tno russian unifiers list

All possible leaders, who can unife Russia in TNO Tier List Maker But Yemelyanov knew he could never survive on his own. Following in (what he believed to be) the footsteps of Peter the Great himself and educating himself in German and Aryan ways from any scrap of literature he could find, the self-proclaimed Fyurer of the Aryan Brotherhood, now having adopted the Aryan name of Gutrum Vagner, attracted a loyal following to his mission, which he saw in the reclamation of Russia from the untermenshen and degenerates for the true masters of Europe. In the superregional stage, he can amplify this hypocrisy further by applying the same corrupt tactics in the eastern territories. If the fascists of Magadan only deserve to have their heads acquainted with the pavement once, the Aryan Brotherhood needs their heads crushed to a pulp, Gears Of War curbstomp-style. The last chance for Vlasov to redeem himself both in the eyes of Germans and the eyes of the Russian people appeared during the West Russian War, when his Russian Liberation Army helped turn the tide against the West Russian Revolutionary Front's offensive. The numbers of those in training quickly dwindle as conditions worsen. To compensate, I'll sometimes divide factions based on potential successors (for example, the WRRF is wildly different between whether or not the title of Grand Marshall goes to Altunin, Tukhachevsky or Zhukov). The only thing this system is good at is imitating the same financial crises faced by the Reich. At the regional stage, he makes sure his men are adequately pensioned at the end of their service and can optionally bring back the NEP to develop civilian industries instead of forcing collectivization. This also won't speculate on paths without concrete details revealed, so no speculations on the various Komi paths besides the "regular" democracy, Bukharina and Stalina, nor would "The Father" of Northeast Siberia be included, due to the only things we know of him being apparently super religious and totally being the most evil faction, and anybody who says otherwise is part of his National Redemption Front-level cult. Zykov advocates for lower taxes, as it will repair their already terrible reputation in the long-term and project themselves as genuine liberators. While ensuring a stable Russia, it also won't exactly be cheerful when all is said and done. Those who express total loyalty to him will be rewarded with better quarters and more slaves in order to keep them content. Following the two Russian Revolutions, Vlidi became one of the most popular spokesmen for the Bashkir nationalism. Marshal Zhukov has doubts about the Front's efficiencies, and seeks a closer relationship with the working people. Everything about them is made to be as despicable and horrific as possible. For centuries, the Aryans' Slavic descendants wandered blindly through the darkness. I CAN PROVE IT!!!. At the regional stage, instead of implementing harsh punishments for defeatism, Tukhachevsky can opt to promote positive heroism and undertake a propaganda offensive in order to inspire hope in his men. He served courageously during the First World War, Russian Revolution in the Southwestern Front, the Great Patriotic War and the West Russian War, getting shot more than five times throughout his long service as he often led his men into battle. Novosibirsk: The canonical unifier of Central Siberia, and later the Russian Far East, Novosibirsk is technically a military junta, which WOULD knock it much further down the list, except it was only formed as a ceasefire between the cities of Novosibirsk and Altay, when their leaders didn't want to throw away the lives of the men in a pointless struggle, a policy it continues by trying to seek peaceful reunification whenever possible. And for the second point, Yazov at least puts on the pretense of being a Villain With Good Publicity, promising to restore Russia to a pre-war quality of life, and enjoying high public support while making these proclamations (per the event where the Black League unites West Siberia). The Order is fairly small, but they provide stability and spiritual encouragement for the people of the district, and have proven rather effective at keeping the madmen and heathens surrounding them at bay. In the face worker strikes, the local garrison commander chooses not to intervene immediately because it would be a PR disaster if the recruits were to fire upon them. 3. As the head of the KONR, he is glad to use it as long as it serves its interests. ", considering leaving if things get tough for him in Russia. But eventually, there were those who rediscovered the lost truths. Now, Kirpichnikov rules the small warlord state centered in Onega, and must stand up against the power that is the WRRF. Cookie Notice Aktobe is an independent warlord state that was formed by former Red Army colonel Nikolai Onoprienko. In the years of World War II, he served in the Red Army and narrowly escaped the German capture near the city of Bryansk. His contradictory, often nonsensical comments about himself only further widen the web of rumors that has enveloped his background. Then it turns out that said leader intends to have her executed in front of the other slaves to show that they do not tolerate weakness. Updated for the newest release of TNO 1.1 - Cutting Room Floor. He has no patience for Oktan due to his corruption and slavish collaboration with the Germans. even though he only did so under coercion, the Nazis locking his family in a concentration camp, Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life, information on the historical Oktan is pretty obscure and contradictory, killed in a shootout with his collaborator allies, his family gets in trouble and might need to be relocated, they will do so in spite of their self-harming policies and rather underequipped start, in spite of the fact they, as Russians, would be considered untermensch under the Nazi racial hierarchy, the Russian National Reclamation Government, they've also accepted Vagner's neo-Nazi beliefs too, the executions of ten others in their unit, treating ''all'' of Russia's ethnic groups with contempt, rejects their attempts of formalizing a relationship, Characters/The New Order: Last Days of Europe. They understood what had been taken from them and what must be done to guide their race back into the light and reclaim their birthright of blood! TNO: Last Days of Europe - Russian Unifier Tierlist (After Midnight Edition) - DB333 mrdogboat333 1.37K subscribers Subscribe 8K views 1 year ago It's time for round two. When he finally creates his desired democratic government, Zykov balks at the idea of a "fully representative" democracy, resorting to gerrymandering and private deals so that the ROA remains the dominant political force. When an officer in the military claims that his goals for further global conquest are impossible, he is shot in the head in response. I looked through the code and listed them below. He and his brigade fought in the ill-fated defense of Moscow, but were able to pull off a relatively orderly retreat when the Mozhaisk line broke and the Wehrmacht poured through. Under his supervision, propaganda efforts after the West Russian War were ramped up tenfold, reeling in thousands of fervently anti-Bolshevik followers while driving out those loyal to a feeble, 'free' vision of Russia. Still, Yegorov never gave up even after Moscow fell to the huns. Upon reunifying West Russia, a Tukhachevsky-led Front will reach out to fellow anti-fascist countries to stand against the Pakt and the Sphere, even if it means temporarily cooperating with the United States. An armed neutral state between the WRRF and RK Moskowien, which seceded from the WRRF during the final days of the West Russian War. Komi - Liberal Democracy: A.K.A. This was the true meaning of the Aryan spirit - not merely a physical race, but a higher state of mind! Solzhenitsyn believes that religious freedom should be permitted, even if the Orthodox Church is acknowledged as the nation's official religion. In TNO, he is the leader of the Humanist political salon after Shostakovich's resignation. For his casual hawkishness, Tukhachevsky is willing to give generous benefits to the people so they can live more comfortably and do their jobs better, such as buying modern farming equipment for the peasants, but when circumstances demand austerity, Tukhachevsky will impose it on them so that the military is better able to fight. TNO Russian Unifiers Quiz - By grobotics73. Still, the fact he starts as an AuthDem, and HAD palled around with collaborationist fascists, knocks him pretty far down the list. In a post-Taboritsky Russia, Ustinov appears as a general for the Revolutionary Communes of Orenburg, as the. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Being the highest-ranked civilian official, he was effectively the first President of Tatarstan, and it was his signature that ratified the Tatar constitution. TNO Russian Unifiers Quiz - By grobotics73 Create a Russian Warlords TNO Tier List - TierMaker Updated Russian unifiers from the recent TNO update.Steam workshop link to the mod: Mag. When another member sees this, he can barely believe that one of their most dedicated followers of the cause would help a slave. In Zykov's Russia, former Vyatkan general Nikolay Rumyantsev (better known under his French name IRL, Nicolas Roumiantzoff) will found his own center-left party, the Russian Movement of Democratic Reform, advocating for more liberal policies than Zykov. TNO West Russia / Characters - TV Tropes While everyone who can work is made to labor in the giant steel factories of the Kombinats, those who can't actually receive relatively high-quality nationalized healthcare. massacring an entire town with poison gas when it's taken over by partisans. Anyways, I'll also provide reasoning for placements on this list. and AuthDem Komi - Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, AuthDem Kemerovo, non Fascist or Despotic Magadan, and Mikhail II Chita, Despotic Komi - Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Despotic Kemerovo, Mikhail II Chita, and non Fascist or Despotic Magadan, AuthDem Samara - Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, non Fascist or Despotic Magadan, and Chita, Despotic Samara - Magadan, Chita, Novosibirsk, and Krasnoyarsk, Vyatka - Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, AuthDem Kemerovo, non Fascist or Despotic Magadan, and Mikhail II Chita, AuthDem Sverdlovsk - Novosibirsk, Despotic Siberian Black Army, People's Revolutionary Council, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, non Fascist or Despotic Magadan, and Buryatia, ConDem Sverdlovsk - Tomsk, Novosibirsk, People's Revolutionary Council, AuthDem Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, non Fascist or Despotic Magadan, and Mikhail II Chita, Lazar Kaganovich Tyumen - People's Revolutionary Council, and Krasnoyarsk. WRRF - Zhukov: Thankfully the canonical unifier of Western Russia, and eventually the new USSR as a whole. In the superregional stage, Bunyachenko rewards his soldiers with some vacation time so that they can rest up before the next war comes up. Many thought he was destined to die as a hero of the Soviet Union, bravely fighting against the enemy, but that was not to be his fate. Tyumen: Run by a Stalin fanboy, with all that would entail if he reunites Russia. Alliances; Countries in 1962. Ironically, out of all West Russian unifiers, the Aryan Brotherhood is located farthest to the south. Russian warlords - The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki The highest leader of the Front, a Soviet Marshal with a long military service record. Still, as a beloved Soviet hero, and a man of the people in his own right, Zhukov is easily the best candidate to become the WRRF's Grand Marshall. Onega to join in the same faction in exchange for securing Tatarstan's independence. The same can't be said of Amur: Led by easily one of the most deranged psychopaths in all of Russia, Rodzaevsky is a purge-happy paranoiac that makes Stalin look like a peace-and-love hippy, and a brutally bigoted super-fascist besides. He was a rather prolific soldier, even being considered for the Hero of the Soviet Union award at one point. The major general would remain imprisoned, until the West Russian War came. TNO Super Events: Russian Reunification Compilation - YouTube After the West Russian War, he and his men swarmed the anarchic city of Perm and declared it the site of Aryan revival, where they indulged in the imitation of the ways of the superior race and brought terror and humiliation upon the Slavic subhumans. If he conquers the Komi Republic, he'll spare Svetlana Bukharina because her popularity and relation to Nikolai Bukharin makes her a perfect propaganda tool to legitimize his claim over Russia. His rivals spared no effort informing the people of his cowardice, laziness and lecherous conduct, but that effort came to naught. Novosibirsk: The canonical unifier of Central Siberia, and later the Russian Far East, Novosibirsk is technically a military junta, which WOULD knock it much further down the list, except it was only formed as a ceasefire between the cities of Novosibirsk and Altay, when their leaders didn't want to throw away the lives of the men in a pointless Though he is a military man, he disapproves of its politicization, believing that the army and governmentshould have specifically delineated roles that must not be crossed. With some reports saying that he was captured and executed by the Soviets. But while this policy of armed neutrality has been a successful deterrent in recent years, it is only a matter of time before a warlord calls his bluff and puts his army to the test. Driven away from Bashkortostan, he continued to struggle against the autocratic Soviet power together with the Basmachi movement in Central Asia, but to no avail. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Polyakov now balances a life of economics and governing a primitive and fragile democracy in accord with North Russia's wishes. Still, on top of being the archenemy of Good Boy Sablin, Bad Guy Yagoda is still an NKVD despot (if not exactly one whose rule would turn Russia into a gulag continent - and according to one of the devs, potentially creating one of the most 'liberal' of the USSRs even without changing his ideology), and until I have clarification of which other AuthSoc leaders he's worse than, I'm only putting him above Tyumen, and no higher. Create a All possible leaders, who can unife Russia in TNO tier list. A soldier of the Red Army since the age of 16, he saw combat in more fronts and battles than most, both in the Russian Civil War and in the Second World War. For the time being, Oktan can keep them in line through intimidation, but it's implied that this won't work forever. Mikhail Ivanovich Antipin was originally a humble farmer from Chelyabinsk, one who focused more on day-to-day survival instead of education or philosophical matters. This often in practice becomes a, While a Slavic neopagan in real life, OTL Dobrovolsky allegedly. Central Siberia - Far East Russia Unification, People's Revolutionary Council - Buryatia and Irkutsk, Mikhail Tukhachevsky WRRF - People's Revolutionary Council, Georgy Zhukov WRRF - People's Revolutionary Council, Irkutsk, and Buryatia, Fascist Komi - Fascist or Despotic Magadan, LibSoc Komi - Siberian Black Army, People's Revolutionary Council, AuthDem Kemerovo, Sergey Bessonov Irkutsk, and Buryatia, Mikhail Suslov Komi - People's Revolutionary Council, Irkutsk, and Buryatia, LibDem, SocDem. Handing out land to his cronies like a feudal lord comes back to bite Oktan when they refuse to accept his overarching industrialization policy. He found an ally in Gutrum Vagner, a lunatic who possessed a sliver of truth buried beneath a heap of delusion. The Zykov plan is an economic campaign that will industrialize Samara and make it a more desirable place to live in for the common citizen. The history education system he sets up is so full of propaganda lies that even the youngest and poorest educated student can see through it. The journey from Turkey to the middle of the conflict-ridden Russia was not an easy task. Filmed on Twitch -. Still, even with needing to potentially bloody his hands, he is a de-facto Good Boy, and easily top-tier. Humiliated by his masters and unpopular among his once-trustworthy officers, who have started to view his servile demeanor an obstacle to liberating Russia, Vlasov remains a weak and isolated figure who can only hope that reclaiming Russia will absolve his miserable title of a loathsome traitor. By that point, their only foreseeable options are to either inevitably march to an unwinnable battle or disobey orders and face punishment from his overseers. Truth be told, he was never satisfied with who he worked for. Witnessing the havoc and destruction brought by both sides, he could not help himself but to be dazzled by the might of the Aryan sword. However, there was one man who promised to make it all disappear: Alexander Egorovich Medvedev, a lumberjack and a war hero. Oddly, Velimir makes a valid criticism of Himmler's hypocrisy, namely in Burgundy's reliance on foreign collaborators, which wouldn't be needed if the SS were part of a supposedly superior race. The world of TNO. On several occasions, Oktan describes himself as a compassionate ruler who fights for the wellbeing of Russia, even though his corrupt and brutal rule speaks otherwise. Abdulla Ali may have been a Soviet citizen, but he is always a Tatar first, and he holds his homeland above all else. Erase Africa by Any 2 Letters. Now, they could not simply trust the Reich to protect the frontier. sell off Russia's nuclear program and flee to Switzerland, In contrast to Yemelyanov's theology, which didn't involve Hyperborea, The particular orientation of the sauwastika appears to be based on a painting of Hyperborea by Russian artist. Well, you know the phrase "The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions?" So why is she lower than Zhukov, the SBA, Novosibirsk, and even Prince Yuriy? Russian Warlords TNO Tier List Maker A tier list made up of the many russian warlords in the upcoming game mod for Hearts of Iron IV, "The New Order: The Last days of Europe". The thought of having to spill Tatar blood in a Russian war once again was too much for many to bear, Ali included. The saddest thing is that they're still the best unifier within Western Siberia, as the Free Aviators are too small to attempt reunification, and the rest are a mixture between "cold-blooded scumbags" and "OH GOD, OH FUCK!" Irkutsk: While I originally put Yagoda firmly between "Red Napoleon" Tukhachevsky and "MonarchoNazBol" Berezniki (back when that was still on the list, and not Thanos-snapped like Scorza in his exile), the devs have clarified that he's not AS bad as Tyumen, and some other AuthSoc leaders they haven't yet clarified, on account that he was purged by Stalin due to being NOT as purge-happy as he wanted him, and accused of liberal ideas as well. They went in the opposite direction from many of the other veterans and retreated north, falling in with Marshal Voroshilov's forces. Kemerovo - Princess Lydia: Remember when I said that Kemerovo was a dictatorship ruled with a velvet glove? This revelation brought a new purpose to Antipin's life. In his diplomatic ventures, Zykov turns to the United States and the OFN so that they can aid his eventual push into Moskowien when the time comes. Vagner's bastardized version of Hitler's Aryan supremacist ideology (already a pseudoscientific ideology detached from reality) is even more insane and incoherent. Samara - Vlasov: The default leader of Samara, and about as low as a collaborator POS deserves to be. As one unfortunate Tatar family finds out, the process involves ethnically cleansing the region. But the German invasion changed all that. Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield. The warmongering tank pirates of Gorky were no fit for a quiet and intelligent man like Katushev, and neither were the new rulers of the city. Never truly faithful in socialism, Dobrovolsky became an admirer of the German might, and deserted to search for the truth behind their strength. In 1942 he enrolled in the 2nd Astrakhan Infantry School and graduated the same year, being made commander of a rifle platoon of the 197th army reserve regiment of the 28th army, and continued to rise through the ranks of the regiment. Shultz champions a set of esoteric Aryan beliefs that might shake Vagner's Brotherhood to its core A small Orthodox theocratic state based in Gayny led by Grandmaster Mikhail Antipin, a Soviet veteran who turned to militant Orthodoxy. More importantly, they got their first taste of real freedom since the abortive Idel-Ural State of 1920. After next completing a course at the Frunze Higher Naval School, he fought as part of a cadet rifle battalion on the Leningrad Front, where he was wounded. To solve this problem, the Finns would gather the Anti-Communist Volunteer Guard, a force composed of Russians in their territories and led by none other than Kirpichnikov himself. After conquering West Siberia, Oktan calls up a Bunyachenko loyalist, Konstantin Kromiadi, to offer a piece of land for him to govern. As for Rurik's daughter Well, we'll get to HER later. While ruling as a warlord can be hard for someone with little experience in that regard, Polyakov knows to turn to the fellow magnate in Nizhny Novgorod when things really get tough. Speaking of WRRF - Altunin: Arguably the peak example of a "MEDIOCRE!!!" Unlike Vagner, who intends to keep the slaves down indefinitely, Shultz gives them better social mobility in the hierarchy, granting them an opportunity to work for their freedom. Zykov has liberal ambitions to create a democratic republic, but, as Bunyachenko comments, he had no problem working with the Nazis and abetting to their crimes to achieve that dream. His whole ideology of Russia needing to adopt German National Socialism is based on the fact that Peter the Great visited Europe and modeled his government after the ones he studied, in which it's supposedly Vagner's duty to do the same. Yes, even you Panzer! Still, the fact it hasn't overstepped them yet still puts these Makhnovist madlads fairly high up the list. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Popular pages. Claiming to be a former adjutant of Nikolai Bukharin and supporter of the Marxist thought, Zykov prefers to imagine himself as an adherent of Russian republicanism who saw the inevitable failure of Bolshevism. From the streets of Voroshilovgrad to the shores of Khalkhin Gol, from the outskirts of Leningrad to the forests of West Russia, in every battleground he fought, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov demonstrated himself as an exceptional leader and stood out as an example to respect and follow from his peers and subordinates alike. Addressing civilian opposition to the ROA, Zykov proposes hearing them out to build legitimacy for their government, establishing tribunals to rein in soldier abuses and building military-civilian community councils to protect the villages. Pavel Batov has the opportunity to recruit Sergei Akhromeyev and Alexander Altunin to his general staff if Sverdlovsk defeats Zhukov's WRRF. If Shultz's reforms are chosen, the slaves are given the option to work hard enough to earn their freedom, except that they'll continue to be moderated by Aryan supervisors and forced into menial labor, as if nothing's changed. A state controlled by the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR), an anti-Soviet government composed of ex-Soviet German collaborators headed by General Andrey Vlasov. When one worker drops to his knees upon hearing an incoming German bomber, the inspector orders him to be taken outside and made "an example out of" for the others. Mingazeyev, already a member of a circle dedicated to Tatar rights and autonomy, was chosen to be the leader of a new democracy. Betrayal and internal power struggles weakened the Front, and the Germans and their collaborators were soon able to reverse the tide.

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tno russian unifiers list