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EFS: First, thanks for letting us do this interview. An army is only as strong as its weakest soldier. So, what started your run of world records? His 1,180 lbs. George was lifting in their first big money meet. chuck vogelpohl powerpohl - marie-wegener-fans.de But on that day, Rob beat Dave. Dave Tate came to Westside but was not sure about our system. In fact, Tate admits that he was hardly concerned with the external component it was the internal intensity that mattered, and that he had to work with Chuck to regulate. If you have no glutes, you'll do reverse hypers or walk in the belt squat. In the warmup room, Dave said to me, I have never had even competition before, and I replied, You do now.. He came to train, became very strong, and started a personal training business. He is a very humble and gracious person. You were right; the 220-pound class was no more. He wanted to learn what I had been doing since 1982, about the time he was born. As they went set for set during this workout, Dave realized he miscalculated Chucks disdain for losing. The first time Vogelpohl hit a 1,000 lb squat during a competition that was at IPA (International Powerlifting Association) Nationals in 2001 in his home state of Ohio. Let us know if you give the Chuck Vogelpohl squat challenge try! I told you that everyone was strong at this meet, but you came late and made only one warm-up with 445 pounds and then had to open with 683. He would tell those whom missed workouts that he was going to beat their asses, and he would too.! Not there long after, Chuck stepped into the bare-bones Westside gym. He has more 2900 totals than anyone on the planet. Do more paused work, great for gaining strength at the bottom and fixing form. He said, I heard those Westside guys are crazy, but he eventually became a Westsider and still is today. These things will kill your bar path when you get to heavier weights; this will screw your lift. For the time you jumped over the 242 class. Lou loves the sled, but I never do it. Outside of you making a training DVD, we never filmed any workouts. EFS: What are you views on powerlifting equipment? Seeing how Chuck lifts and the weights he handles in training is truely impressive, not to mention the fact he is the lightest lifter to squat over a grand (1025 @ 220lbs) [yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, he lifts in the WPO so he is guilty of early weigh-ins, 2-ply canvas suits and briefs, monolifts, I mean SURELY we all could out total Chuck if we had all of . Matt Wenning talks Chuck Vogelpohl!Want to know the specifics? Chuck: I do think its getting somewhat out of hand, but if you want to compete at a high level, you have to wear whats out there. Lifting in the 242-pound class, I set the world record at 1,140 pounds. Simply put, he is a force of nature. One of his many remarkable feats is that he squatted over 1,000 lbs while in three different weight classes; 220, 242, and 275 lbs. Tom Waddle was a great team member, but was very unpredictable to say the least. Comments will be approved before showing up. I told him he must make his triceps stronger so that they can carry most of the load. Be sure to also use a variety of movements. I saw him do 1,100 lb. One last thing: How do you like raw compared to gear lifting? I was still in high school, and Kenny Read helped handle me. Chuck V: When you and Dave told me that beginners were using bands; high school kids and below I couldnt believe it. Inside, in the deep part of your soul, how does this make you feel? Dimel Deadlift - The Secret to Increasing Squats & Deadlifts - Hashi Mashi Me and Louie, weve been lifting for so long and were still working on mastering technique. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You also won your heavy weight division for your second belt. I remember that if your team were 25 pounds behind in, lets say a rack pull; somehow, you would pull a big pull record to win the contest. record did not last long before George finally had a good meet. Not for the beginner. In a career spanning almost two decades, powerlifting legend Chuck Vogelpohl competed in weight classes from 90kg all the way to 125kg. He later changed it to 1000 pounds! on your back again. Well, he brought me out of retirement and I made in the 7s, 8s and even 920 lbs. It helps with confidence. Now you raise bull terriers along with your other hobbies. Vogelpohl also holds the second highest squat of all-time at 275 (1,150 pounds). benchers, wow it has come a long way. It was given to Clark. and got to keep the bench. He became the youngest World bench press holder with 720 pounds at 20 years old. A post shared by Paul Leonard (@powerliftinghistoryillustrated). Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases, killer workouts, actionable fitness content and more. After many tries, Tom finally won his first Senior Nationals. Seven of them are box squatters. Joey Szatmary is another popular fitness personality thats competed in Olympic lifting, Crossfit, and Strongman competitions. Chuck Vogelpohl Talking About Squat Form. Back to Daytona and Waterman again, plus the giant killer, Markus Schick, was in the house. On speed-strength day you train with high volume and moderate intensity. EFS: Whats the deal with you and rap music? None the less, Chuck overcame these potentially debilitating injuries to win the WPO by being incredible at each of the three powerlifts. We're just smarter, in that we're smart enough to open up a physics book and speak to people overseas that know what they're doing. The percentage doesn't change, whether you squat 300 or 500 or 1,200 pounds. wide, and the head ref. On the other hand, when I got AJ Roberts he already had a 2400 total. And, Chuck, I know you know why Westside left the USPF. If any of the multiply lifters were required to squat bellow parallel to get their lifts passed Im sure they would be able to alter their suit or what not . . First, stretch your hamstrings when you hip hinge and move your hips back, and then, Flex your glutes to drive your hips forward and complete the deadlift. I would do 1,000 sit-ups and lat pulldowns. WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate on Their Powerlifting Inspiration, Free Shipping with a $69 qualifying order. Chuck V. You would know better than me. Just ask Westside. I knew by that time you had already broken your back twice, and had torn your right bicep entirely off, but nothing seemed to bother you. But that's how we are. Chuck V: I never do it. Basically, on Fridays I will squat and will either work up to a heavy weight, sometimes off of a higher box or instead of going heavy on the squat I will pull heavy from the pins. WHO MADE WESTSIDE IN THE 90's? | Westside Barbell This is what people will never understand about Westside Barbell and the gym and the attitude. Meanwhile, he is kicking and punching me. These guys could bench about 600 lbs. People get wrapped up about how we train, as far as numbers and exercises, but they dont know, and will never know HOW we train. Louie:I could think of two things that took your lifts up, especially the squat, to unbelievable levels. They should put their weights away, help maintain their training environment, and take responsibility for making sure that other lifters in the gym are getting the coaching that they need. A poster at the AFBoard shares a story from the weekly EliteFTS email about one of powerlifting's most popular competitors, Chuck Vogelpohl.. NOV 2002 This was the second year that EliteFTS had hosted the IPA Nationals. I knew you already knew, but you just wanted to confirm it. On his last try, he pulled 725 lbs. I started applying everything I could, which means I started applying science to weights. You will se Chuck Vogelpohl, Mike Ruggiera, Louie Simmons and many more in a speed. One group was testing bands on the bench, mainly our top benchers, meaning world record holders. (The classic Westside template has two Dynamic days and two Max Effort days, one of each for both the upper and lower body.) No gym in the world has two 2,700 pound totals. It took a couple of years to recover to where he could do 535 for four reps. Matt Wenning was training at Westside and was closing in on 600 raw. Louie:Your lifts kept going up, and you won your first nationals in 1987 in Columbus. All raw. Box squats become a love hate rerlationship, long story short,I left the prison August 1998 with a 600lb bench press .. with the shirt, a 785lb and a 600lb dead lift. Kenny had a great lockout. Given the amount of respect that people have for him as a lifter, many would be surprised to learn that Chuck has that much more respect for the sport itself. Chuck Vogelpohl is best known for his record-breaking squats, but he did have a respectful bench and deadlift, especially considering that he suffered from some serious injuries such as a broken neck. Liftin' Heavy S**T & Chuck Vogelpohl, The Legend The WPO was starting, and it had money to win. For me, and many guys here, its my second family and weve been here through bad times and good times. The last time I recall you said your legs felt like they weighed 900 pounds. It was the original IPF, the father of the USPF. Because of this, he had many tares. This was a setback, to say the least. George started out at 275 lbs. He will help coach and spot any lifter in the gym. That's the key. Chuck and I would workout for 30-45 minutes before anyone else showed up. The gym had just a power rack, a lat pulldown, a calf-ham glute bench, a back-raise bench, and lots of weights, but most of all, lots of attitude. Louie:I recall you pressed a 155-pound dumbbell for five or six reps one-armed. We are not EliteFitness.com. He now owns and operates EliteFTS, a website dedicated to all things strengths. Chuck Vogelpohl on his squat technique (circa 2003) - YouTube Chuck Vogelpohl explains his squat technique, this was filmed around 2003 in preparation for the WPO in 2004! RECORDS LAST UPDATED: November 16, 2011 McCoy did 515, but at 184 lbs. Chuck Vogelpohl is an American powerlifter that set numerous world records and was known for his unmatched tenacity. I cannot stop training. For us, that's moving the bar at 0.7 to 0.9 meters per second (mps), with bands attached to limit bar deceleration. I took Dave Tate with me. So if you have no triceps, in this workout you're going to train tris. At 16 and 170 pounds, he was squatting 800, benching 500, and deadlifting 600. He made it good by sending K.P. At this point, Chuck finished with a couple of sets of elevated glute-ham raises and went home. 475, to KPs 480. My back was starting to hurt all the time to the point I could hardly bend over. Westside has the box jumping record at 63.5 inches. A subreddit for general weight training discussion, focused on intermediate level and above in experience and strength, for those ranging from strength sport competitors, sports that benefit from weight training, or weight training enthusiasts. George made his benches mostly from his strong chest. EFS: Everyone has heard stories about you and some of the insane weights youve used in training, especially in regards to bands and weight. I eat two or three protein drinks a day; Ultra Size and some whey protein. After the interview I sat down with Dave and talked about what its been like training with Chuck over the past several years. edubation Edu Bencher Additional comment actions. Chuck, you got bigger and bigger, but kept cutting to 220 pounds. Chuck squatted 1118 and deadlift after his 633 bench to total 2506. I think he had a 665 lb. As they hit the mid 30 set range, Dave was trying to gauge how much further Chuck was willing to go. The name Jujimufu came from his AOL profile, and its been with him since. If I want to learn something, I don't call the guy with 25-inch arms; I call the guy with a 190 IQ. He left Westside and quit competing in gear shortly after breaking the total record in the 308s. I guess this is what George said is why he did not come to Westside for 2 years. Chuck taught me everything I ever knew about powerlifting. As Tate prepares to respond to the question, he acknowledges that in all his years of conducting seminars, he probably receives more questions about Chuck than anybody else. Chuck. of him, and ran me into a corner where about 10 eight ft. lights were standing. Dave Hoff came to Westside as a 15 year-old high school football player. And remember, he showed up as a high school football player. in a shirt. Westside was never and will never be a gym, but rather a club. He is the man behind the JM Press. As we came into the lifting, all we heard my name called. I wore my special Westside t-shirt sans sleeves that day in honor of Chuck]. Chuck fully takes this teaching to heart, and in doing so has one of the best eyes for dissecting and improving another lifters technique. If you take the first gear out of a Mack truck, how fast will it take off? It could be too many phones in the gym. 1-2 inches above parallel. as well as Louie passing, we have lost to of the best that ecer did it. Expert Insights To Get Stronger, Gain Muscle Faster, And Take Your Lifting To The Next Level. Louie, I knew you kept track of all our training, and you were always trying to get me to taper back for a meet and not squat all the time and pull a weight sled, but I would not listen. I got George to use a cambered bar with an 11/2 in. A lot happened from 1991-2000 at Westside. I started Kenny Patterson at 14. But all still holds the world record at 42 of 1,140 lbs. In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Walter Klock Smoking with Schwarzenegger, Art Labare A Powerlifting Legend You Need to Know, Jeff King: An update on a Bodybuilding Legend, Consent Management Platform by Real Cookie Banner. In some cases, the hype would even stand to detract from his technique. Mind you; this was the mid-1990s before they were using chains or bands at Westside, not to mention, Chuck had recently had neck surgery. I said it showed me how to think while I was pulling. But, we finally killed the rabbit. But, George finally got it right. Circa 1990's, Chuck Vogelpohl @220 squat training with the contrast method / dynamic effort with bands. The Iron Man Chuck Vogelpohl Interview By Jim Wend His bench presses, including his final one of 633 were all done as strictly as any shirted bench press I have ever seen. In this 45 minute workout, both Jujimufu and Joey do 2-5 box squats per set. We were lifting in Canton, Ohio. Eskil was bigger than me and he could not out-squat, out-bench, or out-total me. His main training partners were Kenny Patterson and Gerry O. Westside Barbell - Dynamic Day in 2000 - YouTube One day, after speed bench, George tried a 495 lb. We were the only gym with three 600 lb. And that he must stay and train others and teach them like he was taught, not only by me but by the other greats before him and his training partners. raw, as they say today, and was second to Jimmy Ritchie with 475 lbs. Some of these stories have led people to believe that he is some kind of crazed lunatic. Louie:I thought you were done, but the WPO was about to come on the scene with money. Then, he loaded 550 lbs. Speed training is that important first gear. Dave Tate has said during multiple YouTube videos that Chuck was always the first person in the gym setting the lift of the day up and he was the last person to leave the gym, in order to make sure that everything was put away and cleaned up properly. wide bench. These numbers seem crazy after Matt Dimels 1,010 lb. Can you let us in on what the new fashion trend is going to be? I about passed out. Chuck V: Yes. Dave was the first 181 to bench 600 lbs. These are the three abilities that make up the Westside Method. This allows you to bring out your strengths. International Powerlifting Association WORLD EFS: What are your tips for mastering technique? Dave Waterman was one of our top rivals at money meets. You earned it. George started losing body fat but kept his bench strong. For the latest news and updates check us out onFacebookandInstagram. . While in high school, Chuck crossed paths with the Louie Simmons of world-famous Westside Barbell based in Colombus, Ohio. Lets cover the icon of Chuck V. AKA Chuck Vogelpohl, the man who had to duct tape his ribs so they wouldnt pop out of his spine. He drove me through them and into the wall, and all the bulbs went into my back. Youve got to be dead on; especially with heavy weights. Sign up for our newsletter and get new articles sent straight to your inbox weekly. That's why it works for everybody. This builds incredible strength in the glutes and hips, which is where punching power originates. Dave also hails from Westside gym, he's a specimen that has been heavily involved in the powerlifting community for decades. I remember, at one point, Paul made 615, KP made 625, JM made 610, George made 625, Mike Wolfe made 620 (now 639), and Nick Winter made 700. On the next ME day, he chose to do close grip. One day I challenged Chuck V., who had the number one bench, to bench and he said, Mother Fer, catch us when we are out of shape, I said You mother Fers are always out of shape! When it was done, they beat us by 10 lbs. Jimmy told George that he could do more in a shirt, but George said he made only 473 lbs. I put the bands over my shoulder and knew this could change the world, and it did. It was not easy to beat Dave, but Rob came through for Westside. I just liked to workout. And the two were almost even for years. Squat deeper. J. M. Blakely. Chuck:Thanks, Louie. on the bar. My legs would never grow until I started using bands over the bar. Call . Everyone got along well while training and partying. The legendary powerlifter Chuck Vogelpohl used to perform rack pulls with over 1,000 pounds! Im just another member of the team. He knew the gym was for trying new and improved ways to train, and we had the guys that could do just that. I was an Inmate at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient Ohio, where he was a Recreation correctional officer between the years of 1990, 1998. New meets were coming up, and new records would fall. Chuck Vogelpohl, a long-time Westside lifter who won his first National in 1987, was strong from the start, especially in the back and hips, but he had to overcome two plateaus. This builds mechanical power. And we almost never pull a deadlift off the floor, usually from pins until we go to the meet. So it's instinctive, but with a purpose. In the original session, powerlifting legends Dave Tate and Chuck Vogelpohl put themselves and each other through a squat workout that, decades later, is still discussed in strength circles. I dont know if the bands would help this as much as they did with me at the top. Chuck V: Youve got to master technique. Lots of volume on small exercises. of band tension. dr drew sutton soft mineral melt; codepen io space bar; northwest ohio all district baseball?> vape oil coming out of mouthpiece. I woke up three days later and spent another four days afterwards in the hospital. I have girls that squat 450 at 123 pounds and 132 pounds, and girls that squat 590 at 148 pounds. Chuck Vogelpohl would eventually not only break world records, but do so in three different weight classes. Not very fast. You came back and told me they had started the meet with the 242s. Drug free. He had already made an Elite Total. How To Get The Most Out of Your Westside Bands. Tom Waddle knew George and said he would like him to come bench with us on Sunday, at Tim Vanhorns place. The Most EXTREME Lifter Chuck Vogelpohl (He set a standard for I told him that I didnt need money from my friends. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. bench. bodyweight. You were right; the 220-pound class was no more. I can thank Kenny for my success. Most people are very weak at the bottom. Chuck Vogelpohl Squats All-Time Record | Powerlifting Watch Dave was the youngest person ever to total 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, and 2900. For example, on Wednesday's Chuck will bench before J.L and I. I could not talk for once. Louie Simmons I have Matt carry a barrel wrestlers have to get their hips to the opponent, and the only way to carry a 55 gallon barrel is to jam the hips up into it. Jon Call AKA Jujimufu is an American fitness celebrity with a massive following on social media. In Texas, John Inzer put on a Bash for Cash along with Joe McCoy. I then came to your garage gym on Larcomb on the Westside. He benched 470 lbs. Benefits of the Dimel The dimel will improve the posterior strength and power of your hips and glutes. You lifted, but did not do so good. You don't perfect technique using heavy loads; you perfect technique with light weights over multiple sets. I guess because I handed out to everybody. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. As youll see in the video, Dave Tate, another powerlifting great from Westside Barbell, details how this squat workout with Chuck Vogelpohl came into existence. I was using a ton of tension. lets GO COME ON LETS GO HE WOULD YELL. There were just three benches and about 15 of us, so you really had to earn your spot. EFS: How about the rack deadlifts? I was 43 in 91 and said I was done powerlifting after this miss hap. Probably more than people are willing to invest. It's child's play. This was due to band training, now known as Combination Methods Training, a term coined by Dr. Mel Siff in Supertraining. Chuck Vogelpohl - Powerlifting Demon - NECKBERG And, while he was holding the deadlift, after the down signal, he said in his witches voice, F you Louie Simmons. It was a great day for him and myself to see him make that lift, we will both remember that day forever. However, the point of this post is to highlight the insane squat workout inspired by Chuck Vogelpohl. Westside was all about pushing each other to the absolute limits. Chuck Vogelpohl (242) squatted an all-time record of 1,110 pounds today at the IPA Iron House Classic in Columbus, Ohio. Westside barbells Louie Simmons would come to the Powerlifting events to be the head judge in all the compitions. There was a bench meet in Lumberton, NC that offered $8,000. EFS: What do you think of static iso-holds? In 1982, when I broke my lower back for the second time, I knew I had to change what I was doing. Tate agrees that Chuck certainly approaches the platform and his training programs with intensity. The following interview was done on a Friday after squatting and deadlifting. That was Westside in the 90s. George Halbert was his name. dumbbells, for those who could do them. Jim Wendler of 5-3-1 Fame, although it does not add up, trained at Westside. So weights are not heavy or light they're slow and fast. moVE THAT WEIGHT EXPLODE COMING OUT OF THE HOLE. I remember, George had just got off work and was in his work jacket when he came in the gym with the blacked-out windows. bodyweight. 1180 high or not is insane. I thought, He knows how to strain, but I guess that is how he discovered to do so. All Rights Reserved. In York, PA, at the IPA World Cup, Rob was lifting against Dave Barno, a strong competitor and friend. You cutting that much weight finally caught up to you. This was the last time I lifted in a USPF meet. They are not the same as most; you dont have a max effort day and dynamic effort day. We saw many lifters stop lifting for all kinds of reasons, and Westside built the best male and female lifters of all time. ", Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more, 2023 SET FOR SET. This was 1986. I go deeper now and it is fixed. For example, on Wednesdays Chuck will bench before J.L and I. Thread starter Sherro; Start date Mar 7, 2011; Tags chuck insanity . Given their experience, both Tate and Coan have had opportunities to cross paths with many legends of the sport over the course of their careers. And to answer the question, he retired. As I began gaining weight my strength grew, and grew, in 1993 I had a 315 bench, a 405 deadlift, and 495lb squat. Chuck Vogelpohl Dynamic Effort Squat Training / Contrast Method I can guarantee it. Hes always the first one in the gym and is always helping to put weights away and help others around him. Joe McCoy was one who thought that the weights might be light at the big money events, but after his opener he said to me, The weights are real. Eskil Thomasson came to visit Westside from Sweden a few weeks before the money meet because he did not believe that we trained like we said we did. EFS: Did you ever catch the guy that stole the sleeves of your shirt? Chuck Vogelpohl (242) squatted an all-time record of 1,110 pounds today at the IPA Iron House Classic in Columbus, Ohio. But, in his last meet with Westside, in York, PA, he said he would beat my 722 lb. Its okay to delegate it out because ultimately, its your business. Can Jujimufu Complete Vogelpohl's Most Extreme Squat Workout Ever? Louie:Today I am interviewing Chuck Vogelpohl to talk about his time at Westside, the place where he has spent more than half his life. dumbbells and does 20 reps dead cold. Lots of dumbbell work, rowing, lat work, abdominal work, and low back work. I know you won some cash, but when everyone showed up at 5 am, no one showed up to pay. This would make him the lightest man ever to do it. He will be greatly missed through out the community to those who knew chuck was on his way to a powerlifiting meet would fear him showing up, knowing their hands were full trying to out total him. This would be Georges last world record. I didn't make the rules, I have to follow them. EFS: So do you still do your speed stuff before you work up to a heavy single or double on the squat? Chuck is the man . Myself being 150lbs Chuck told me to start drinking as much milk as I could to put more weight on. Let's just say I'm pretty sure. In an interview we came across with Louie and Vogelpohl, Louie asks him how he got started on his series of world record-breaking lifts. Then 545, to KPs 550. We have Mark Bell talking about the ferocious intensity when training with powerlifting legend, Chuck Vogelpohl. There are a number of YouTube videos on Lexen Extreme, Brandon Lilly, and 360 Cut channels which showed Chuck training ferociously after he left Westside Barbell in approximately 2009. In just four meets he made the fourth highest total ever made. I was putting up $3,000 for a meet one month, so you came in at 265 pounds and killed a 1,150-pound squat for a new all-time world record. I will always remember ole hog head we would call him, he literary had NO neck. So let's say you squat 400 pounds. Chuck: [Stares at me. You'd train at 50-60 percent for speed strength with a bar speed of 0.8 meters per second. Chuck:First, you showed all of us the box squat and what exercises would build it. I need to be challenged. The squat surpasses the old mark of 1,107 pounds which was held by Sam Byrd. After all, you were not built that good to squat, but you were best suited for the deadlift. All Rights Reserved. I know you lifted with no gear at all in the 1960s and 70s, but as gear came into powerlifting, you adapted to gear and made top ten lifts for 34 years, so who cares? While driving I said, Look you fat Fer, it is in your head. Now I am waiting for him to smack me in the mouth, like he did many times. I go right to the bench and do my set. How much is too much band tension? Chuck Vogelpohl. Vogelpohl, who originally had planned to compete squat only, bench . Another example; my very first meet was the 2001 IPA Nationals, the same meet that Chuck squatted his first 1000lbs. Paul was really a strong bencher. Westside is more than training and powerlifting. For the time you jumped over the 242 class. Chuck: Yes, I was tired of cutting weight and just put on 10 pounds. Here's a brief look at some of the personalities involved in this insane squat challenge of over 40 sets! So there were a lot of factors that went into it. The first WPO meet was in Florida and ran until about 2 am the next morning when they shut the place down. Get the most out of just using bar weight and milk it; you should be able to hit some big numbers with them and chains. So he'll go 100 feet down, 100 feet back, perform a series of jumps, and then repeat. It takes a lot of time.

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