pluto dominant appearance tumblr

They kinda like to be the one in charge. They have very piercing and captivating eyes, prominent noses, strong shoulders, they can usually pull off many styles too, great cheekbones, subtle hooked noses, unamused lips, cool skin tone, suspicious gazes, high cheekbones, darker styles, sharper features, poker faces, more arched eyebrows, powerful walks, and a lot of *mysterious* sex appeal. Home of Camille the Cosmic Cannibal, a #Gemini astrologer with a snarky-yet-savvy take on the planets, signs, houses and more. I have no 8th house placements besides lilith. They are usually very good in positions where all the spotlight is on them. Questions are always welcome! They may get stressed out easily and because of this, they can overdo it with themselves sometimes since they just want to be seen and noticed. Pluto & Mars placements/aspects in a chart can indicate that someone really likes seafood or either hates it. They can have resting bitch faces, or just look more intimidating. They can look very young even when theyre older. This is not a secret, but they can also have big, defined glutes since Sagittarius rules the leg and glute muscle. Prone to big teeth. Freckles, eyes of strange colors or different from each other. They can really just witness people in their true, actual personalitys and this is like a superpower. Attention-grabbing eyes, proud jawline. An earth/fire water sign will help bring you out of your shell, whilst giving you just the right amount of nurturing emotional support. MC), Megan Fox (capricorn mars). Since Taurus is ruled by Venus, these individuals know how to make things look aesthetically pleasing or just nice in general. Scorpio/Pluto: Makes things more harsh, piercing, "scary/mysterious", usually represented by making things more square in shape. Neptune dominant people: Marilyn Monroe (leo neptune in the 1st house), Rachel Weisz (sagittarius neptune rx, pisces stellium), Rebel Wilson (sagittarius neptune), Andrew Garfield (sagittarius neptune rx conj. There are 8 planets, aside from Earth. At times, they can be very fake, (not in the bad friend type of way but just in their attitude) like they try to smile and laugh and show people that theyre happy when theyre really not. pluto), Fergie (libra moon conj. However, there are situations when it is done out of self-sacrifice. continuing from this, people tend to think Libra and Sagittarius placements are dumb because Libra placements are oblivious and purposely act dumb where as Sagittarius placements are very humorous & people think thats all to them. They genuinely just have a very flirtatious type of personality when they want to have fun. AHEM >^>. They go through many transformations throughout their life, both mental and physical. I feel everything so intensely and it's very overwhelming. They are agents of change who get to witness the growth and healing of those they care about. Mothers of individuals who have a Scorpio moon probably want them to live with them for all eternity and never want them to actually experience life, Libra risings know sososo much more then they let off, they act so dumb and clueless AND oblivious but they actually know a lot & are good at deceiving people. However, it is possible to associate your Uranian nature with a few clear characteristics: Uranus rhymes . His expression is rather serious. Want more astro-logic from Cosmic Cannibal? They can have a stubborn type of look, and when people try to convince them to do something they dont want to do, the person will quite literally think this person will not budge, how do I convince them? When its time to change, they try to resist just because they find comfort in how theyre used to doing things. Their energy can genuinely just seem out of this world. *****, Anas Nin, from the short story Mathilde, Delta of Venus (published posthumously in 1977). Being ruled by Pluto, Scorpio dominant people have a dark aura that is naturally alluring to others. Live happily and tell no one. Pluto Dominant souls are MC), Vin Diesel (scorpio neptune rx conj. The gaze unleashes sexual attractiveness and usually they . evolved - think & learn quickly, extroverted by nature, forceful need to use their brain, extremely sarcastic, loves the world, high will power, tendency to unintentionally make hurtful jokes, feels best in large groups, self confident, enjoys expressing their ideas unevolved - unreliable, anxious, inability to keep secrets, uncommitted, superficial . Body in proportion, no matter what height, gains weight evenly. Neptune in the 7th house individuals can attract spiritual & artistic partners, they can also give more then they receive in relationships. In reality, theyre very friendly & knowledgeable. But let me just tell you, these people are prone to having other people obsessed with them, and then they themselves being obsessed with other people. You are charismatic and possess a seductive magnetism few people do. Of course, Pluto onlly moves through Aquarius for a little while in 2023, before re-entering and staying there from 2024 through 2044. This is really obvious but I feel like people dont notice it as much. Usually have deep voices. Celebrities with a Virgo Rising: Keanu Reeves, Emma Watson, Timothe Chalamet, and Uma Thurman. Im much more afraid of Virgo & Taurus placements together then I am of just Capricorn placements, Taurus=stubbornness & Virgos perfectionism. May often be described as a chameleon. Just overall lovely people & sweethearts. (I already have a post on Capricorn rising, its on my master list.). They do seem more naive, free-spirited, and impatient so sometimes people may actually underestimate them, but theyre actually ruled by Jupiter so they have a lot of higher knowledge & in some cases can be very intuitive. They either like to dress comfortably, or like a Queen. A. penduluum: . love and be loved, but your strong emotions make you very self-protective and Traditionally attractive unless venus is afflicted or in aquarius. Hips, hands, and lips are all stunning. Im not even kidding their chins and jaws are so beautiful. I notice a lot of fire risings have bad relationships with food wether its eating until theyre uncomfortably full, or not eating enough. Pluto may be afraid of Uranus because of its own vibe, detached personality, and unapproachable nature. Virgo placements like controlling everything including their image. Oh okay. Jupiter Dominant Appearance Tumblr. Ive noticed that people with this placement can usually have very clear skin, or their skin gets clear quickly. They dont like people telling them they cant do something or just generally restricting them from exploring different things. Because those are considered the most ~intuitive~ and psychically aware placements in astrology. sun both in scorpio), Bjrk (pluto in virgo conj. Neptune Dominant= Any dreams can come true, Spiritual guidance, Unexpected Abudance. People ruin beautiful things. Even if they dont have a big buttock, their bum still looks nice. MC), Pablo Escobar (sagittarius sun conj. Aquarius placements (especially if you have more then 2) are just so different.. in a good way. i love u because i know u without knowing u. i love u because u are somewhere knowing me too. Cancer Venuss are the type to come up with an excuse to not date/like someone because they dont want to tell the person straight up that they dont like them and this is because they know what it feels like to be heartbroken better then anybody. Others resent it when dominant venus individuals speak up for themselves, since the demands put on them can be unrealistic and harsh. of human suffering. Likes to have friends and be popular, but may have a strong disgregard towards social norms. 1 year ago on November 29, 2021 at 5:23 am. are dangerous, and you never want to lose control. Perception and intuition allow you to see into the soul of Celebrities with a Scorpio Rising: Prince, Katy Perry, Lana Del Rey, and Taylor Swift. Gemini risings usually have very expressive faces that can make people tell a lot about what theyre feeling. Has deep but concealed feelings and emotions. 1 of my 3 dominant planets (but the 1 I mostly identify w!) Of an ethereal appearance, the shape of his face is usually square and slightly round. Listen toRuled By Secrecy by Muse. They can also be extremely secretive, not many people know a lot about them, and they prefer it this way too. Thick, light hair, prone to balding; clear skin, striking eyebrows/facial structure, full lips. Aquarius placements especially Venus, Moon and Mercury are the type to not communicate how they feel and instead they tell you how they feel by doing unusual acts or things like that. When you meet Virgo Risings, you can tell that theyre organized and are overall well put together. Their eyebrows are very prominent and are often complimented because of their nice shape. - People who have a fire Mars can be unreliable, they dont do anything they dont want to. MC), Adriana Lima (neptune rx in sagittarius). Jupiter dominant people: Jennifer Love Hewitt (leo jupiter rx conj. Celebrities with a Leo Rising: Marilyn Monroe, Selena Gomez, Reese Witherspoon, and Ashley Olsen. These individuals can be both the flame and its shadow, and they are skilled at concealing or hiding aspects of themselves. Listen to Monster by Colours, Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): You experience agony and Virgo mercury 8h: remembers a lot of things, analytical, logical, aware of what people think, well-worded. They may have unique or a weird size feet, OR their feet are very nice. Professions: activist, diplomatic, inventor, anything to do with human rights or technology. This is a different concept than being a Scorpio or having "Scorpionic" influences. Dive deep into the history and future of Pluto in Aquarius, and learn what the biggest astrology transit of 2023 has in store for the world. With what you describe, I would say that Pluto is a theme in your identity, since it is the ruling planet of your Rising sign (along with the MC trine and Sun/Mar/Jupiter square). You want to understand the meaning of life, and aren't afraid to dive into as many resources and experiences to do so. I will answer these questions, but in the future can you only send 3 placements or less? Professions: musician, sexologist, dancer, artist, host(ess), photographer, model, anything fashion or cosmetics related. Theyll pick up on any contradictions in your argument or any attempts to deceive them. Dont reword, translate, copy, plagiarize or use without credit. Aquarius Mercurys are very observant, and you dont even have a clue because people tend to underestimate them especially if they have a prominent Libra or Sagittarius placement. like playing sports like soccer especially Libra! Virgo placements copying Leo placements. Step 5: Finding Your Dominants. They are agents of change who get to witness the growth and healing of those they care about. realities of life, but with resolve, attempt to work alongside them so that you Theyre very creative and artistic, so they may even want to show this side of them through their clothes, appearance, etc. Face 2: Baby-faced, round with soft skin, a wide mouth, and a charming grin; eyes are usually round. The interesting thing about Pluto is that its almost always associated with GOTH life and all things dark. Pluto: Individuals who are Pluto dominant are known as plutonians, these individuals are mysterious, closed off and intense in their dealings. People cant seem to stay away from them regardless of if the native has done something bad. Theyll do it in the worst way possible as well. Originally posted by maraudersinthetardis. Its like when people say they cant do things, they will prove the can do it. Keen Expansion and growth of either the mind, spirit, body, or emotions are important to you, as are travel, adventures, and explorations. Professions: polititian, actor, poet, painter, anything artistic. They must, however, avoid compromising to the extent that their standards are compromised. secretive. Ex: I have Pluto prominence in my chart & I really love all seafood. For people with this placement, Pluto really runs deep inside them. everyone you meet, and sense with clarity their shame and what they are trying Theyre also pretty well known for being blunt, and this is sometimes just on impulse. Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): You brood over the I am Libra rising and I have a lot of Sagittarius placement, does it mean I am Venus dominant and Jupiter dominant too. 4th house), F. Scott Fitzgerald (scorpio uranus conj. Like they just know things, and give off major psychic vibes. Its like theyre meant to collect information and share it with the world. They prefer practicality in their style and this is usually defined at a mature age. I'm a scorpio rising with Pluto in the second. whatever it takes to have your way and be who God meant you to be. They have more mature energy because the usually came into life being more mature, responsible, and persistent even though they may not have necessarily realized it at the moment. Individuals with sag/pisces or water placements tend to do things in the moment. are at your best when you use your composed intensity and agonizing experiences Looks younger. Even if they dont think this themselves, this is how other people see it. Especially if they also have Cancer and Gemini placements the things they would do just because you broke their heart they can also be obsessive. They are also very fun to be around, and keep you very entertained. could I get a best match for my placements? However, their strong resolve can make them stubborn beings that refuse to give in when they disagree. When people like Scorpio risings, theyll make it obvious because theyll want to be around them a lot & so since Scorpio risings are also observers, theyll kinda like figure it out. With Pluto there, youve got the powers of the planet at your disposalyou might even be quite intuitve and psychic at times! . Theyre really good at grounding themselves naturally!! 10th House Pluto: you might be a bit of a control freak . They often have amazing, curlier hair, high cheekbones, strong, defined jawlines, cat-like features, average height, a good hairline, bigger upper body (which often makes their lower body look smaller), and golden/bright undertones. Pisces sun - Virgo moon - Aquarius Venus - Cancer mars, hey! Saturn/Pluto dominant. Personality: charismatic, assertive, sensitive to rudeness, energetic, refined, creative, sociable, gracious, self-centered, arrogant, inspiring, optimistic, smooth, needy of attention, well liked, vain, doesnt dwell on the dark side of life, charming, dramatic and dominating. . other placements would be, Scorpio mercury, Saturn-mercury aspects, Virgo mercury, Lilith in the 3rd house thats all I have. funny, sensitive, emotional, great hair, CONFIDENT, tad bit insecure, observant, secretive, move on easily, bold, you love spreading joy!! We can see that Ms. Monroe's dominant planets are Mercury, then the Sun, then Saturn . Cancer rules the chest area, so a lot of Cancer Risings can have a prominent chest/breasts or just bigger ones. Soyeah, its a lot. Is this just a part of my identity or just an occasional theme in my life? They may also look through a friends/family members stuff because theyre just interested in seeing what they have. MC), Denise Richards (sagittarius jupiter conj. Sag moons often have thick eyebrows & can have more cherubic faces. , *****Please dont reword my writing and attempt to pass it off as your own. Gemini placements will really act very different with people theyre comfortable with (like their family) and then when theyre with people they dont know, they act so behaved & proper. Moon Taurus in 3h: stubborn, lazy, you can pick up others emotions, good at communicating, know how to make others feel comfortable. . of. The Physical Appearances of Scorpio. Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being (trans. Their personalitys are honestly one of a kind, and this often intrigues people. They are great at multi-tasking and just doing many things, and people really see this in their personality. It is a must for you to be passionate (Sometimes it can be the other way around). Each dominant planet has its physical and personal effect on the astral chart. People with 2h moons are honestly very generous. They can have bigger facial features, alien shaped heads, bold & original styles, wide + sparkling eyes, almond shaped eyes, broader hips + shoulders, and squarer facial features. sun), Madonna (virgo mercury rx conj. Appearance: soft features, curvy but not as much as jupiterian natives, full lips, hooded eyes, sensual expression, wide noses. uranus, pluto and sun), Hugh Grant (virgo mercury conj. They also have baby faces but in an actually attractive way. They know how to gather information all at once, and are often very useful because of this. MC), La Seydoux (taurus venus conj. - I noticed a lot of Pluto dominants are good writers. Athletic but a bit clumsy. It gets to the point where people think theyre irritated or something. Sagittarius placements are very good at being & acting unbothered. They can also honestly make people feel exposed. They can be secretive, and investigative. Upturned, powerful eyes. Probably an ambitious chameleon. Jupiter Dominant souls are Olympians of optimism, and believe in destiny. The Pluto dominant appearance is impossible not to notice. okay can u gimme opinion bout it? Like their eyes say a lot. MC), Sasha Pieterse (aquarius uranus conj. personality . They can have more of a diamond shaped face with a pointed chin, and theyre always talking with their hands. - People who have Taurus in the 6th house like taking care of themselves but can be (. Ex: My teacher with pisces placements said that the flavor of cupcakes shed like depends on her feelings or how she feels that day. They have sharp eyes, younger faces, small features, an oval shaped face. power, and legacies fascinate you. Saturn in the 9th house is an indicator that the native is very hard working when it comes to things theyre passionate about, education, spirituality, etc, and just overall workaholics for these things. MC), M.C. 164 notes. Even though they may have more traditional views, their passions can be genuinely anything as long as its something they like. Round face, prone to being overweight, short height. Appearance: unconscious scowl, intimidating, makes features smaller and masculine, strong bone structure, deep set eyes, stern look, distinctive nose, protruding lower lip. Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): You are a highly motivated fighter of people; things like death, sex and violence dont scare you, they enliven They can be mysterious but also very intelligent & interesting. Female examples: Martha Hunt, Imogen Poots, Taylor Swift, Lily James, Nathalie Emanuel, Gisele Bundchen, Lauren Cohan, Adele, Jessie J. is that a natural thing for someone who has pluto in the 3rd house and chiron in the 3rd house? Preview Image/Background Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash / Strawberry SVG by It can represent your outward appearance, physical features, outward style, social personality, the energy you give off, the path/direction you are going, your approach to life, and etc. They usually have a large volume of lips. Theyll honestly try to make the best of any situation, even if its bad. Saturn dominant people: Elizabeth II (scorpio saturn conj. are ultimately a survivor destined to encourage the renewal of those around Professions: mechanic, mathematician, actor, statitian, journalist, scientist, writer, scientific, reviewer, teacher, singer, sports that require being fast. They treat it as if it was a dream in some ways. the things they would do just because you broke their heart they can also be obsessive. Being so awake to the sordid and seedy things of life, gives you a gloomy MC and mercury), Viola Davis (leo sun in the 10th). They are so very hard working like I cant even begin to tell you about it but they genuinely do work so hard and they end up accomplishing many things because of it. personality is drenched in drama, which can make your temper volatile, but you Professions: banker, engineer, executive, builder, surgeon, finantial advisor, anything they put their minds to tbh. Theyre also the type of people who hold grudges, and they would want to get revenge too. (Like a Virgo Mercury with this placement would come off more loving since Mercury is Virgos ruling planet.) A lot of Gemini Mars natives make multiple social media accounts for different things (like ones for editing, one is for astrology, etc) & I often see that at least 1 of the accounts get some sort of recognition. People with 1 or more planets in the first house can look good in any aesthetic - prove me wrong.

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pluto dominant appearance tumblr