sarah lopez jeremy spencer

In 1800, 83% of the American labor force was agrarian, but today only 11% of total US employment is agriculture-related. Reformers will be far more successful adding a few days or options or opportunities than trying to undo Election Day.. While there are a lot of positives to creating a new national holiday, there are also some negatives. Make Election Day a federal holiday. Arizona, for example, allows employees who do not have three consecutive hours before or after work when the polls are open to take paid time off to vote at the start or end of work days. The question remains: is such a holiday good public policy? The pros and cons of the felon voting debate include arguments about the social contract, voting while in prison, and paying debts. Privacy Policy. Arizona, for example, allows employees who do not have three consecutive hours before or after work when the polls are open to take paid time off to vote at the start or end of their work days. The ideal ballot would have the candidates in one alphabetical list on one side, and the offices they seek on the other. Again, it is not clear that this is demonstrably true but it is a widespread perception. After reading the pros and cons on this topic, has your thinking changed? Trying one of these alternatives would avoid the negative economic impact of closing businesses for Election Day. In India, for example, a polling place is required within two kilometers (about a mile) of every single person in the country of 1.4 billion. While making Election Day a national holiday or moving it to the weekend would by no means be a cure-all, it could be used in conjunction with other strategies like 14, 2019, BBC, "Singapore Election: Governing Party Secure Decisive Win,, Sep. 12, 2015, Holly Jackson, "It's Time to Make Election Day a Holiday in Law and Spirit,", Oct. 22, 2018, BCP Associates, "India Elections 2019 - Declaration of Paid Holiday on Polling Day,, Apr. Proper citation depends on your preferred or required style manual. There was a Reddit comment saying that the only reason Republicans oppose Election Day being a national holiday is because it'll result in a higher turnout, which would almost completely ensure the Democrats will win for the foresable future. Even some Democrats are saying that it could have unintended consequences. (And in case youre curious, November was chosen as the month for similar reasons: It was after fall harvest was over but before the cold winter weather set in.). Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria Meet In Moscow: Whats Afoot? This year, more than 30 million Americans had already voted two weeks before todays Election Day an electoral surge never seen before. Over 60 court cases reviewed the evidence and judgesappointed by both Republican and Democratic presidents alikereached the same conclusion: there was no compelling evidence of fraud. Sweden came second with 82.6%. Proponents say the Electoral College ensures everyone selects the president. [2] Sundays were for rest and worship, and on Wednesdays farmers typically sold their crops at the market, making Tuesdays the best day of the week. One must John M. Cunningham, "Why Are U.S. List two to three ways. WDET is a community service of Wayne State University. There is a simple and straightforward solution: make Election Day a national holiday so that people have the time and freedom to vote without taking time off from work. Jake Neher is senior producer for Detroit Today and host of MichMash for 101.9 WDET. [15] A survey showed that US adults would rather have a federal holiday on Election Day than on Christmas Eve, the Friday after Thanksgiving, or St. Patricks day. In California, for example, theres now permanent voting by mail(voters can also go on line, after theyve submitted their ballot, to see if theyve been processed). Roughly the same odds as Mitch McConnell doing hot yoga with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. [31]. Last modified on April 13, 2020. US Political Parties. How to Become the US President. Below are the proper citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): the Modern Language Association Style Manual (MLA), the Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago), the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), and Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Turabian). We get about 20-25% of our absentee ballots come in on Election Day, says Barton. If youre rushing to the polls to cast your vote to stop the forces of QAnon or because you seriously believe the same Republican Party that ended slavery wants to bring it back, please stay home. And who would get squeezed by the holiday? Election Day holiday: The bill would make Election Day a legal public holiday, making it easier for voters to get to the polls. 5 Reasons Election Day Should Be a National Holiday - Global Without this simple step toward turning out as many Americans as possible to vote, any reform will be incomplete. Local View: Former Gov. Elections Held on Tuesdays?, (accessed Sep. 30, 2019), Evan Andrews, "Election 1010: Why Do We Vote on a Tuesday in November?,, Aug. 31, 2018, Grace Panetta and Olivia Reaney, "Today Is National Voter Registration Day. [28][29], Patagonia, an outdoor clothing retailer, paused operation on Nov. 6, 2018 so that all employees could vote. Giving people the day to vote would be the first public holiday in the United States. Here are the proper bibliographic citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): [Editor's Note: The APA citation style requires double spacing within entries. Not everyone is jumping at the idea of making Election Day a state holiday, however. A subreddit to discuss political science. In 1845, when Congress established a national election day, it had to be a Tuesday because farmers went to church on Sunday, went to market on Wednesday, and may have needed a day, Monday, to get to their polling place, Gil Troy an American presidential historian and McGill University professor told HuffPost. Explain your answer. Election Day National Holiday Top 3 Pros and Cons - Managing Editor Federal law doesnt require private employers to give employees paid holidays. Sanctuary Cities: Top 3 Pros and Cons Kneeling during the National Anthem: Top 3 "Should Election Day Be a National Holiday?" Countries that have weekend or holiday elections do tend to have better turnout overall. Proper citation depends on your preferred or required style manual. WebAt the opening of Congress this past January, House Democrats introduced a proposal to make Election Day a national holiday. When turnout is high, it becomes increasingly fruitless for politicians to play to their base in ways that allow a vocal minority to rule, which is how many American leaders currently operate. Not me. 2020, Virginia. Should Every Election Day Be A Federal Holiday? - Forbes our colleagues on the other side, on their campaigns.. If you want to make Election Day a national holiday because you believe American workers should have more days off to hang out with their families or pound Push for the position and policies you support by writing US national senators and representatives. Accessed April 27, 2023. By comparison, Belgium reported the highest OECD voter turnout: 87.2% in the most recent national election. Heres what the Senate Majority Leader had to say about the notion earlier this week: Just what America needs, another paid holiday and a bunch of government workers being paid to go out and work for I assume . But other solutions would more reliably increase turnout. As of mid-May Republicans in 48 states have introduced 389 bills that would reduce the hours polls are open; forbid people from eating or drinking while waiting in line to vote; close voter registration on Sundays, when Black churches traditionally have organized their members to register and vote; repeal no excuse absentee voting; and create a long list of other barriers to voting. The U.S. ranks 26th out of 32 for voter among 11 . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. All rights reserved. Politicians, most recently House Democrats in 2019, have also floated the idea of turning a weekday Election Day into a federal holiday, but to no avail. HR 1, also known as the For The People Act.. Over time, voting rights expanded from only white, male landowners age 21 and older to includewomenandpeople of color, as well as citizensage 18 and up, resulting in a dramatic increase in the voting-eligible population and a shift in voter demographics. But only 35% bothered to cast un bulletin de votein the second round of Frances parliamentary election (its what comes from loading the ticket with the likes of retired matadors and mathematical savants). High turnout means that people are successfully exercising their rights-a good in itselfbut it also ensures the continuing health of majority rule. If Election Day is a national holiday, would that mean the post office would be closed, she asked. 13 . ProCon/Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Pros and Cons of making election day a national holiday Accessed April 27, 2023., potential benefits and difficulties of changing election day, election day should not be a national holiday. Should Election Day Be a National Holiday? Governments are required to Folks who follow the news and keep up with current events sometimes forget theyre in the minority. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity. [33], Henry Farber, PhD, Hughes-Rogers Professor of Economics at Princeton University, conducted an analysis of states that made Election Day a holiday for state employees. After all, what do our veterans fight for, if not for democracy itself? Colleges should have already canceled Election Day classes. And that enabled us to essentially fill our needs of staffing the elections. If changes need to be made nationally, those changes should relate to job security and compensation. Please enable javascript and refresh the page to continue reading local news. American election laws have been reformed before with minimal impact on voter turnout which remains low compared to other democracies around the world. Such a change would mostly benefit white-collar workers instead of the lower-income workers its designed to help. Making Election Day a national holiday will increase voter turnout by enabling more people to vote. Everyone will get equal opportunity to vote. Whether the voter has to go to office or has an important meeting, they may not be able to find any excuse to miss the voting procedure if election day is declared as a national holiday. Issues also arise when a persons polling place is far from their workplace or when there are long lines to vote during peak times like in the morning before work or in the evening after work. Should Election Day Be a Holiday? - Morningside Center WebMaking election day a holiday might seem to have very few drawbacks, but because many of the people who would actually benefit from the holiday are unlikely to even be able to Tina Barton, a Republican Rochester Hills City Clerk has a lot of those questions, and more. At the heart of the debate is voter turnout give more people the day off, more people will go out of their way to head to the polls. Congress would shore up the peoples right to vote while guaranteeing the time to engage in this fundamental right. The second Trump vote could reach those levels. But would such a change turn out the voters Democrats covet most? Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Voter turnout in the U.S. is generally quite low, trailing behind that of other developed democracies around the world, according to another Pew study. And some countries, like Australia, require people to vote by subjecting those who dont to a minor fine equivalent to a traffic ticket. On WDETs Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson, Benson emphasized that making Election Day a holiday would make it easier toattractmore election workers. However, making National Election Day a holiday will disadvantage low-income and blue-collar workers. 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 200 If that level of participation gnaws at you, then consider: turnout for UKs Brexit vote was a shade over 77%; while 67.9% of the French electorate turned out for 2017s presidential election. With the exception of employers, who doesnt want another paid day off? But making Election Day a holiday because you want to increase voter turnout? Changing state laws and individual companies policies would be more effective ways to help people vote. Making Election Day a national holiday will increase voter turnout by enabling more people to vote. Speaking on MichMash, she explainsthat one of her biggest concerns has to do with the post office. OK, so why Tuesday? [12], The idea that voting should be a celebration, not a chore is one argument for turning Election Day into a national holiday, according to Archon Fung, PhD, and Jane Mansbridge, PhD, professors at the Harvard Kennedy School. ],, "Should Election Day Be a National Holiday?,",, "Should Election Day Be a National Holiday? Veterans deserve a day that stands on its own without the distractions that come with arriving at the polls and casting votes. To Feed His Ravenous Flock, Ron DeSantis Ignores the Real Problem With the Fed, The Flat Tax Revolution In State Capitals Is Thriving, Amazon Tax Subsidies Are Inefficient Job Creators, New Immigration Initiatives Promise Improvements In U.S. Migration From Southern Countries, Latest Biden Regulation Will Cause Massive Trouble For New Homebuyers, retired matadors and mathematical savants. Should Election Day Be a National Holiday? | Citizens have a right to vote. Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Costa Rica, and Mexico receive high voter turnout due to universal voting and time off. Pro/CON: Should Election Day be a federal holiday [31] Same-day registration boosts turnout by 5%, and universal implementation of it would have added as many as 4.8 million voters in the 2016 election, according to Danielle Root, JD, and Liz Kennedy, JD, from the Center for American Progress. 5. [8], Among registered voters in the 2016 US presidential election, being too busy or having a conflicting schedule was the third-highest reason cited for not voting, accounting for 14% of registered voters who did not cast a vote (about 2.7 million people). Some countries Election Day is a holiday in Puerto Rico. However, it wasnt until recently that the idea gained any traction in Congress. 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 200 Really? Veterans Day typically is about one week after Election Day so this would involve little disruption in terms of job schedules and monthly routines. And if they get sick on Monday, the day before the election theyre not trying to get an emergency ballot, or something like that. Way too many Americans are voting already. Plus, some experts say moving to weekend voting could substantially increase the cost of running elections. Pros & Cons Of Election Campaigns It was a modern record for the Peach State. Should People Who Have Completed Felony Sentences Be Allowed to Vote? South Korea and Israel hold theirs during the week, but have made the day a federal holiday. If Election Day were a national holiday, how would you ensure hourly and low-income workers would get a chance to vote? Other countries take heroic efforts to ensure that people can vote if they desire. Sundays were for rest and worship, and on Wednesdays farmers typically sold their crops at the market, making Tuesdays the best day of the week. ", Its one of many sweeping changes she would like to see in stateelection law. [24] Holidays usually mean more work hours for retail workers, because stores run promotions and sales. Twelve federal holidays are recognized each year: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Washingtons Birthday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas. The U.S. ranks 26th out of 32 for voter among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. One major reason: It comes down to tradition, Troy said. Pew Research Center found 71 percent of Democrats and 59 percent of Republicans support that. One example: if its a holiday, kids are home from schoolmaking it much harder for parents to have time to get to the polls. Its hard to say. Her ideas include requiring a statewide risk-limiting audit of an elections results before the state certification,giving clerks more time ahead of Election Day to process ballots and banning open carry of firearms within 100 feet of polling locations. Terms of Use | Online Privacy Policy, many sweeping changes she would like to see, the conspiracy fueled calls for election reform, On WDETs Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. Lets look at why Congress has never made Election Day a But one idea that could get support and pushback from both sides of the aisle is making Election Day a state holiday. The United States currently has 10 national holidays, includingMemorial Day,Independence Day, andChristmas Day. Yes, its true Americas voting age is lower than some other developed countries. You have permission to edit this article. 4. In its last two presidential elections (2015 and 2010) turnout was 55% 5% less than the 2016 vote in the U.S. Switzerland also votes on weekends. 12 . In a number of states, polling places have been closed in minority neighborhoods, which has created long lines and tremendous inconvenience for affected votersinconvenience with a cost, especially for those paid hourly wages. Making Election Day a national holiday would turn voting into a celebration of democracy. Election Day Others have suggested making Veterans Day (Nov. 11), which is already a paid national holiday, Election Day. We are not a nation of civics nerds. These changes would send the message that voting is not a privilege to be bought with job security and time to spare, but rather an essential responsibility every person ought to undertake. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Chicago, Illinois 60654 USA, Natalie Leppard 3. WDET is here to keep you informed onessential information, news and resources related to COVID-19. Many other democracies make election day a holiday and they all have higher voter turnout than we do. 3. Proponents say teens are knowledgeable enough to vote. Election Day Should Be A Federal Holiday Should the U.S. Make Election Day a National Holiday? - ", So, since this effort does not receive bipartisan support, it is difficult to enact.. The result is voter turnout rates of 72.3% and 77.2% respectively, which is 26-32% higher than the United States. We want parents to vote, not get stuck. What America needs isnt more voters. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. would align the US with other countries Many Americans are not Or is it an optimistic idea that would exclude already disadvantaged voters while failing to increase turnout? I also take umbrage with the idea that people who dont vote are doing something wrong. Who wants more of the people who think professional wrestling is real or that 9/11 was an inside job to help pick the next president? - Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues Kneeling during National Anthem US Presidents on Money PROS AND CONS OF CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES PROCON.ORG HEADLINES - Our Issues in the News Are DACA and the DREAM Act Good for America? Nations like Israel and South Korea make election day a national holiday and have voter turnout rates of 72.3% and 77.2% respectively, which is significantly higher than that of the US. This past year, we were able to make it work through sports teams and other businesses that stepped up, gave their employees the day off, made it a holiday internally, says Benson. The bill had zero co-sponsors and went It needs better voters, people who have some vague notion of what theyre voting for or against, not just people practicing identity politics or voting with their political tribe. This article was published on October 1, 2020, at Britannicas, a nonpartisan issue-information source. The United States is out of step with the rest of the world: elections are held on weekends in 27 of the 36 OECD countries. Effectiveness depends on the region. Election Day National Holiday In the 2016 presidential election, 14% of registered voters cited being too busy or having a conflicting schedule as the main reason they didnt cast their ballots, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data. By registering through a routine and necessary transaction such as those at the DMV, voters wont have to worry about registration deadlines or application submissions. Other solutions would more reliably increase voter turnout than a national holiday. We see that you have javascript disabled. Approximately two million people who work Rationality and coherent argument are encouraged, whereas ideological flamewars are strongly discouraged. 10 . The types of workers least likely to reap the benefits of a federal holiday are those who already struggle to vote, Shineman noted. Approximately two million people who work for the federal government would be given a paid day off, and private companies might follow suit. Should Election Day Be a Holiday? Here Are Some Pros Here are five reasons why Election Day should be a national holiday. WebElection Day becoming a federal holiday will elevate voting to a democratic holiday. Instead, lawmakers could simply move nearby Veterans Day to Election Day, emphasizing that voting is both a service to the country and a celebration of the rights and freedoms for which our servicemembers fight. Its time to make voting harder. That, to me,is the real answer, she says. [9], Former Editor-in-Chief of the Northwestern University Law Review, Beau C. Tremitiere, JD, stated, The demands of school and work schedules keep millions of Americans, especially those with children or long commutes, from ever getting to their polling stations The ideal solution is simple: Congress should make Election Day a national holiday, or move Election Day to the weekend. [10] A holiday would allow more citizens volunteer at polling places or drive the elderly to vote, and make a difference in states where long lines at the polls keep voters waiting for hours. Hey, you know who really has high voter turnout? Benson also emphasized the preeminence that she says Election Day should have in our culture, that it should be a day of celebration of our civic duty to elect our leaders a celebration of democracy at a time when democracy is under real threat. According to the U.S. Census Bureaus data on nonvoters, registered voters from households making more than $150,000 are most likely to say they dont have time to turn out on Election Day. Move Voting to Veterans Day - Politico Election Day National Holiday Top 3 Pros and Cons - Passing voting rights reform will be a crucial component of this response, as would making Election Day a national holiday. Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to 16? Last week his office released a list of voting rights provisions he would support. Okun's son is mentioned in this Here are the proper bibliographic citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): [Editor's Note: The APA citation style requires double spacing within entries. Instead of having the names spelled out, voters would pick between Oje Diben and Noladd Rumpt.. ], [Editors Note: The MLA citation style requires double spacing within entries. But if you must, then I insist we move the election to April 15, Tax Day, to remind everyone how much these elections cost. What are the pros and cons of making Election Day a national . Voter suppression policies need to be reversed, starting with restoring the pre-clearance provisions of the Civil Rights Act. [16]. Waste of money. But they never go far and die in committee without a vote. (Photo: Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg), Controversial Program Could Diminish NASAs Credibility And Its Federal Funding, Shelter From A Storm: Protecting The Housing Market From Itself. Caravans are joyful, noisy parades of cars festooned with flags and other decorations that stream through the streets ahead of an election and are credited with the islands over 80 percent turnout. Because of the pandemic, more U.S. voters are exploring alternatives to voting on Election Day, such as early voting and mail-in voting. Low 38F. [14][35] In Australia, where voting is mandatory, elections are celebrated with parties and barbeques nationwide, resulting in turnout rates around 90%. [6] Election Day could be made a holiday if a bill were passed by the House and Senate then signed into law by the president. Should People Who Have Completed Felony Sentences Be Allowed to Vote? Automatic voter registration, same-day registration, early voting, no-excuse absentee voting, restoring voting rights to former felons, improved civics education, and voter outreach would all improve participation. [26] Caravanas are joyful, noisy parades of cars festooned with flags and other decorations that stream through Puerto Ricos streets ahead of an election and are credited with the islands over 80% voter turnout. Holidays, (accessed Sep. 30, 2019), Matthew Haag, "Mitch McConnell Calls Push to Make Election Day a Holiday a Democratic Power Grab,", Jan. 31, 2019, Drew DeSilver, "U.S. Trails Most Developed Countries in Voter Turnout,, May 21, 2018, Gustavo Lpez and Antonio Flores, "Dislike of Candidates or Campaign Issues Was Most Common Reason for Not Voting in 2016,, June 1, 2017, Beau C. Tremitiere, "Election Day Should Be a National Holiday,, July 5, 2016, York Dispatch Editorial Board, "Editorial: On Voting, GOP Takes a Holiday from its Senses,, Feb. 1, 2019, Tacey Rychter, "How Compulsory Voting Works: Australians Explain,", Nov. 5, 2018, Archon Fung and Jane Mansbridge, "Lets Vote, Party and Celebrate American Democracy on a New Holiday Called Citizen Day,, Oct. 26, 2018, Thomas MacMillan, "This Might Be the Best Idea for Turning out More Voters in U.S. Elections,, July 8, 2017, Drew Desilver, "Weekday Elections Set the U.S. apart from Many Other Advanced Democracies,, Nov. 6, 2018, Kathy Frankovic, "St. Patricks Day Not So Popular - Americans Would Rather Election Day a Holiday,, Mar.

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sarah lopez jeremy spencer