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This website includes location data created by GeoNames Four thousand years ago God made a covenant with Abraham that states whatever you do to Israel shall be done to you. In looking at dates in history compared to current news, a disturbing pattern emerges. For There are two periods within these three weeks. Tammuz 8: 26. Did you not know that the rainbow does not belong to man or to any movement? Towards the end of the Hasmonean period, there was a struggle between two Hasmonean brothers, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus (the sons of the previous king, Alexander Jannaeus), over who should be king which eventually led to war. The Nine Days & Tisha B'Av Class | Sefaria A rocket fired from Gaza hit Ashdod on Friday, causing a massive fire near a gas station. By ILANIT CHERNICK. 5. Here For Mass E-mailing. After their miraculous victory (celebrated on Chanukah), theHasmonean family became the kings of the Jewish commonwealth in the land of Israel. the Middle East conflict at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. in International Finance and Economics at UCLA and graduate studies in They will fight to the death. This article is about the Hebrew month. Nine Tammuz 21: 9. After the Torah reading the congregation recites Kinos. The Torah was burnt on this day by Apustemus, one of the Greek oppressors. Tzom Tammuz for Hebrew Year 5775 occurred on Sunday, 5 July 2015. This meal carries no restrictions. Meat, wine and fish are forbidden. Not God. Smash! (This is according to Ashkenazic practice. 26th 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled on the definition of marriage overturning Only repentance and revival will save America. (There is a difference of opinion in the Talmud (Yer. During the period beginning from 17th of Tammuz until the end of the month of Tammuz (a period of thirteen days) the mourning is not as intense. destroyed what little was left of the nation we once knew, which we called (They are worn during Mincha instead.) In ancient Israel, God wants to awaken the mantle of Sonship in our lives. That act becomes another desecration. I remember during his first election believers in Christ had gathered in Washington. Benjamin is a recognized expert in real estate taxation, and his professional Tammuz 23: 11. And the 9th of Tammuz stands as the day of God removing the hedge of protection around America. Sign in. court. Therefore, should you now be surprised if God intervenes in the election of your own nation? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); While our calendar will hold dates of moving, death and loss of a church, Gods calendar, this month of Tammuz, holds endless possibilities of fresh vision, blessings, new beginnings, and double portion inheritance to name a few. In our rebellion and our ignorancewe fail to understand that inso doingwe have exchanged freedom for slavery the reality of which will not be realized until it is too late. The three weeks that begin on Shiva Asar B'Tammuz (17th of Tammuz) and end on Tisha B'Av (the 9th of Av) are a period of mourning for the Jewish people. Free annual email reminders & calendar downloads. After Kinos the prayers are completed. ), With several exceptions, one may not study Torah on, We are not permitted to greet each other on. this same day, in the year 423 BC, Nebuchadnezzar's troops breached the You launched accusations against the leader of Israel in a way you have never done to any leader of any enemy nation. The destruction of the temples both occurred on the same Hebrew date of the 9th of Av, but almost 5 centuries apart! You sought through Israels elections to nullify the stance and legacy of its leader, Benjamin Netanyahu. The heart of the nation has shifted. Home. Serving as a reminder of the faithfulness of God. 3. Each month has a unique purpose and is designed by God to release a revelation of who He that you can renew your mind and begin to think like He does. Are you releasing it at a later date? In light of Supreme Courts ruling on gay marriage, I thought this blog post was very insightful. We refrain from all food and drink from "daybreak" (about an hour before sunrise, depending on location) until nightfall. Guard your heart against thespirit of oppression, religion, intimidation, blindness, and accusation. Each day sees hundreds of rockets and missiles raining down on all parts of the country. Havdalah must be recited before eating. (There is no prohibition against other leather items. Thus, the struggle between Hyrcanus and Aristobulus was what first enabled the Romans to assume control over the land of Israel, which ultimately led to the destruction of the Jewish commonwealth and the second Temple. President Obama, you sought to intervene in an election held within the borders of a sovereign nation Israel. President Obama, on the day when marriage as we know it ordained by God was with your help struck down in this land, you celebrated by lighting up the White House in the colors of the rainbow. 9th of Tammuz | Hebrew Roots Homestead They were worshiping the god Baal. ON June Behold also means see. 1. walls of Jerusalem and entered the city. This event was a sign, both to the people of that time and for all generations, of the inseparable connection between our relationship with God symbolized by the Temple and our relationship with our fellow men. Both Holy Temples Were Destroyed 3. This and other crucial questions about the destiny of America were asked of Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn on our television program Christ in Prophecy. The first Temple ( Solomon's Temple) was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587BC and the 2nd . the Greeks), who was the husband of the goddess Ishtar. Like other minor fasts, Tzom Tammuz begins at dawn (first light) and ends at nightfall (full dark). With reports of Isis just over our very porous southern border this is far more likely than it is far-fetched. The Fast of Tammuz: When God Seems to Hide His Face It falls on the 17th day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz and marks the beginning of the three-week mourning period leading up to Tisha BAv. Theres a day on the Hebrew calendar called the 9th of Tammuz, and that day has historically been a day of judgment. Tammuz 15: 3. Well, there are a lot of reasons one of which,may be demonstrated in the verynear future in a very painful way. Pregnant or nursing women, as well as anyone else for whom fasting may be a health problem should consult with a rabbi whether they are permitted to fast. We use it totrack our life events but to know Gods schedule of events you must understand His calendar. Feel free to email us at Revelation 18:1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. Israel was judged for it and we will be too. Chet means light radiating through your eyes. < 1 min read In 423 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar's troops breached the walls of old Jerusalem and entered the city. Tammuz 17: 5. It is a summer month of 29 days. In addition to their words setting them up, they also made a mistake at Mt Sinai when God desired a relationship with them. Oh heres another scripture clue that could mean something: 13 He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. This is a good month to take stock of our words and where they may be leading us. Its an amazing thing what has happened in this country. The three-week period between the 17thofTammuzand the 9th ofAv(July 4thJuly 25th this year) is sometimes known as the Dire Straits,after Lamentations 1:3All her persecutors overtake her in dire straits(NKJV). Cindy. To which the One enthroned in heaven laughs, the Lord scoffs at them and, rebukes them in his anger. If the nation refuses again, God steps back a second time, lowers the hedge, and sexual perversions such as homosexuality will run rampant. She has been devoured by the legions, and conquered by the worshipers of foreign powers, and they put your people, Israel, to the sword and willfully murdered the devout [servants] of the High One. has recently released his second book, a seven volume series; entitled Tammuz . For Tammuz 17is also,the American fourth of July this year. Next month is when they come back to give their evil report. Tammuz 6: 24. I sure do hope to see you soonat the wedding supper of the Lamb! There is some disagreement in the sources as to when this happened (or, more accurately, which interruption of the Tamid service is commemorated on the 17th of Tammuz). The world is in spiritual darkness. All of the prohibitions of Tisha BAv begin at sundown. Tammuz 18: 6. The Torah is taken out and the portion of Deuteronomy 4:25-40 is read and the haftarah from Isaiah 8:13 9:23. If they do eat together they still do not form a group. The only exception is the required washing upon rising in the morning and after using the bathroom. If you believe that God is real, how could you use the sign of God to celebrate the striking down of the Word of God? Today my husband and I celebrated our 18th anniversary! My stomach [aches] on the slain! For You, God, with fire you burned her, and with fire you will rebuild her, as it is said, And I will be for her, says God, a wall of fire around her, and I will be a glory within her.(Zechariah 2:9) Blessed are You, God, Who consoles Zion and builds Jerusalem. Other Reuben means behold a son. the funeral of the god, they sat "weeping for Tammuz" (Ezekiel8:14). One day he was outdoors by the river Chebar (from a root word in Hebrew meaning abundance). The 17th of Tammuz "kicks off" a 3 week mourning period that leads up to Tisha B Av, or the 9th of Av, the day that commemorates the destruction of BOTH Jewish Temples. Its revelation killed one of Israels most famous rabbis, made another crazy and led another to heresy. The claim of the Jerusalem Talmud[5]: Nevertheless in the Jerusalem Talmud it is brought that the breach of both walls occurred on the 17th, and the verse which had written that it occurred on the 9th had made a mistaken calculation. They didnt deal with character weaknesses and take hold of their words speaking out the blessings of God and what He had for them. On the same day, the Vatican formally recognized the Palestinian State by signing a treaty with them. The US Supreme Court announced their ruling on same-sex marriage on Friday June 26. At Shacharis (morning prayers) on Tisha BAv morning, talis and tefillin are not worn. We have been blessed from the foundation of this country with freedom but, the freedom we have enjoyed is now despised and a freedom of another kind is desired. Yes, I was one of those kids that looked forward to Sept and starting a new school year with new books, clean unused notepads I enjoyed the fresh new possibilities that each new year held. Three Weeks, Hebrew Bein Hametzarim, ("Between the Straits"), in Judaism, a period of mourning running from the 17th day of Tammuz, the fourth month of the Jewish religious year, to the 9th day of Av (Tisha be-Av), the fifth month (variously, about June to August). This is insightful, prophetic, and right on the money! One should not shave or get a haircut (permitted for Sephardim). We have been seeing this falling away from God rapidly happening. Dismiss. Its not just the leader, though. The Only our Elohim knows. Something were about to find out the hard way. Jonathan Cahn has warned of the Isaiah 9:10 judgements playing out upon our nation. in pieces, break, destroy: - beat down, break (down, through), destroy, I love new beginnings, fresh starts, and exciting possibilities. We do not say Shir Shel Yom now but wait until Mincha. If one has ever read the Bible, how can one foster such a thing? Choose to believe Gods word to you regarding His promises.. dont be like the children of Israel and have a need to spy them out. The millennia old Judeo-Christian concept of marriage between one man and one woman giving away to the collective "wisdom" of 5 individuals - who call themselves supreme. 17 Tammuz Seventeenth of Tammuz is a fast day from 1 hour before sunrise to sundown in remembrance of Jerusalem's walls being breached. Romans 1 teaches that when a nation sets its jaw against God and begins to rebel and shake its fist at God, God steps back and lowers the hedge of protection and allows evil to multiply, resulting in a sexual revolution to occur. Ill tell you something else, the sign of Baal worship has emerged again today. You took part in isolating and condemning Israel before the world and advancing a resolution proclaiming Israel had no right to Jerusalem. Let us break their chains and throw off their fetters. Even childrens programming on Disney and other networks are pushing this agenda to destroy gender identity. Continuing to pray, watch, and wait. The Tammuz isthe month that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still. We do not believe it is possible to know the date when Jesus will return. Im hoping to have more time for writing, reflecting and study this new month of Elul. He provided His people with moments of grace so that they could come back to Him. )[1] The Three Weeks culminate with Tisha B'Av (9th of Av). The Tisha B'Av: The Day God Cursed-The Day Zionism Began - The Lid month name, then the Hebrew year. Their words in the wilderness set them up for this choice when their patience was tested. And now it appears that your legacy will largely will be undone. Thanks Arnie, and thank you for sharing your observations. Even though the fast ends that night, it is proper to not eat meat or bathe until chatzos hayom (midday) the following day. Over the weekend, a friend said he had recently read this startling fact: that America now lives under less freedom and liberty than the colonists did under English authority before the revolution! see Deut 30:19. After Maariv is completed, the book of Eichah (Lamentations) is read aloud to the congregation. Numerical values are I am sad for our nation, but as it goes, our Soverign Lord knows and will judge it all in His time. The 9th of Av throughout history has been a very somber day for the Jewish people. The 7th the sages of Israel, represented a time for transformation, to turn from

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