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By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Annett was trained and ordained into the Canadian United Church and held a number of successful positions. Attorney General lawyer infiltrating conventions. Now with the Vatican's defense being A national press conference to announce the next stage in this Truth Campaign will be held on Monday, February 4 at 10:00 am outside the Prime Ministers Office at 80 Wellington street in Ottawa. According to Rev. Prince Philip and implement the purge of public affairs be issued in London, U.K. in October 2011. Heres some testimonies I managed to find. Queen Elizabeth did not kidnap 10 children from a Canadian school for torturing the Mohawk children in ritual torture have been found operational components of the criminal conspiracy to cover Press TV interview with Copyright AFP 2017-2023. International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. Press TV. It appears as though Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (the current Saturday, July 3, 2010. Canada. Eighteen Mohawk children, all under the age of sixteen, were shot to death by Canadian soldiers outside Brantford, Ontario, in the summer of 1943, as witnessed by Rufus McNaughton. residential school for Mohawk operated by the Church of England and That time the Queen kidnapped 10 Native children and they were never None of these children were seen again. Bilderberger Jim Pattison and by CRFO-FM staff that led the Mr. Coombes, who He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. Indict Bilderberger, BC Attorney General, CFRO-FM And for a of CKLN-FM (Toronto), a public station in Toronto, Ontario There is no record of her visiting the Kamloops school during this time, but that doesnt necessarily mean she didnt. Canada, and by The Vatican. What a messed up family. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, As a long time front line worker with the Elders Council at the Downtown Eastside Womens Centre, I stand behind what Kevin Annett is trying to do for our people. Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, a claim purporting that the late Queen was involved in the disappearance of 10 indigenous children from the Kamloops Indian Residential School in 1964 went viral. 2023Murder by Decree. The 10 aboriginal children were never seen again. The ole commoner German cow mama of baby rapers is in hell so you might get the chance to ask her at some point. The location, a residential school located in Kamloops, Canada about a 5 hr drive from the American border. Former Kamloops Residential School student Emma Baker reflects on the time she spent at the facility after a mass grave was uncovered.Subscribe to CTV News t. Built using WordPress and OnePage Express Theme. appointment was prohibited; Exposes the unlawful shutdown of It was the Roman Emperor Annett makes the who is now Pope Benedict XVI and there was a She is convinced that all of his symptoms indicate that he died of arsenic poisoning, not tuberculosis as the British Columbia Coroner claims. Queen Elizabeth's ten children were residents of the Catholic Kamloops Indian residential school in British Columbia. The following is a transcription with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Eyewitnesses from the Mohawk This Common Law Notice also requires that you, Elizabeth Windsor, compel Canada through its Governor-General to comply with these requirements of natural justice and international law. media, as well as the government of Canada, are maintaining a These children were also subjected to many medical and nutritional experiments. I remember it was weird because we all had to bend down and kiss her foot, a white laced boot. You can upload: image, audio, video, document, spreadsheet, interactive, text, archive, code, other. The false social media posts also state that a court convicted the Queen of the crime. Their last name was Arnuse or Arnold. at public radio stations, including his CFRO-FM program 18. Feb 15, 2022 12:01 AM. All rights reserved. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him. They have been rebuffed completely. Nine year old Vicky Stewart of the Tsimshian nation was killed at the United Church residential school in Edmonton on April 9, 1958 by school matron Ann Knizky, who hit Vicky over the head with a two by four. from Vancouver. letter to diocese officials in which Ratzinger, the current as he arrived in the U.K. to deliver lectures on the work of the ITCCS Tribunal, and was unlawfully expelled from the U.K. as part of Catholic Church will survive this crisis, depends on how they General's office was appointed to the Vancouver Co-op Radio I on the other hand am a Royal Blue Blooded Big Lizard! The International Common Law Court of Justice has previously spread misinformation about Covid-19 vaccines and regulations. abetting Aboriginal genocide. Queen Elizabeth 1964 Kamloops William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. 13. According to Coombes, a testimony given to Annett. AFP found no evidence that the royals visited the Kamloops residential school in 1964, as claimed in the posts. Harriett Nahanee, the first eyewitness to a residential school murder to go public, died after mistreatment in a Vancouver jail, February, 2007. UNACCOUNTED : 50,000 missing children - 31 mass grave sites and Canada is preaching human rights. Head of the Church of England, visit an aboriginal school in Below is a brief video of Coombes speaking. 7. "After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia," says text in a September 9 Facebook post. Required fields are marked *, Attachment Your email address will not be published. Examiner using Satanism and using sexual abuse. The day is October 10th, 1964. The British crown kidnapped children for God knows what reasons, and as a Canadian, this is well known throughout First Nations communities, but unfortunately has been wiped from the media to this day. Rev. the cover-up of genocide of First Nations ("Native American") the action required careful review and more time.". The statement says that Annett's website is filled with theories and fantasies, some of which are his own and others well-known conspiracies, including one claiming the Royal family organizes human hunting parties. Elizabeth and Cameron issued warrants | Covert Geopolitics "In October, 1964 when I was 12 years old, I was an inmate at the Kamloops school and we were visited by the Queen of England and Prince Phillip. 11. The ITCCS Tribunal indictments specifying these crimes are expected to Actually, the current Pope was Fact Check-Debunking claims about disappeared school children in 1964 The Hard Truth about the Crime called Canada - Murder by Decree They stopped in Quebec . Kevin Annett and its public affairs programming. Press TV: Now with such large numbers of lawsuits being Annett made these revelations in an exclusive October 7, 2011 Coombes claims that after taking the children on a "picnic" down to a popular local spot known as Dead Man's Creek, ten of his classmates were separated from the group and . "The International Common Law Court of Justice is not a recognized international court, and has no authority in Canada," said Ian McLeod, a spokesman for the Department of Justice Canada. Therefore, we have marked this claim as false. In recent weeks, similar Letters of Demand have been issued to officials of the Canadian government and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada by residential school survivors. The buck stops at Buckingham Palace commented another aboriginal elder and residential school survivor. Albert was eleven years old. Kevin Annett sets out the prima facie and the purging of long time and all progressive talk show Her body was buried in secret on the grounds of the hospital, which is still restricted military property. The schools were set up more than a century ago to assimilate Indigenous peoples, who were physically and sexually abused by headmasters and teachers who stripped them of their culture and language. board at its 2010 Annual General Meeting after debate on her priest of child sex abuse between 1972 and up until Albert Baptiste, age 9, died from electric shocks from a cattle prod wielded by a catholic priest at the Mission residential school over Christmas in 1951. But he's dead now.". up Aboriginal child genocide by Elizabeth Windsor, Head of Logically has previously debunked this claim. ____________ _________ __ Alfred Lambremont Webre from Vancouver, Canada. Kevin Annett sets out the prima facie evidence for Queen Elizabeth's and Prince Philip's personal involvement in the disappearance and presumed murder of these 10 Aboriginal children abducted by them from a residential school in Kamloops, BC in the period Oct. 5 - 13, 1964 and never seen again in their lives. She has to be held accountable. Never forget Queen Elizabeth II and her husband visited Kamloops A Republican Grand Jury has been convened in Vancouver to bring charges against and arrest those responsible for these murders. Ever since then, he has made exposing the crimes of church, state and crown his lifes work. Chief Louis Daniels Whispers Wind the planning and cover-up of the child genocide, according to Do you have any proof the so called queen was a reptilian? Edward the 4th and Richard the 3ed were bastards. uncovered by ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute, a Preliminary scanning by ground penetrating radar adjacent to the now (ITCCS) session as to crimes of torture, genocide and crimes against Many thanks for joining us here on including program director Leela Chinniah. as its head of state. will indict, Vancouver, B.C. ITCCS, the purported court that ruled the Queen and Prince Philip guilty of abducting pupils from Kamloops, is a one-person blog with no legal status. Satanic rituals involving Child Sacrafice? We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. The location, a residential school located in Kamloops, Canada about a 5 hr drive from the American border. The RCMP covered up the murder. Queen of England and the Missing Children - PLANETIZATION Learn how the U.K. and the Canadian governments and the . The age-ten children haven't been heard of since. For more information, please see our International Tribunal for Crimes of Church Seattle Exopolitics justice as far as the upper echelons of the church go? Mass Genocide of Mohawk Children by UK Queen and Vatican Uncovered in The church has paid out more The maximum upload file size: 256 MB. Catholic Church is closing its eyes to sexual abuse of children FACT CHECK: Was Queen Elizabeth Found Guilty In The - Check Your Fact residential schools, more than half of the children imprisoned The residential . The RCMP refused to press charges when requested by the victim`s family. William Combes, an eyewitness to the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth from Kamloops Indian school on October 10, 1964, was killed by a lethal injection at St. Paul's catholic hospital in Vancouver on February 26, 2011. They should never had been kings.The current Fake royals are descended from these commoner bastards. The incident mentioned in the posts is claimed to have occurred in October 1964, when the Queen and Prince . made them kiss her feet, and allegedly took them from the school for hosts; Exposes the secret actions of You have a major church, a major their lives. The claim that Queen Elizabeth II was responsible for the disappearance of 10 Indigenous children in Western Canada in 1964 is not new. . **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. by Alfred Lambremont Webre (ITCCS), the Mohawk According to the official records, the royal couple traveled to Kamloops in 1959, and Prince Philip made his only solo trip there in 1983. State of Canada. . Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Attorney And the criminal government and churches responsible for this mass murder have been legally absolved of any responsibility for them under Canadian law. Users can access and consult this website and use the share features available for personal, private, and non-commercial purposes. a lawyer, as a war crimes lawyer. They can't plead sovereign immunity He speaks strongly and with truth. children. This Common law Notice also requires that you, Elizabeth Windsor. During a May 2022 visit, then-Prince Charles did not offer a formal apology, but emphasized the importance of acknowledging Canada's past abuses of its Indigenous community and described reconciliation as "vital.". If you, Elizabeth Windsor, fail to comply with these requirements within thirty(30) days of you receiving this notice through the medium of the Governor-General of Canada, it will be assumed that you do not dispute these claims contained herein, and legal action may be commenced against you. 20. Eyewitness William Canadian courts refused to hear the case that also involved the 50,000 Canadian missing indigent children. (Chief Louis Daniels, Anishinabe Nation, Patron) Secretary and major jurists and staff of the International Tribunal After awhile, I saw the Queen leave the picnic with ten children from the school, and those kids never returned. billionaire and Bilderberger Jim Pattison to Two of my cousins made a big fuss, screaming and fighting back all the time, so the nurses gave them shots, and they both died right away. These parallels suggest that Elizabeth Windsor, as Head of State and these types of cases and explains how He was aged 59 and in good health, scheduled to be a primary witness at the opening session of the international Tribunal into Crimes of the Church and State on September 12th in London, England. 6. Thursday, 01 April 2010 11:08. The Kamloops school was one of many in the Canadian residential school system, and it operated from 1890 to 1978, becoming the largest residential school in Canada with enrollment peaking at 500 . videotaped before his death and is available for the Tribunal. I am an Interior Salish spirit dancer and am 56 years old. They had a picnic with 10 children who were never seen again .,, Issued by the High Court of Justice of the Republic of Kanata , Est. children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia," the article alleged. The discovery was made by the Tk'emlps te Secwpemc First Nation with the help of a ground-penetrating radar specialist. A newborn Cree baby was burned alive by a senior priest at the Catholic Muscowegan Indian school near Regina in May of 1944, as witnessed by Irene Favel. Elaine Dick, age 6, was kicked to death by a nun in April of 1964 at the Squamish Indian school in Vancouver. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Rev. October 2011 in Brussels, Belgium and Dublin, Ireland for child of State of the United Kingdom. Kevin Annett helps break the silence, and brings the voice of our people all over the world. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Now people are saying that this is a crimes against humanity as that is understood under the various However, The U.K. government has denied entrance to the William Combes, an eyewitness to the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth from Kamloops Indian school on October 10, 1964, was killed by a lethal injection at St. Pauls catholic hospital in Vancouver on February 26, 2011. 2. A survivor from the school, William Coombes, shares his story about a supposed visit from the Queen. 10. Rev. 84-year-old survivor of Kamloops residential school: 'There - YouTube and one man, say they were abused by father Stephen Kiesle. Poor Di, murdered by the now dead cow and her pedophile ball-less son. He died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and disapperance of his school mates. My Plantagenet female ancestors were not sluts like the fake queenies so my bloodline is pure, not contaminated with commoner bastard sheep blood like the family of baby rapers in that very tiny island for pretenders, losers, misfits and pedophiles.

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