haikyuu imagines he makes you feel insecure

Yea! He says too loudly, he didnt know why he did that, his legs felt wobbly while walking which made him accidentally push the cart on floor making the volleyballs fall out. So um why did you step down from being an ace? Kuroo finally had the courage to ask, well there is two parts of it, I dont think you would be interested you rub your nape nervously, no I dont mind I genuinely want to know He was being serious he wanted to know, giving him a soft smile. You knew that the gamer had a hard time showing his feelings. AN: for this being written on my phone 2 hours ago this shouldnt of been such of a hassle to post oh well hope you like ! As you and Atsumu sometimes did have conflicting personalities but you loved being together for 8months + altogether. Oh, come on, come on, come on As long as there's a chance Oh, come on, come on, come on We'll unite oh-oh There will always be a strong haze that will try and block . A lot of people tried to stop me from leaving the team you shrugged. Hey guys you wave, putting all the letters away in your book bag, whoa are these confessions letters? Yaku picks one up so did Kuroo damn it he mentally cries, I guess but Im not interested you chuckle shamelessly while scratching the back of your head. What am I going to do with him?. Give it to them tomorrow, but right now Im here so please come with me He shoves his hands in his pocket, cocking his head of the side, waiting for your response. The majority of his friends dont even have girlfriends so that wont help at all. he just goes oh, you looked like a movie character just then, like really crazily pretty just cleaning the dishes., he 100% buys you clothes that show your form, and hell tell you how much he just wants to see you, when you bring up how you feel about others murmurings and whatnot, he proteccs you like a true boyfie, will shower you in compliments and lovingly snuggle you in every way possible until you understand how beautiful your body is. Over lockdown, you do feel like you gained a bit of weight (which you didnt pay much attention to since didnt everyone gain some weight?). Whether in high school or college, passing exams is an essential part of most educations. haikyuu haikyuu dads haikyuu imagines haikyuu x reader haikyuu headcanons haikyuu domestic sakusa sakusa kiyoomi ushijima ushijima wakatoshi ushijima . Nothing Bo, just wanted to be the ace, for the day you said, making Bokutos grin get even wider. Its cute and I love getting to cuddle your soft body. nica & rae : saying things they don't mean 2. version 1. "Hmm?" He hums out. These words turned me into a maniac. .Atsumu came home a while later, tired and grumpy claiming that coach worked him extra hard in practice. Soulmate AU with the words on the wrist and those words are on s/o's wrist. Haikyu Boys when they make you insecure PT 2(Atsumu,Suna), Part 1Part 2Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6. Lets go home you pat his back. Why are you so annoying? they read, and the word annoying became the bane of his existence. Without even thinking twice you quickly put on your sweatshirt, grabbed your phone and turned off your lights. you just looked up at him with wide doe-eyes, not expecting an insult to slip off his tongue. Yea he started to heat up again the breeze is not cooling him down at all. "God, I love you [y/n], I could never not want you." Your question threw him off guard since he didn't mean that "well Y/N I know you've kinda let youself go a bit and you're obviously not the weight you were when we 16 but-" before he could finish you get up out of your seat and rushed to your room with tears in your eyes, missing the end of his sentence which was "but I still think . he holds your face, bringing you closer and softly kiss you. AmaLee - Imagination (Haikyuu!!) Lyrics | AZLyrics.com Umm one second guys, he said to his team as he muted his mic, what are you doing Y/N? he asked you, his hands subconsciously roaming around your waist. "You're the most beautiful girl ever." "Please just leave me alone Harry." Its fine everyone goes through this, lets go to the club everyone is probably waiting for us Yaku changes the conversation pushing a wild Kuroo and you out of the classroom. He was enjoying the breeze and calming his nerves down Kuroo you whisper. You were reserved yet childish, Kuroo has been wanting to talk to you but he doesnt have the courage to. Maybe it was the way he looks at you makes you melt into his hands like putty. Kuroo wanted to strangle him but Kai and Kenma held him back by throwing volleyballs at his head, KENMA! what? Instead of wallowing in your bed you decide on going out the library to go and read a good book (something that always makes you feel better) forgetting the harsh tone that Suna used with you. You and Atsumu started dating a month after Kita introduced you in your first year, Youre now in your second year and still going strong. Hiii! +. This wouldnt happen if you actually told her how you feel Yaku sings songs as he skips through the gym, making sure coach doesnt see Kuroo flipping Yaku off. Not everyone was going to find him perfect at first, not everything is going to go his way. Taking you home, have a nice night y/n you too Kuroo. Since your loud and talkative personality mixed with his quiet and nonchalantness, You were walking to miya onigiri ready to pick up Samu to go home, But when you got to the front door you see Osamu in the shop winding touching another girl, You couldnt see the girl or Osamu properly because of the angle you were at. You and Atsumu got to spend all of quarantine together, which was challenging at times. Both of you laid on the ground staring at the beautiful stars, both of you enjoyed each others company. Walking closer to everyone. Sometimes, he realized he should be getting a lesson out of this. They were teenagers after all, it's a quite prominent topic. holds your hands outta nowhere too, rubs your hand with his thumb. Harry ask, and you froze waiting to hear this. It doesnt matter how you look. If they were near him, the likelyhood of getting a paper shoved in his face was high. Well She sighed. he pulls you in, claiming your mouth again. I dont mind you being cheesy. Kuroo knows he has to try harder, but how? A bit protective, but not exactly possessive. | version 3. pairings. Although, before he could reach any degree of vocal climax, the heavy titanium doors clicked open. If its just him concentrating while doing his work, or the way he just teases everyone or the way he works hard to get where he wants. She gave me chocolate! WHOAYAHSJJDJ! The whole start celebrating for him. You didnt stop smiling the whole time. But you cant lie and say you didnt agree with the comment. welcome to haicuties - an imagine blog dedicated to the haikyuu volleyball dorks (=) as state above, this blog is sfw and as of now, i only do headcanons & scenarios. ! Tsumu you two are TWINS you guys look the same! ANJEDBBE, He would always flirt with you non stop which you always brushed it off knowing hes teasing you, In reality he likes the little reactions he gets from you its adorable, he thinks about you all the time, he always had a crush on you, Sakusa got on his nerves once and Atsumu flipped him off and walked off like a pro, which shocked everyone because usually he would say something back, You of course follow him, Atsumu! You gently called him over to you, Sakusa is a meanie Atsumu laughs at your cuteness, I know he pulls you in a hug, He didnt know how but his anger was all gone just with a single hug form you, Sakusa wasnt any trouble to handle, whenever you hand him a towel he always smells it , you use his detergent because hes very strict about it, Every place he goes to, you make sure its spotless and sometimes chip in to help clean knowing him he would complain, You always have extra masks for him, extra cleaning wipes, He notices your efforts which he appreciates a lot, sometimes he brings some food for you, Omi you dont have to do that you smiled taking the bag out of his hand, no you deserve it, you really make an effort for me so thank you, It brought you two together, he really cares for you and always worry about you at all time, you just make him happy in way he cant explain, So stand next to him and he will be a content omi, The youngest out of the team Hinata Shoyo, hes a ball of sunshine and you love being next to him, But unfortunately he doesnt do good with alcohol at all, The team was celebrating for winning a match everyone was drinking unfortunately Sakusa went home early cause he thinks its gross (but you werent gross to him), Hinata was so drunk very drunk and you helped him walk home, Shugo wanted to help because it wasnt safe for a drunk man to walk with beautiful woman (Shugo hated that you took him home), Coach stopped him saying he has to take Bokuto and Atsumu home which made him sigh, Bokuto and Atsumu are very dangerous than Hinata, You got to Hinatas apartment, he was all hazy y/n I need to change I feel dirty! Hinata Wait dont pass out! You help him change by closing your eyes, You literally babied him the whole time, he didnt want to be alone, he didnt look drunk because hes talking causally to you, He told you about his high school days which made you stay a little longer because it was interesting, Hinata head was on your lap as he happily told you while you just brush your fingers through his soft locks, After that you had to go home and left him under blanket, The next morning you werent next him which made him sad but he was happy that you stayed next to him until he fell asleep, Then jealousy was oozing from each teammate, someone is flirting you, Atsumu and Bokuto shooed them off by one word bye with the scariest death glare but turned to you with puppy eyes y/n lets go eat! They would push you to the nearest restaurant, Shugo is literally all over you, he teases you about your height but still a total sweetheart, he makes sure to help you carry heavy stuff, always grumbles at Adriah for helping you first, Since they are the oldest they always have this rivalry but not bad one a playfully one, Y/n I can help you with that! They said at the same time oh too late I got it Shion grabs the box out your hands walking out with you leaving a glaring older ones behind, Sakusa hated when Bokuto picked you up whenever he was happy it was even worse when Atsumu is just touching your hair, He wont talk to you the whole day but it wont last long, Adriah and you always have dinner together and even study (hes getting better) he loves staring at you as you talked to him, he just adores it, Everyone hates when you baby Hinata, Hina are you hurt? I think im going to go to bed Rin you say quietly trudging towards your bedroom and getting immediately in your bed. Looking into the mirror you were packing up, Hey Kuroo what are you doing here? Yaku walks up to Kuroo who looks suspicious standing close by the door . You slowly take out the chocolate from behind. @wolfblix @yougivemebutterfliess @littleblackpheonix. Every girl is beautiful! Yamamoto scolded Inuoka, shes a second year Kenma sighs interrupting Yamamoto from his shouts, I havent seen her yet but I guess shes gonna stop by today. he would be jealous, but he would also want you to be happy, so he probably wouldn't say anything. ? Yes he pouts like everyone now knows Hinata is very dangerous with his cuteness and bubbly nature, HINATA BOKE! Atsumu explodes when he sees him hug you, Shinon stayed the night with you (no not that!) What the magazine said about you was right. Damn I lost again Kenma grumbles a bit, Kuroo glares at him for a bit, feeling a vibration from his pocket, he takes out his phone seeing that he got a text from Bokuto. thanks to his quirk , he didn't feel too hot or too cold during night . Kuroo couldnt stop starring, you were so beautiful in person, you had short hair that suited your face, ear piercings that made you look bad ass. and like is super oblivious to your insecurities at first. Youre tremblingare you cold? He asks looking down at you softly as he grips your hand little tighter afraid that you would let go. while he's reading or doing something independent, he'll go out of his way to be near you or in the same room while he does it. Hey guys I got chocolate! Kai comes in with a box, ooooo Kai who is it from? Yaku teases, Kai smirks from y/- HAAAAAAA YOU WHAT?!! Your parents were already sleeping and you didnt want to wake them up. I admire you a lot and I made this for you.um I really admire you she blushes once you accept them, giving her a bright small. when atsumu was running errands he was with the girl hes taking on a date. "I'm sorry Chan". members omi-goddess yo! This move finally wakes you up completely and you start to realise how serious he has gotten. They can wait a bit without me, he said quickly picking you up by your ass placing you on the counter as your legs automatically envelope his back, when he leans into kiss you this time you dont stop him letting your boyfriends less capture your own with his hands going to more places than just your thigh leaving you a groaning mess. If it were up to me Id say something completely different but hey, if it makes you feel any better, every literature teacher Ive had for the past seven years has used me as an example of poetry because of the words you said.Thats not as bad as depreciation.In my third year of middle school we had to do a writing prompt on my wrist. She snorted, looking down at the words. I love you." Your heart clenched at those three words, having not been said in your relationship before. In the bitter wake of failure. Couldnt you have said hey, whyre you screaming or hey, is something wrong instead of this? He forcefully shoved his wrist in her face, his every word dripped with malice. But when you leaving was becoming a reality I couldn't take it." She couldn't help but laugh causing him to wear a confused look "I thought you didn't like me anymore and I was starting to feel insecure." He smiled at her before joining in her laughter. Breaths fumbled in and out of your mouth, and you were slowly but surely losing control of yourself, overcome with memories of the past. It was really all up to fate. "Let me see you, dont hid from me" he brought you closer, feeling the warmth you once felt when he first hugged you. Your question threw him off guard since he didnt mean thatwell Y/N I know youve kinda let youself go a bit and youre obviously not the weight you were when we 16 but- before he could finish you get up out of your seat and rushed to your room with tears in your eyes, missing the end of his sentence which wasbut I still think youre beautiful he murmurs. Just go get changed Ill wait for you you push him into the gym. baby. like are they blind??? Can you just shut up Y/N he shouted making you flinch Youre so fucking talktative gosh he got up and left the house slamming the door shut making you jump again. "Well there's this one thing" Liam says and you can feel tears coming as you hang up the phone and text her saying you'll call her later. They must be stupid. Miya-san im a big fan of you! he started making Atsumu chuckleI was just calling Y/N to say im available next week saturday to start training, Training? Atsumu thoughtCan I ask what training youre preparing for with Y/N he asks. 10. Hope you like this prompt . Before he could, you both looked to the left to see your 62 friend with his buzz lightyear pyjamas on with his arms folded can you too stop fooling around so we can watch the movie! Oikawa said, ushering you along to the living room. #haikyuu masterlist #babie-sunarin masterlist. Iwaizumi. It has to be done. Dont worry baby, well be quick in and out of the changing room they wont even notice, you didnt even hear what he said, too busy focusing on the great feeling of the touches and kisses he was giving you. It doesnt matter no one is here to watch and its closed off due to its beautiful view once you two got to the top of the hill that was surrounded by cherry blossoms that has already erupted and by the beautiful city light. I love it y/n good because I stayed up all night making them you felt pleased that he liked it, if he didnt you would feel bad and heartbroken. When he came out, his eyes lit up as they always seemed to do whenever he saw you, making you smile. your account is absolutely breathtaking omg, had a lil loook at urs and urs is sooo cute bro, You have been dating the great setter of the MSBY Jackals since your third year in highschool, Youve always been okay with his profession, Even when it comes with the adoring fans he has (the ones that dont necessarily like you..). He turns around immediately, you were smiling widely at him, your cheeks were slightly pink. Ears stinging at your flustered mess he laughs at you as you both walk to the old ice cream shop you both loved. Holding out his hand towards you, lets have a nice night okay he smiles, nervously taking his hand, he intertwines your finger together like it was natural, for you its nerve wracking. Nothing really, just wanted to celebrate how youre the best daddy ever, you said nonchalantly happy late fathers day babe. He smiles widely, his hands roaming underneath the jersey and he whispers in your ear maybe after dinner we can make another kid who can wish me happy fathers day next year?, Kuroo: When Kuroo came home to see you in his office wearing nothing but his #1 red jersey, swivelling around on his moving chair as you fiddle with one of his pens. In the end of practice everyone started to clean and Kuroo went outside for a bit since it was too hot in the gym. Kageyama and Sugawara carrying their tired s/o Panic in your head starts to rise, but you can't find the right words to make him stay. You really wanna talk about hell, missy? "I love you, so much. He slightly recoiled back out of your hug making you frown, to which he used the excuse ofI smell bad from practice let me take a shower. Whilst he was in the shower you decided to make some dinner for you both since it seems that Suna is a bitgrumpy today. You were just writing down some notes while talking to Kai. yumeko is better he said teasingly. At this point the boys were laughing and making fun of Kuroo for being a dumb and nervous. He walked around and when he was infront of you, he crouched down aswell and held your face, your hands hiding your red face and teary eyes. Aww thanks you ruffle her hair. :(( with bokuto, akaashi and sugawara pls. hiiii can i request a hc where the haikyuu characters comfort a s/o that feels insecure about being fat?? He goes into you bedroom and see you on your bed and silently gets into it next to you. lookalike heated argument ( s. todoroki x reader ) Kissing your cheek gently he runs off with a little wink which made you let out a small laugh. 'I'm outside, loser . , When they say they dont want kids but youre secretly pregnant (Atsumu), AN: I know you asked for mutiple characters but i made it 2.5K words so forgive me, When you fall asleep on FaceTime with the hq boys (iwaizumi, Bokuto, Ushijima, Suna, Atsumu), Iwaizumi: babe, what movie are we going to watch next since ponyo is about to finish? iwaizumi asked you, but didnt get any response babe did you hear m- oh, youre asleep., Iwa looked at the camera and smiled fondly, in the least creepiest way he thought you looked beautiful sleeping, angelic. Because haikyuu has been postponed because of the virus and most people are egar to watch it so maybe reading the manga might help! "Hey Suna, make a conversation longer than two minutes with a person you bump into today. i promise." he murmurs against your skin, and even like this, his hold on you doesn't relaxhe keeps you there with him, scared that you'll withdraw from him. imagine haikyuu With his hectic volleyball schedule and you working from home right now (due to Covid) you ended up having to cater to the house. I promise Ill make this day something to remember. Nekomas new manager is y/n, female division national ace. hmm how about grocery shopping trips ?? But you wouldnt say your eyes were decieving you, so you did what you should do turn on your heel and get out of there. How long are you going to be on the call for Boit would be sad for me to be all alone withno one to play, with, you complained with him nodding in agreement at your volleyball innuendo. 1st part is here, this is another part with the remaining haikyuu baes. Suna just made a face whenever the topic came up and of course the twins noticed his apprehensiveness towards the topic fast enough to come up with a plan. He heard a feminine snort, then the click of the door. Kuroo wants to be worthy of you and he will work his way up to it. The handle would click, then Oikawa would finally be alone. It makes him feel warm and happy. Happy valentines Kuroo you give him a light kiss on the cheek. but you in his arm , it's radiating some kind of warmth that he couldn't explain with words . he kisses you during an argument : | (hiatus) its been obvious to everyone that y/n loves atsumu, suna will definitely try and take up atsumus offer of having a pass at y/n, kita is in the boys gc but has it muted. When you wear their jersey with nothing underneath (Iwaizumi, Atsumu, Kuroo, Bokuto), Iwaizumi: Fathers day just arrived and because of the two children you already have, you couldnt spend any alone time with your husband on the weekend. However, no ones knows about your relationship since Atsumu said you being the manager and him being the setter it will affect the team dynamic. But now with the restrictions being lifted, Atsumu got to go back to practice and playing some games although you still got to work from home. He might look like a bad boyfriend to people but for you he was a sweetheart ; He wasn't the one for pda but he doesn't like it when you get insecure about those fan girls; Before a game he comes up to you "kiss me" "what?" "Kiss me" he mumbles ; You didn't pull his mask down but just gave him a kiss over it "I love you Omi" You lay on your back, you didnt realize what day it was, you had exams, the boys had double practice which means more paper work from other schools who want Nekoma to come join them for a practice match so you were busy for days.

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haikyuu imagines he makes you feel insecure