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Scott's plan works however, in that Cartman is left in tears, not because his father is dead however, but because he is half-ginger. He believes that ginger kids are the most evil people in the world and that they have no souls, which is clearly false. South Park's Cartman converted to Judaism, but can he move to Israel In "The Ungroundable" at the beginning of the episode, all of the kids are seen playing Call of Duty: World At War. Cartman starts to ruin NASCAR's reputation, and Kenny tries to kill Cartman with a sniper rifle just to make him stop. Lisa Cartman In "Cartoon Wars Part II", Cartman used it to threaten the president of FOX, however he realizes soon that he forgot to load it, causing him to throw it to the ground in frustration. Cartman also has attempted to murder Kyle more than once, the most significant incident being in a scene from "Toilet Paper" in which he lures Kyle into going rowing with him to the middle of Stark's Pond, and then, when Kyle's back is turned, attempts to bludgeon him to death with a wiffle bat, without comprehending the stupidity of the plan. Cartman's song "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch" was joined by all the other classmates (minus Kyle of course), even getting Stan's attention in which Stan actually enjoys the song. Kyle hates him in turn. When he tried to win the Special Olympics by feigning a disability in "Up the Down Steroid" , Kyle attempts to talk him out of it by telling him, regardless of their differences, that Cartman will surely go to Hell for such an act; Cartman replies that Kyle does not understand that Hell is reserved for the Jews, indicating once again his self-righteousness. In "W.T.F. "If you had a chance to go back in time right now and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it? In "Super Best Friends", Cartman converted to Blaintology along with most of the residents in South Park. This shows skill, though most were surprise. Earlier in that episode, he had rallied all the gingers into a genocidal frenzy, convincing them that all non-gingers are inferior in a Hitler or KKK-esque way, as well as stage violent protests and march down the streets chanting "red power!". His yarmulke resembles the blue hat with yellow puff that he wears in childhood. ", he cross dresses as "Bad Irene", a woman who is addicted to abortions. In "Le Petit Tourette", he is not above thanking Kyle for stopping him from humiliating himself on national television. Cartman is a spoiled, foul-mouthed, ill-tempered, violent, insensitive, cruel, irresponsible, sociopathic, arrogant, narcissistic, greedy, racist, sexist, dim-witted, rude, hypocritical, delusional, sadistic, corrupt, and manipulative child [5]. when an opponent beats him, or 'You tricked me!' Thank you! Why is Cartman so evil? - Unit's Questions And Answers A handsome soft Jew. Even though he usually rips on Tolkien for being black, and he said he is gonna kill Tolkien someday - ("Christian Rock Hard"), he does not seem to harbor negative feelings for black people, and Cartman always says he is going to kill people, so saying he was going to kill Tolkien might not be personal. Being disliked by nearly almost everyone in town, Cartman is a fat, bigoted, racist, sexist, cowardly, foulmouthed, manipulative sociopath who constantly spreads hate and bullying wherever he goes. In the Season Twenty-One premiere episode, "White People Renovating Houses", their relationship becomes stained. In "T.M.I." During the episode "T.M.I. Thats the perfect name for The Fat Kid." In "Fun with Veal", when Cartman was negotiating for weapons and an escape route for him and the rest of the boys, he is at first reluctant to meet the demands of the timid FBI negotiator, but soon agreed to his conditions when he looked at Stan and recognized the sores (which were actually mini-vaginas) on his body and his deteriorating health. Shelley is visibly angered by this remark. However, in "200", Cartman brings back Mitch Conner to swindle a group of celebrities, and again proceeds to argue with his hand and disagreeing with it, despite the fact there is no one around him to trick, leading one to believe that Cartman really believes the hand is a person. Aunt Another reason why because the town is too incompetent to do anything about it. In "Douche and a Danish", they both work together to help Denmark put an end to internet trolling. In "Christian Rock Hard", Cartman is beaten up by Tolkien after provoking him with racial jibes. implying that one of his relatives may have abused him. In "Woodland Critter Christmas", Cartman made Stan the protagonist of his Christmas story (he is described as 'the boy in a red poof-ball hat'). In order to further prevent the truth from coming out, the two journey to SpaceX in "Oh, Jeez" to get to Mars. In "Bass to Mouth", Cartman is oblivious to the fact that his making another student crap herself is useless when trying to prevent the suicide of another student. He also decevies others (especially Kyle and Butters) to achieve his goals. Cartman is the only one to say greet Wendy in "Pinkeye" when she meets up with the others to go trick-or-treating, and says it in a nice tone. In "Cartoon Wars Part I", he exploited a controversy involving the appearance of Muhammad on Family Guy to try to get the show off the air; he pretended to be the hapless victim of an Islamic terrorist attack to try to discourage the FOX president and the Family Guy staff writers from airing the Muhammad episode. He usually tries to prove Craig wrong and annoy him. Cartman usually gets whatever he wants simply by whining in his signature style. This may echo the Scott Tennorman incident, stressing the importance of why it is not a good idea to provoke Cartman, as terrible consequences may ensue if you are not within his immediate "circle of friends". Confused, the horrified doctor hears her shoot herself with a gun over the phone, Looking back at his patient, Cartman says in a cold voice, "I'm not fat, I'm big boned". In "Dances with Smurfs", Clyde Frog is seen on the chalkboard in Cartman's morning announcements implying that Cartman has fixed him. Later, he organizes a cult of homicidal Ginger children bent on world conquest known as the "Ginger Separatist Movement", remarking: "I'm not going to live my life as a Goddamn minority!" In "D-Yikes! Cartman's much quoted line, "Respect my authority" (or as Cartman pronounces it, "respect mah authori-tah") highlights his power hungry and dictatorial characteristics. In the episode "201" Cartman completely ignores the fact that he got his own father killed and fed to his half-brother and is more concerned about being half-ginger. In "Follow That Egg! Throughout the episode he collects abandoned cats in his attic out of sympathy. In "Coon 2: Hindsight", Cartman, as The Coon, beat up Bradley and Clyde after questioning his method of running Coon and Friends. Criminal Record - Eric Cartman [4], Trey Parker and Matt Stone have repeatedly stated that Cartman is their ultimate favorite of all the characters in the show. With. Uncle StinkyHoward Cartman Almost immediately on the psychologist receives a phone-call from his frantic wife, claiming that she moments ago received a police report about the psychologist having an affair with an under-aged girl. Scott Tenorman In "Fort Collins", having seen Heidi Turner's vagina, it is implied he still does not realize women do not have balls. In "Go God Go" he gets Butters to bury him in snow so that he can be unfrozen three weeks later in time for the release of the Wii video game console. Immediately after he takes Heidi into the woods with him at night, and ultimately ditches her in the woods to die, and gets her kidnapped by a witch. 's in order to make some cash while they were out getting drunk on the streets or had killed themselves. And beauuutiful, beauuutiful.). At the end of the episode, Cartman breaks up with Heidi, and leaves her heartbroken. His most frequent targets are adults and Butters, though he often targets other children for more personal purposes, including convincing Butters to "take one for the team" and be anally gang-raped by men from NAMBLA in "Cartman Joins NAMBLA", and repeatedly convincing Kyle that he is doing good, only to exploit Kyle's help later on. Cartman's musical tastes run toward progressive and arena rock in general and maudlin power ballads in particular. This compassion hints that he has not progressed to be a full sociopath. Where she leaves her estate (valued at $1,000,000) to Eric, citing that all the other family members would have spent it all on crack. However, in "Make Love, Not Warcraft", Clyde is reluctant to join the Cartman-led attack on the the griefer, and ultimately no-shows as he is more preoccupied looking at a Playboy centerfold than playing the game. Although Cartman was in jail for his "hate crime" on Tolkien, even though it is quite obvious he did not bash Tolkien's head with a rock because he is black, but because he thought Tolkien had insulted him (it was in fact Kyle who did this). The real reason why Cartman does not stay in prison for a very long time is likely because his Mom bails him out, dismissing the severity of the crime. An example is in ". In situations where the other boys share his goals, Cartman is often the de facto leader (e.g. Cartman is also shown to type very fast, as he wrote apparent emails about a teenage girl having a sexual affair with The Psychologist. This milk-sneezing problem is due to a malfunctioning kidney, which Cartman is tricked into donating for transplant, benefiting his friend Kyle, who receives the malfunctioning organ as seen in the episode "Cherokee Hair Tampons". In the episode "Chinpokomon", after Kenny has a seizure and is rendered unresponsive after playing the Chinpokomon video game, Cartman was the only one of the three who seemed to notice that rats were swarming over Kenny and attempting to eat him, and the only one to detach them, telling them, "Bad rats, he isn't dead yet! On the other extreme, in the movie, he called The Mole a "'British piece of' shit", despite The Mole being supposedly French. Bewildered, Kyle replies that he is indeed a Jew, and Cartman tells him not to be so hard on himself (implying that Jew was an insult rather than a religion). In Stan's house when they were sleeping, he was sleeping next to him. Cartman tries to murder Kyle again in "Fatbeard". ", Cartman was assigned and paired up with Heidi to take of an egg for a school assignment, later when Cartman broke the egg he begged Ms. Garrison to give her an "A" and give him an "F", this could possibly prove that Cartman cares and has feelings for her, however in later episodes it does not show much of them having a relationship. Cartman's ass cannot be replaced. "The Passion of the Jew", after seeing The Passion of the Christ, he believes the film was Mel Gibson's way of rallying people against the Jews, and idolizes him for it. Is Cartman good or evil? When Eric Cartman calls his mother to complain about Shelley Marsh, who is watching him, she appears to not hear him and provides no help. Worried about him, Heidi accepts this, and they get back together. Cartmans ass is shown to be very powerful in two ways: Cartman successfully fights off Craig using his ass in ". Ironically, despite (or perhaps because of) these qualities, Cartman also seems to be a natural leader, able to utilize overwhelming charisma and rhetoric to gain the obedience of large groups on a moment's notice (as in "The Passion of the Jew"), appearing to be innately aware of how to take advantage of "mob mentality" and direct it toward accomplishing his personal goals, as has been evidenced in countless episodes throughout the series' history. It is possible that Kenny is Cartman's only real friend and he does not understand how to react to having such a friend, or the opposite since Stan and Kyle at some points have stated that Kenny is not really their friend and that they do not give a crap about him (although this is usually whenever they want to avoid him for some reason, such as when he had chickenpox). Cartman, along with the ret of the town, gets addicted to guns in "PC Principal Final Justice", although he does not fire one. Cartman is horrified to learn that Scott's father was also his father. He also believes Jews to be incapable of many professions, such as basketball player, singing/rhythm, fireman, pirate or even so much as someone tough, however on some occasions his accusations have been proven true (particularly rhythm). In "T.M.I. In "The Simpsons Already Did It", after discovering that semen will fertilize his sea-people, he goes to a sperm bank to collect "sea-men". In "Tom's Rhinoplasty", Cartman, along with Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and the entire third grade class, were all attracted to the substitute teacher, Ms. Ellen. He also wore a bio-suit upon entering San Francisco in "Smug Alert!". So she killed the other toys and planned on framing Tolkien, but Cartman reminds her that because of Obama, black people cannot be blamed. - Cartman in "Make Love, Not Warcraft". It should be noted that before Cartman found out that Liane was his father, he had been told that Chef was his father. He also demonstrates great understanding of the human mind and the way to exploit it. as if this was illegal. When Cartman says "I beat you to it, Kyel," Kyle retorts, "My name is not Kyel." Cartman also displays a lack of knowledge about sex, despite the fact that his mom is frequently having sexual relations with other people in South Park; when Kyle says that Ike is too young to understand sex in the episode "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy", Cartman replies, "What's there to understand?

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