplace emergency. But how you do it matters. 0000221224 00000 n The ECP should describe how the standard will be met for these employees. Laboratory work surfaces should be decontaminated as soon as possible with an appropriate chemical germicide after a spill of blood or OPIM and when work activities are completed. Employee medical records are provided upon request of the employee or to anyone having written consent of the employee within 15 working days. 0000004972 00000 n Biohazard bags can be obtained from EH&S and can be requested using the standard request forms on the. If your co-workers heart stops, you should not hesitate to start CPR because of concern about infectious disease. Employees must be informed of the vaccines benefits and risks, and if they choose not to receive it at the initial evaluation, they must sign a declination form. You can download a copy of the exposure control plan here. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. a, b, & c. b - Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) a & c. True. The training format will be as follows: (Describe training format, such as audiovisuals, interactive computer programs, classroom instruction, etc.). With that said, it is possible, so precautions should be taken. The low exposure potential group includes employees not at risk for exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Employees in high risk environments such as clinicians, nurses, or phlebotomists will be offered testing for antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) one to two months after completing the three dose vaccination series. b. The records may be kept with the PI as well as with EH&S. Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be part of a BBP exposure control plan. Contact Research Occupational Health Program at (617) 358- 7647. Required PPE can be modified following an assessment of the risk of any specific procedure. c. Use an absorbent material (e.g., a towel) to reduce the spread of fluid. Grab the wrist of the glove and pull it toward your fingers inside out. All specimens of blood and OPIM should be put in a well-constructed container with a secure lid to prevent leaking during transport. According to AAMC.org, studies show that Hep B vaccine protection lasts for at least 30 years when given > 6mo. Any person present in a BU laboratory who has an incident involving potential exposure to an infectious agent is offered immediate access to a medical evaluation from the Research Occupational Health Program (listed below) or the BMC Emergency Department (after hours, holidays, and weekends). Dispose of the gloves in accordance with your exposure control plan. Theyve tested methods and strategies to see how people assisting someone can reduce their risk. We all saw the trouble people had in 2020 (and beyond) learning to wear a mask correctly (over their noses, multiple layers, the right material, etc.). Handle contaminated laundry as little as possible, with minimal agitation. HS]HSq?:4):nN*XSDAa=mdAu&"+hFH}nRO&l}@]?s~p A:(]+918$q@=AsCD3 rL2Cm'x>0? Student Health maintains its program consistent with this document and has additional requirements consistent with its clinical mission. Per the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, an Exposure Control Plan must meet certain criteria: It must be written specifically for each facility. Your BBP safety plan should include what cleaners to use as you disinfect the area. The Institutional Biosafety Committee believes that the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan supports the Universitys goal of ensuring a safe and healthy learning, research, work, entertainment, and living environment for students, staff, faculty, and visitors. Option C - Environmental and sanitation worker managing biomedical waste. (Name of responsible person or department) ensures that health care professional(s) responsible for employees hepatitis B vaccination and post-exposure evaluation and follow-up are given a copy of OSHAs bloodborne pathogens standard. As outlined in the Boston University Biosafety Manual, standard microbiological practices such as frequent glove changing and hand washing, restricting sharps handling and establishing safe procedures for disposal, work area restrictions including limited access, specimen handling and transit, posting and labeling, and frequent decontamination must be followed to prevent exposure. Upon identifying these employees, the supervisor must: (NOTE: A model Exposure Control Plan is provided as Appendix A.). Occupational Exposure is any reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of the employees duties. (Specify how employees will obtain PPE and who is responsible for ensuring that PPE is available.). BBP training teaches employees what to do in the event of possible BBP exposure. All biohazardous waste must be segregated from other wastes (general, chemical and radioactive) to protect employees, the general public and the environment. Employees are to notify (Name of responsible person or department) if they discover regulated waste containers, refrigerators containing blood or OPIM, contaminated equipment, etc., without proper labels. You can get a BBP certificate online in as little as two hours. Contaminated sharps are discarded immediately or as soon as possible in containers that are closable, puncture-resistant, leak proof on sides and bottoms, and appropriately labeled or colorcoded. Hands should be washed immediately after gloves are removed. Be predominantly fluorescent orange or orange-red, with lettering and symbols of contrasting color. All procedures involving blood or other potentially infectious materials shall be performed in such a manner as to minimize splashing and spraying. Healthcare workers should change gloves after contact with each patient. These universal precautions are categorized as follows (see Appendix B): These controls must be employed in order to minimize exposures to workers while performing their job duties. Each department or supervisor is required to identify these individuals and comply with the elements of the University Bloodborne Pathogens Program, including hepatitis B vaccination and annual training. An exposure incident is evaluated to determine if the case meets OSHAs Recordkeeping Requirements (29 CFR 1904). An exposure determination of University job classifications is provided in Appendix A. ANSWER : 1. The procedure for handling sharps disposal containers is: __ (may refer to specific procedure by title or number and last date of review) _________________________________________________________, The procedure for handling other regulated waste is: ___(may refer to specific procedure by title or number and last date of review)_________________________________________________________.

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which choice is false about your exposure control plan