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The allocation of the value added sectors is handled separately (and described below). In Eq. W.I. developed the methodology and software programming in flowsa and performed data curation for all environmental data, and wrote associated sections of the manuscript. Many environmental and employment data sources are available to characterize US industries at the needed level of detail for more recent years. 3.3), the Ld and a demand vector derived from Yd are used. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2013). Quarterly census of employment and wages 2015. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020). Two such tools have been developed thus far: (1) A National Tool appropriate for federal agencies, trade associations, and non-governmental organizations needing an overall, big picture view of U.S. sustainability; and (2) an Organizational Tool that provides sustainability and procurement professionals with a the ability to produce targeted sustainability snapshots in support of their enterprises and organizations. Horowitz, K. J. The 2012 BEA IO tables include the sector Waste management and remediation services (562000), both as an industry and commodity. The direct impacts of a sector in a given indicator unit per model dollar year, can be calculated with Eq. Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), with support of theDepartment of Energys Bioenergy Technology Office (BETO), are using USEEIO as a key resource for the development of their Bio-Economy Input-Output Model. EPA's supply chain GHG emission factors are based on US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output models and are presented in emissions per dollar of spend. Google Scholar. Depending on the data available for the location of product use, apply eGRID subregion or U.S. national average factors. Improvements in modeling national totals of industry and environmental flows are described. AC-17-SS-1 (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2019). 26. where HRoW is the contribution from Rest of World, and Hd is the contribution from the US. These values are included in the WasteDisaggregation_Make sheet in the primary data record, in the Industry disaggregation rows. 7. Value added is a collection of the monetary benefits industries provide to government (as taxes), employees (as wages), and to their shareholders (as profits). Crop Irrigation water withdrawals are allocated proportionally using water use by crop type. After waste management itself, the next 31 input sectors (out of 177) comprise 70% of intermediate inputs. Li, M. & Ingwersen, W. Life-cycle impact coefficients (N matrix) of USEEIOv1.2 and v2.0.1-411. A symbol represents the transposed (rows and columns switched) form of a matrix or vector. It was developed by harmonizing and detailing supply-use tables for a large number of countries, estimating emissions and resource extractions by industry. 21. where lc is the column representing the commodity of interest from the L matrix, and dn is the transposed row representing the indicator of interest from the D matrix. Emissions from purchased goods and services and capital goods, referred to as Scope 3 emissions in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting Standard, represent a significant emissions source for many organizations. 36 are used to create the satellite matrix of environmental flow coefficients, B, in a physical unit per dollar output for a commodity in the model that can be used with the economic data for industries from another year. To obtain an allocation percentage for the industries that consume Waste management and remediation services commodity (i.e. This then must be further transformed into commodity form before use, which is done so by multiplication with the market shares matrix, Vn, which itself is obtained from the model Make table and the model commodity output, q. The modeling steps were written in Python and consolidated into a software package called flowsa. 22. Some scope 3 categories may be relevant, but initially lack readily available data to use in estimating emissions. The right side of Eq. We examine these differences by indicator in a series of grouped charts comparing v2.0 and v1.2 impact coefficients (N matrix) by sector and indicator67. The greatest discrepancies in land use impact intensities between the two models occur in agricultural industries, with a decrease in intensity for Cattle ranches and feedlots and an increase in intensity for Animal farms and aquaculture ponds (except cattle and poultry) and Timber and raw forest products. Report No. 1. Coverage of these data used in v2.0 is equivalent to that from v1.2 as seen in Table2. 14. The result is available in the National Point Source Releases to Ground By Industry 2017 v1.1 dataset35. In v2.0, one of the BEA commodities is split into 7 further resolved (more specific) commodities (404+7=411). Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Then one can continue to derive the equivalent of L for domestic use, Ld from Ad, using Eq. 28 for all flows at a 1% tolerance, with a <1% difference assumed to be expected due to rounding errors65 both for the full model and the domestic model, where Ld Eq. s is the product of L and the given final demand vector, y, as shown in Eq. This section describes data sources, algorithms for model construction, novel methodologies and software procedures used in the construction of USEEIO v2.0. The model is available as the National Employment Totals By Industry 2017 v1.1 dataset59. Truck transport fell out of the top 20. Edelen, A., Hottle, T., Cashman, S. & Ingwersen, W. The federal LCA commons elementary flow list: Background, approach, description and recommendations for use. L, the Leontief inverse, or the total requirements matrix, is obtained from A, using Eq. The water withdrawal sector attribution model result is published as the National Water Withdrawal Totals By Industry 2015 v1.1 dataset51. A rough estimate will suffice, but if that is not possible, then proceed to step 2 to estimate emissions. Significant decreases in HRSP are visible in agricultural sectors except in Cattle. Technol. The Criteria Air and GHG emissions data from 2017 and 2016, respectively, that drive these data replaced 2011 and 2013 data in v1.2 and likely reflect the continued phase out and substitution of ozone depleting substances70. Any of these matrices, used together with its respective domestic matrix, can be used to divide the values between those occurring in the US and those in the rest of the world, by taking the difference of a result with the domestic model and the full model, as in Eq. Amazon used USEEIO as a source for life cycle CO2e factors in their corporate carbon footprint calculation for estimating part of their carbon footprint related to purchased goods and services and their facilities. All flows in these published datasets, except those from the commercial waste datasets which are waste flows and not elementary flows, were mapped to the FEDEFLv1.0.7. (2015). These calculations of total flows or impacts associated with a given final demand are equivalent to life cycle inventory (LCI), denoted as G, and life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) result, denoted as H, in the field of life cycle assessment17. More information about this update is provided in the Procedure for Model Building section. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (2019). Article The literature assessing the environmental impacts of household consumption is mostly focused on developed economies, thus, leaving a critical gap when it comes to assessing the impacts of household consumption and of related environmental policies in developing countries . This is an update from v1.1, where value added data were taken from BEA Summary level Use tables for more recent years and adjusted as described in the documentation5. Industrial water withdrawals in v1.1 were calculated by scaling Canadian water withdrawals for manufacturing by US GDP. Ingwersen, W., Yang, Y., Gilkey, K. & Li, M. USEEIOv1.1 - Satellite Tables. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. The report notes: This deeper analysis uses details contained within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys United States Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) model to highlight specific activities that occur within the supply chain of the goods and services procured by the County that drive the bulk of the impacts and to identify those impacts that are generated locally (e.g., particulate matter emissions from local vendor fleet operations). Primary data must often be collected directly from suppliers through a questionnaire or similar format. The 2021 edition is no longer available for purchase. Birney, C., Conner, M. & Ingwersen, W. National water withdrawal totals by industry 2015 v1.1. Overview of GHG Protocol scopes and emissions across the value chain. IPCC Emissions Factor Database. Environ. for industry i is prepared using Eq. UM Scope 3 Purchased Goods & Services Emissions Footprinting The result is available in the National Commercial Hazardous Waste Totals by Industry 2017 v1.1 dataset57. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. EPA 430-R-18-003 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018). To prevent this, we apply a different allocation value to the value-added sectors of the disaggregated waste industries based on the intermediate industry totals (i.e., non-value-added allocations): where piW denotes the value-added allocation proportions, W is the value added matrix in the form of value added components per dollar industry output that is extracted from the full Use table, Vi denotes the industry throughput derived from the Make table (row sums), i'(UW) denotes the intermediate industry throughput derived from the Use table (column sums) and not including the value added matrix. Novel methodological elements since USEEIO v1 models include waste sector disaggregation, final demand vectors for US consumption and production, a domestic form of the model that can be used to separate domestic and foreign impacts, and price adjustment matrices for converting outputs to purchaser price and in various US dollar years. 2 shows that domestic impacts are indeed a proportion of total impacts, with proportions varying by indicator, due to the degree of requirements being met by processes driving the respective impacts. PDF Category 4: Upstream Transportation and Distribution Waste management and remediation services fell out of the top 20 due to the disaggregation of the waste sectors in v2.0. The difference between the summed state level data and published national MLU pasture and grazed land data were attributed to animal type using a national average of the USDA CoA data. 2012 Economic Census: Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services: Subject Series - Product Lines: Product Lines Statistics by Industry for the U.S. And States: 2012. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2013). U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2019). 32 are the same as the Value Added row values in the model N matrix. US Department of Defense A comprehensive BEA-to-NAICS sector mapping table is built with these complementary pieces to the main correspondence. QCEW was chosen for the sector attribution model, as QCEW data is one of the primary data sources for the National Employment Matrix and as the National Employment Matrix database primary purpose is for national-level employment predictions60.

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