viral video museum

I believe you will see that I have great affection for Harlan, much more than many of the people who still live there. I guess this was one of many reasons my dad thought California was a good choice for me. Nothing came easy for Dad but he never complained. And should I know you? Im pretty sure Lanes Cliffhanger was in the old Mount Aire building. Coming Down The Cumberland: History of the Maggard Family-- V. N. Bud Phillips 2. They were both sweet, kind, honest, decent people. I own a piece of railroad track on the Rhea Straight. The folks in Brookside were surely Harlan Countians as was the chief gun thug, Basil Collins. No one from Harlan . I graduated from Cumberland High School in 1975. I do find a lot of people think Harlan is Hazzard from the TV show, so they ask me if Harlan is in Hazzard county and if I knew Luke and Bo Duke???? I am a brand new grandma and I am Mamaw to that beautiful baby. Rest assured that no one in my family considers me a disgrace or embarrassment, but your concern is noted. I have no other information on these two at this time. A striking coal miner was in critical condition last night in Harlan County, Ky., after being struck in the head by a shotgun blast. I knew Lisa vaguely. One hell of a nice fellow. By the way, I think grilled cheese sandwiches made from government cheese were the best! ha! I was one of the Hensley girls that lived on the strawberry farm. I REMEMBER govt. Tons of great memories and good friends. Thanks for the kind words. Dickens said it best . Edit. I am a born and raised harlan countian. I didnt know, but thats before my time. I think we overlapped at Cawood for a year. I have to say, I know of nobody named Lonzo. ENJOYED YOUR ARTICLE, WOULDNT TRADE THE PLACE I GREW UP FOR ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD . I can relate to alot of it. It is funny how people from all over the Country know where you are talking about when you say you are from Harlan Co. and many of them visibly tense on that statement. If youre spending the night in Harlan, you probably have family there anyway. The first of the month is a big time in Harlan. Ha, Ha. The previous mentioned Clarence E. Leonard is my Uncle. Harlan A few notes: The qualifications for Eastern Kentucky status include: I hail from Harlan County, the Eastern Kentuckiest of all counties. Everyone I knew (including my family) ate government cheesethe best cheese ever. Doc Gray? Theyre usually the folks who dream of turning all of Eastern Kentucky into a massive tourist destination by having all the people who live there pack up and move. Vacation at Hilton Head, Tybee Island, Myrtle Beach, Hawaii, have an American Spirit Coachman that sleeps ten and a pontoon. The folks in Brookside were surely Harlan Countians as was the chief gun thug, Basil Collins. He died in 1980 at age 63, and 42 years later his name is presented on the roads of Harlan. I ate government cheese as often as we got it. Welfare checks. My mother taught Home Ec at Evarts for 28 years. My momma cooked on a coal fired cookstove. I dont know. I am origionally from Atlanta. My mother moved to Harlan County from Pike County at around age 12 and never left except to attend college. Ben Joe Harris disarmed the guy so that it would be a fair fight. He used to go visit with Norman during the strike. You nailed it. I JUST RAN ACROSS YOUR CONVERSATION AND THOUGHT I WOULD COMMENT ON HARLAN KY. Ive been trying to read up on as much as I can on the people in the documentary. They just hang around and complain. Doris, do I know you? Our client was suing the City of Sandy Hook. Our teeth arent all that bad, although mine arent great. It used to be called Klondike many years ago. We have accents which are obscured by our penchant for mumbling. Above all else, it covers the 1930s strikes at the coal mine, which resulted in 11 deaths and earned the area the name Bloody Harlan. But what probably haunts the Its nice to read good thoughts of Harlan County. The Chappells Dairy Slogan: It may be good and not be ours, but it cant be ours and not be good. That I can remember but I cant find my car in the parking lot? I grew up here, went to school here and am still here by choice. I knew your father-in-law, and mother-in-law. Theres nothing to do. That bastion of journalism, Hustler Magazine, once listed Harlan (the town) as one the three meanest towns in America. I do not claim to be from there so I am not in any of your groups. I was born in Harlan and I remember living there, but I didnt have the experience that my parents had (who were both born in Harlan County) since I didnt grow up there. Heres my personal map of the area: This seemingly random boundary results in some folks calling it Southeastern Kentucky which, geographically speaking, is more accurate. You shouldve had to breath half a can of hairspray in the morning after he got out of the bathroom. I was born in Harlan County, Louellen specifically, but moved away when I was little due to my dad being in the Navy. My younger brother and I were born and raised in Dayton. It reeked of Pine Sol. Rich Montjoy, I am replying to your post because you didnt say anything bad about Harlan, (Harlan County), Ky. I have neglected my research of the Leonards and McKendrick for some time because of my health problems. I need to work Watts Creek in to a future post, for sure. It was originally the Bays Motel. Earlier strikes had resulted in a great deal of bloodshed on both sides. I happened across this blog through a friend. We mispronounce light, fight, white and night. Grew up in Sunny Acres, now across from the mall. My grandfather was the engineer that laid out most of the old County roads, was one of the 10 founders of the Harlan Country Club, and my dad owned the Tway Tipple for yearsyes, coal will always run in my veins! Yes I remember you, vaguely, it has been a long time. I need a shirt like that. You are so right, except I dont know anyone named Lonzo. Offended by the possiblility that outsiders will use them to measure the intelligence of my people. Im very impressed by your writing. The sinister way he talked. I live in the city now, and raised my daughters here. Thanks! just saying. Two Men Are Shot in Kentucky In Incident Laid to Mine Were originally from Letcher County and had to leave in 1995 due to the coal mines shutdown. God do I ever remember the Government Cheese and all the other free food provided by the gov. I go back to Ky at least once a year. But they dont always leave. And a little c.r.a.z.y. I live in Northern KY now but all my family still resides in Harlan so I visit a lot. My Dad taught English there for a long time (Mr. Creech). HA! Of course, it doesnt. ha! No matter where Ive traveled in this great country, I never fail to meet someone that is either from Harlan, or knows someone that lives there!! Harlan is total badass. Im from a family of 12, but no inbreds here, but I do know cousins who married. I have many good friends I have met through the Hall High Gamecock web site. Only if were talking to another Harlan Countian would we narrow the description to the town. The original Mount Aire Motel was on Pine Mountain, and it burned down in the 70s. Harlan County Dad was a good friend of Norman Yarboroughs. I spent a lot of hours and burned up a lot of powder and boot leather grouse hunting in Pathfork and Black Star. Elliott County. Your Great Grandfather John D. and my Grandfather Brack H. were brothers and my Grandmother Geanie and your Great Grandmother Jeanette were sisters. Lived in Hazard then, after Hazard we came to Ohio. I grew up in Eastern Kentuckyborn and raised as we say. My Mom then joined the WAC. Hi aurea, Ive helped ur grand paw make many many gallons of moonshine just over the hill from ur mom n dads house. A rural county of 27,000, Harlan Countys average household income is about $29,000. The obvious beingwe are just like you and every one else. Then we moved up on Park Hill in Loyall. Enjoyed reading your blog. I found a place to turn around and get back down the road and get my act together. I too are from Harlan I left in Jan. 1975. His name was Wiley Holmes. You went up 119 to the Loyall turnoff, and youre absolutely right: Any Harlan Countian who turns the corner at Pineville changes languages! The menacing I was born and raised in Harlan County-Cumberland. There is no Holiday Inn Express in Harlan. Many who knew of the hair would be shocked to know he wears it pretty much buzzed these days. Holmes mill was actually named after my family. My dad taught there from 66 96. Disability checks. He lived there with his wife my Aunt Hazel and their children Laura Jean, Stanley and Mickey. Now, dont confuse Harlan County with the town of Harlan, our county seat. WebWives leader, short black hair. Never making any differences in us. Sometimes, the film would jam and you could watch it melt. born & raised Pathfork Ky~, Thanks. The people certainly are of Eastern Kentucky stripe, but they do lack isolation. I have been gone from Harlan now for 40 years, One thing I will say is you are accurate in your writings of Harlan. Anyway, I just had to leave a note. I would make mom break me off a chunk. I just tried a case in Illinois. Theres no future. I didnt like a lot of your article, some of it is accurate. Great description. Mikes Drive In was in Loyall. They find it hard to believe we had no fast food restaurants. Overall, we like the stereotypical portrayal of Harlan. But my Harlan upbringing gave me my core values. By the way, Cumberland had the Novo Theater and the drive-in theater as well. Wouldnt trade it for anything. I pass by there to go to my mothers home, it is amazing to see in Harlan Co. I must say it is a great read. My mother drove through Brookside to go to work every day, so I also know the strike was real. I graduated Harlan HS, UK, then moved to NYC, culture shock! I had to laugh at your reference to government cheese. It really was good stuff! Inside the Harlan County Coal Miner Protest Rolling We were not eligible for the government cheese, but my aunt was, & she would always bring us some, every month. I had him for a health class. Oh, and that knife fight deal down there: I saw a big one at Hall once, in the yard in front of the school crazy watching the teachers try to break that one up. Harlan. One day I kidding with a guy about something he was buying and at some point he says that hes from Mingo, West Virginia. I feel like they are missing something that we experienced, but so is life. You probably know others of my family, like my sister Lisa, that worked at the Enterprise for years and now works for Corrections and lives in Georgetown; or my cousins that went to James A.Cawood, Ruth Ann and Gary Cox. Greenup is east of Harlan, Ashland is east of Whitesburg, and if Catlettsburg gets any more east it`s going to be West Virginia, are you seriously arguing with the lat/ and longitude? She taught Home Ec, but also taught other classes. Great article!! I do think this is good stuff. My little brother had a knife pulled on him at Cawood. I know that area well. Our reputation precedes us. Crow Drums 70 (CHS). I love your wifes Loll great story! Art worked in one of the maintenance departments (cant remember which one). My dad spent much of childhood there in the 30s. Ive often heard that anywhere you go on Earth you can find someone from Harlan county. Brings back so many memories. but was always glad to talk to her by phone. Sometimes you hear gun fire in the distance, but thats in the woods. I was born and raised in Sunshine. Thanks. I guarantee you that my Dad knew your father. Ive also been criticized for making Eastern Kentucky sound too goodand that came from a guy who lives there! Dont say we are not eastern Kentuckians because we dont speak your slang, or live the life that people from harlin county do. My brother actually had a knife pulled on him at Cawood. Its too dull. The truth, of course, probably lies somewhere in the middle. You hit home with many of your comments being born and raised in Eastern Kentucky, Sandy Hook, Elliott County to be exact. We just live somewhere else. Myself, Im from Loyall which is three miles from the town of Harlan. My children are fascinated and perhaps slightly horrified that I grew up in Harlan. I loved it AFTER the mob left that came to my door the day I moved in, demanding to know Who are you and what are you doing here? I grew up in Sunshine, graduated from Harlan High School in 1972 and after going to Southeast and U.K., headed to California. And they were well respected. I am a faithful Kentucky Basketball fan and follow them year in and year out, through good and bad GO BIG BLUE.. John Raised up on Happy Top, Back Street and Creechs. Sometimes, these people would show up to help us. The vast majority of Harlan Countians are proud to be from Harlan. Restoring any closed widgets or categories. Its nice to remember, though. One guy said we were like Indians who left the reservation. Graduated Wallins about 1956. I dont remember Chappells slogan, but I do remember: Thats what I saidBunny Bread! I also remember the 1st grade field trip to Chappells, Bunny Bread and Harlan Ice. Even though they have visited my homeland many times, they remain baffled by it. Very funny (and true). There was nothing like sitting on the front porch swing drinking RCs from my uncles one room store. I left to go to school at EKU, meet my wife there, she is from Ohio. We were just there in July , I love going back to visit. what happened to basil collins Loved your blog and thought it to be an accurate description. I DO HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU ALL, DO ANY OF YOU REMEMBER A LITTLE BLIND MAN THAT USE TO SELL NEWS PAPERS IN THE LOBBY OF THE HARLAN HOSPITAL? It rated right up there with his song about Jim and Tammy Baker, pretty good actually. It would occasionally be condemned but re-open at some point. These books are listed as History and Genealogy reference only. Im sure youd know if you were related. My dad grew up in Evarts. Before Justified, many people got their image of Harlan from the award-winning documentary Harlan County USAwhich followed the Eastover coal mine strike at Brookside, Kentucky. I was born in my grandmothers house, in those days hospitals were few and far between. What Mountains besides the one on the border with Virginia, Black Mt.(?)? I cant read some of these posts because of the negative way they talk about MY hometown. Okay, now Im homesick! The actress claimed family friend Val Dumas said her mum whored her out to him for 400 She later claimed family friend Val Dumas said her mum whored her out to him for 400. It has to be kind of tough to get there or at the very least its just on the way to somewhere else. Harlan County Helped me so much when I worked there. First time reading it. my husband was raised knowing your dad and all your family I love your blog. Were hemmed in. 63 the Home daily of the 1174, It was an old theater whose best days had long past. of life I have lived in Chicago, IL., Ypsilanti, MI., Charleston, W. Va., so I know all to well about the differences of living in Eastern KY & a big city. I left first to attend Cumberland College, then only a two year school, and later was forced to leave and gravitate north for employment. WebIn his new introduction to the reissue of Harlan Miners Speak, an on-the-scene report from a panel of writers about the coal strike in Bell and Harlan Counties, John Hennen skillfully explains the precipitating factors of the labor unrest. We meet in Williamsburg, but I love going back to the Creek. Andas for the grid: Morehead is east of Middlesboro. They tease me that my accent changes when I cross the county line going back home :-). I was mostly raised In Floyd Co. KY & did live in Grundy , Va. at one time. The strikers made bumper stickers supporting their cause and drove around the community in a truck with loudspeakers to explain their grievances and hopefully gain support. Just curious, if you struggled with the inclusion of Whitley county..what was your rationale for the inclusion of mccreary county? There are a lot of us spread over the country, but we still think of ourselves as being from Harlan. I wonder if youre related to Clarence Leonard who lived near Evarts. While not as corrupt as his predecessor Boyle, he seems on his way down that pathor not. I love your article! I get the isolation, and the coal mining( although Boyd , Greenup, and a lot of the others have had some minor strip mining now and then.) Wayne brought u shea and ur mom n I think he took pictures. Thank you so much for this, it came at a time when I needed to count my blessings, and being born in Liggett, and raised in Pansy, I truly was blessed. He had a taxi service called Do me right He was found on the side of the mountain with many bullets in him and his taxi. Murdered while running against Boyle. loved this. Even though I had been lots of places, leaving Harlan took me out of my comfort zone. I worked as a car hop from Denny rays rite out of high school. They pity Harlan. SO neat to see my family talked about on here! I loved all your rationale for your boundary lines. He made shoes. Give me about 30 minutes, and its like I never left. I KNOW A LOT OF REALLY GOOD PEOPLE AT CAWOOD AND SMITH, KY. We didnt have that problem when I lived there. My grandad lived and mined Stone Ky, in Pike County. Since Ive been gone, Harlanlike all of Eastern Kentuckyhas been devastated by prescription drug abuse. If you need to go someplace that can be accessed through Harlan County, I guarantee that theres an easier, quicker way to get there. You have to sound like us. I never got a straight story from my parents and possibly they didnt know why or what happened. I think they graduated in the same class at Cawood. Proud to be from Harlan County.. man now im so homesick!! So, I speak of how it was 30 years ago. We didnt all drink Mountain Dew as babies. I havent lived in Harlan in 30 year, but if someone asks where Im from, Harlan is the immediate response. I am Wayne Middletons daughter. Its county seat is Harlan. Sally Simonton. You hit the nail on the head ~ Love this! There has always been tension between those who work and those who dont or wont. basil collins harlan county obituary - Never mind. Accents. Basil Noel Thanks again for the good read. My parents married in Harlan County in 1949. My mom always bought margarine but our housekeeper would get the butter and we thought it was strong. Nowadays, I would love to have some! Rapist who attacked Demi Moore We drive Chryslers, BMWs, Honda Van, Subaru sports car, Chevy pick-up, Harleys, Hondas, Yamaha V-stars-4-wheelers. NOTE TO SELF: Dont move to Ages,Ky,Home of Brookside Mine, during a strike. Her husband had been killed during the war. Just found your blog while attempting to refresh my memory about the name of the theater, the Margie Grand, in Harlan. They had four children..and not once did he ever treat me nor my older brother like step-chilldren. Abe was in my class @Black Star when it was an elem. Basil Collins; Did you know. Just so ya know Boyd County is further east than Harlin!!!! Small town life can be hard or easy. When he grew up, he moved west to Colorado and became a hard rock miner for the next 40 years. I used to try and derail the presumptions, now I just embrace them. Mountains. There are good people and bad people. 10 Big Documentaries They Dont Ever Want You To See In the summer a friends Dad (The Blantons) would take us up the river in his pickup and wed spend the day floating back in rafts in the summer or wed spend all day at the city pool. HARLAN WILL ALWAYS BE HOME TO ME. My Dad used to talk about when they distributed commodity margarine. Oh, and we moaned and complained about not having anything to do. I went to college and had personal and professional opportunities that pulled me away. Keep writing as I do enjoy it. I plan to continue reading your blog. And of course, I mean that in a funny, I`m laughing kind of way. WebSeveral members stabbed a local sheriff when he dragged a woman violently off the road on 28 February 1974. Our football coach , Ed Miracle, was shot in the foot playing golf three weeks later . And of that i am very proud. We have live all over Eastern Ky, moved south to the Carolinas, then back to eastern Ky for a couple years. I remember Alafair. People were practically hanging on it. First, much of what I wrote is tongue in cheek. The coal industry known for its boom and bust cycles was in a slump. WebBooks About Harlan County Kentucky Books I purchased and own. And the tell me they can always tell when Im talking to a relative on the phone for the same reason. I was even sent back to Atlanta to attend Agnus Scott College, and didnt stay because I actually missed my family AND Harlan County. My mom is from Cote (Evarts) I cant wait to read this to her! Background to the 1931-32 Strike - University of Kentucky Thanks for the kind comments. They were pretty quick to tell you that they were from Harlan. Your dad was a really good teacher. I left here when i was 15 came back in my late 20s. Very isolated. When I was young, the Government Cheese truck looked like a scene from an African relief mission. Joseph "Jock" Yablonski. Im happy living here. Please received our heartfelt condolences. She was one of my favorite. And to the ones that moved away (say to the north) or wherever, it shows very little respect and class to put down the place you came from. We still have relatives in the area. Bad and small isnt a recipe for success. When we heard a car coming we knew we were having company.we usually hid to see who it was. My name is Julie Crowder-Ward. Web8.what happened to basil collins kentucky Author: Post date: 22 yesterday Rating: 3 (1965 reviews) Highest rating: 4 Low rated: 1 Summary: January 30, 1868, They might have gone to college or joined the military. She used it for many recipes, everything from casseroles to sauces. My mother grew up in Cumberland and knew tons of Creeches from up that way. That brings back fond memories. | Coal Troll's Blog, I stumbled across your blog and enjoyed much. Harlan County USA he passed away in 2013. his wife, jan, passed back in february of this year. Ive never known anyone who didnt wear shoesand I knew some pretty rough characters. Thanks for the article. We currently have a lot of re-fencing to do, interested :). Funny thing is, thats what my kids do, even though they live in a small city with a million things to do. Thats probably why he is disabled now at a a young age. The new leader of the UMWA, Arnold Miller (a real miner, not just a union hack), is shown as a possible sellout. Thank you. Yes, Big_O,, I remember the man you asked about. Of course you have to wash it all down with whole milk from Chappells Dairy! I was born in Pineville, Ky but grew up in Pathfork. My Mom taught at SE Community College. I am a badass.. They might even live in Harlan, but it doesnt suit them. Maybe they never left. I live in Nashville now, it seems like everyone here know someone from Harlan. Garys was a fun place. A miner was If not, you should. We can be called ignorant, inbred, genetically inferior, toothless, shoelessyou name it. I feel blessed to have grown up in Harlan, at a time when people actually cared about each other, and would not trade it for anything!! Unemployment in 2017 was 9.4 percent, far above the national average. It tends to work to my advantage. Pingback: ALL ABOARD THE NERVE GAS TRAIN! Why? ! Whatd I say? Everything is right on! I am so grateful to the educators in Harlan who worked so diligently to open our minds, expand our thinking and develop our talents especially in music. You talked funny. So, I guess Im just arguing it is in the wrong state My grandparents, Elve and Flaura Campbell, moved to Sunshine and eventually to Loyall. In response to your statement about pretenders, I personally feel Im still a Harlan resident at heart even though I dont live there and dont visit very often. Edit. Were from coal mining stock. We lived the last house in the head of the holler with my poppy and granny our only neighbors. the Ackley Hotel in Harlan until he retired and moved back to Cumberland. My Aunt Pauline is 95 now and still lives there.

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