cordelia ending explained

if (document.readyState === 'complete') { Im looking for the family of my great grandfather Mario Sanseverino. Properties in Italy Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicilia (this is in French, but if you have trouble the author will help you). She married my great grandfather, Stephano Guerriero in early 1900 and came through Ellis Island and settled in New Jersey. Next picture shows the demographic trends in Avellino from the Italian Unification(1861). Im looking for the family of Giuseppe Villa, born 1856 in Santa Lucia di Serino, Avellino, Campania, Italy died 1936 USA, father Rafaelo Villa Santa Lucia. Italy Church Records are also a good substitute when civil records of births, marriages, and deaths cannot be found or are unavailable If the original church records that you need have been lost or destroyed or are illegible, you may be able to find a duplicate church record. Location of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi,Avellino,Italy, Stato Civile di Avellino, Italia, 1866-1910, You can browse through images in this collection using the waypoints on the Collection Browse Page for, This collection does not have a searchable index. Luckily there are several groups on Facebook were people volunteer. oneSignal_options['notifyButton']['text'] = {}; I know that an older brother, Gabriel, born in 1886 also immigrated to America in 1905. Birth 1800 ?And married to Lucia Sollazzo great great great grandmother. Theresa. I am looking for information on the loffredo family. I am searching for birth recordsThank you so much for any help.. Hello, my name is Dan Petrosene and I am doing a family tree on my ancestors from Fontanarosa. CRISTOFARO? I believe her father owned a small market. Deceased children were not listed. I dont know for sure but makes sense as Maria Esposito arrived and married Andrea the same year she arrived. Birth: July 14, 1896 My great grandmother Theresa De Vito married Salvatore Cibellis. When I look online, it says I have to know the commune they came from to obtain records, and I am not sure how to narrow that down when they only ever said they came from Avellino. Hope you see this. documentInitOneSignal(); Her father Louis Amorosa was born in Avellino. I am trying to find information about my Great-Great Grandparents from Avellino Province, Campania, Italy. Please be aware some collections consist only of partial information indexed from the records and do not contain any images. His fathers name was Giuseppe an I think his mothers name was Concelia or Celia. Any information on Paolo Modugno born 11/22/1879 or Adelina Demarinis born 6/3/1889 in Avellino, Italy. Looking for anything on Nicola Cuoco, my great great great grandfather. - Gesualdo, Avellino I would like to visit Avellino and meet any family. gtag('config', 'UA-130175854-2'); In the 10th century AD Naples and all southern Italy came under Norman rule; starting from that date, noble families began to use patronymic surnames originating from the ancestor, such as Amicone, Berardo, Borrello, Guarino, Lupis, Maio, Miranda, Ranieri, Troisi. OneSignal.push( function() { Original civil records are available either online on the Antenati Portal, as of July 2020 for the provinces of Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, Salerno and Naples, or in the State . Santa Cristina Gela, Palermo, Sicilia. Hi, I am looking for information on the Lepore family from Torrioni (Avellino) . I too believe the name is backwards and Chiara Terisa. Her name was Vicenza Salvatore Spagnuolo. Anything on my grandfather Raphael (Ralph ) Fico came to us between 1890 and 1910. Hello, I am trying to find out the name of my great grandmother. However, rights to view these data are limited by contract and subject to change. For instance, use the age listed in the record to estimate a year of birth, if that is yet undetermined, Make sure to fully transcribe and cite the record entry for future reference, Compile the entries for every person who has the same surname; this is especially helpful in rural areas or if the surname is unusual. Her father has 3 or 4 brothers. I would like to get information regarding her ancestry in Avelin, Italy. oneSignal_options['promptOptions'] = { }; I have tried emailing churches in avellino, but it is difficult from NY to get answers. DNA records show a few surnames Polcari, Schena, Coglianoto name a few.On her only record of birth, it says Commune Di Vallata. I also know the date that I was baptized in S. Maria Assunta, Avellino, but I have no information on the name of the church. I am looking for information about my Great Grandparents who immigrated to New York City from Avellino in the late 1800s- early 1900s. We are looking to see the church they were married in and the home they lived. Look at the list of municipalities, parishes and civil registrations. Does anyone know if this surname is any place other than Ariano? I am looking for the relatives of Pasquale Colarusso born Jan. 31, 1890 It has many palaces, fountains, belvederes, and a historical center, which was partially restored after the Irpinia earthquake in 1980 . I dont know whether either of them was born or were married in the province or not.I have a death certificate for Michael Ambrosini who died in Barton, NY August 15,1904. Transcription errors could occur in any handwritten record; also, it was not uncommon for an individual be listed under a nickname or an abbreviation of their name, Your ancestor may have immigrated to another country. My great grandfather was born around 1880 and married Anna (not sure of her maiden name) in 1900. Currently, he is Chief of Cardiology at Metropolitan Hospital in Manhattan. See, More images are available in the FamilySearch Catalog, Name and occupation of father/name of mother, Identifying information such as residence, Add any new information youve found to your records, Use the information to find more. Even confirmation of his wifes (Carmella?) She has three daughters. My fathers name was Almerino Ianniciello. No known records of that transaction. State Archives of Avellino - Ancestors Portal Civil Records in Avellino In towns and villages of Campania and in Avellino province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Avellino town hall archives as of that date. I really appreciate any information you might know. She emigrated to the USA in 1914, married Giovanni Pirozzi and had seven children. else { var __ATA_PP = { pt: 1, ht: 2, tn: 'oceanwp', uloggedin: 0, amp: false, siteid: 154534754, consent: 0, ad: { label: { text: 'Advertisements' }, reportAd: { text: 'Report this ad' } } }; How to find Italian Birth Records with the New Antenati I also have the name of the woman who was my sponsor at baptism but nothing more. Will gladly pay whatever fee you charge to do a search. Ancestry Tours History of Surnames in Campania. I appreciate any help and would be willing to pay a trustworthy source for informtiin or help. Died October 1979. He was born July 16 1869 He was married to a woman named Maria and his job was a watchmaker. Elizabeth was born in Boston They click on the province and find historical records. This page was last edited on 8 March 2023, at 11:20. Unfortunately, it was not standard practice to keep duplicate records until the 1900s. oneSignal_options['allowLocalhostAsSecureOrigin'] = true; We have been gathering information about the hertitage of our family thus far we have traced back to my mothers grandfather Generoso Feola born 1836 married in the Santa Paoloino parish in 1863 to Brigitta Carpenito born 1837. Its difficult to tell exactly where they come from prior to immigration to the U.S., Naples is listed as their port of departure. The banns of this pledge were posted on Sunday April 8th at the door of this municipal house and at the door of the municipal house of San Lorenzo. Thank you, I am looking for information about my wifes great-grandfather. I have been working on my Family Tree for about 6 years. Citations help you keep track of places you have searched and sources you have found. Links to a multitude of Italian Church and Civil records by town. From letters to request church records in Italian. "":b;c=void 0===c?". My grandmothers family owned an olive grove but my mother and her sisters gave it to the family who were the caretakers in 1960. window._oneSignalInitOptions = oneSignal_options; He was born in Avellino, Italy in 1900. Im looking for information about my grandparents. His wife was Josephine Percillo also from Avellino who was born in 1889. His father, Francesco Modugno and mother Rosalina Casa. My grandfather was born Francesco Lepore in Torrioni in 1880 and immigrated to America in 1901 then settling in Boston. I am looking for the surname of Giarnese. He would sometimes record information about his parishioners and the tax in church censuses (stato delle anime or status animarum). There are quite a few churches in Avellino. free italian birth records information - RootsWeb Looking for direct ancestors, not siblings names or cousins, etc. I would love to learn more about my grandmother, her family and the olive grove so that I can pass this information on to my children and grandchildren. So Maria Pierro as no birth records, no marriage records that I can find. Any help is really appreciated! I am trying to trace my mothers grandparents, they came to England prior to 1901 from Avellino, their names were Lorenzo Prudente born 1864 and Giacinta (surname unknown) born 1889. Our family is curious to find out. If you have information on them, I would be grateful for birth/death dates, marriage dates and who all of the other children are. Surnames in Campania - Italy Heritage She was raised by some woman by the last name of Porcino? Please provide the cost of your service to dig up my ancestors as far back as possible. Id be interested in learning more about your family tree. My great grandmother was Nicolas. "+a[1]:"")+a[2]}return a};var l=0;function m(a,b){var c=document.createElement("script");c.src=a;c.onload=function(){b&&b(void 0)};c.onerror=function(){b&&b("error")};a=document.getElementsByTagName("head");var d;a&&0!==a.length?d=a[0]:d=document.documentElement;d.appendChild(c)}function n(a){var b=void 0===b?document.cookie:b;return(b=h(b.split("; "),function(c){return-1!=c.indexOf(a+"=")}))?b.split("=")[1]:""}function p(a){return"string"==typeof a&&0Avellino Genealogy Forum Menica died in 1907. Any information would be appreciated. If you know your ancestors were from one of these towns, let us know by filling the contact form below. oneSignal_elements[i].addEventListener('click', oneSignalLinkClickHandler, false); Or maybe you can give me some info. What can I do to find her birth or baptism records. I am looking for any information on his first wifes name. the name Giuseppe often became Joseph," and the name Vincenzo sometimes became Vincent or James. She was devorced or widowed and remarried Veal. Marianna my aunt on my mothers side did an ancestry dna and her daughter was notified that you were perhaps a relative of ours. Youll also notice the another new feature in the upper right hand corner that allows you to adjust the image without sending to an editor. I would be thrilled to connect with someone with information on these two family names! Assunta and Salvatore lived at Via C. Colombo #58, Avellino, Italy. Hello..I am trying to find out about my Great Grandparents from Avallino. Giovanna (Padre: Nicola Casciano) I am looking for information about Maddalena Gallo/Madugno. Born in Avelino, lived in Avelino & flated around from Salerno to Avelino. I know its a lot of information, but if you help me or tell me someone that can trace my ancestors through this family. One other thing that they did was split the search screen into two screens. 106 different . I am looking for information on my great grandfather from Volturara Irpina, Avellino, Campania, Italy. Would love to have more information, HELLO .I am looking for information about my Grandfather Pasqualei DeAngelis from avellinothink he was born about,1882 or 1883 also my grandmother Rose Marie Lodessi born about 1890 or 1893,also they had a son born1908.his name was Ralph DeAngelis. Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Avellino forum:if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Avellino feel free to leave a message below. He has several brothers. His father is Matteo Russoniello. Penso che il nome di sua madre sia Cristofe. To help you, Antonio had a daughter Assunta De Venezia, who married Salvatore De Venezia, and they had three children. My grandparents emigrated to Ogden, Utah in the early 1900s. Debra My grandmothers maiden name was Maria Grazia Meriano..she was from Avellinoshe emigrated to America and married my grandfather whose name was Giuseppe Moccia..I remember she had a brother in New Haven Connecticut Antonio Meriano, who had 10 children. When browsing images, most books have indexes at the back. You may also like to join the Community Group for Italy where you will find more focused help and assistance from others doing similar research. Your email address will not be published. I am looking for Filomina Barone who was born in approximately 1872. he spent some time in South Wales United kingdom . They are my grandparents. This is a necessary info to understand how many people lived in the town in the past. oneSignal_options['notifyButton']['enable'] = true; Use wild cards, if possible, to represent phonetic variants, especially for surname endings. Mia moglie ed io stiamo programmando di visitare Avellino e stiamo cercando informazioni su dove trovare risorse locali che possano aiutarci a trovare maggiori informazioni sui suoi antenati. I am looking for information for the Verdi family. they are from Avellino. Also, to see if there are any Bonos that are related to me today. "); 26 LUG 1882, Avellino, Campania, Italia Sposato con Principia DiGregario B. Joan. Married here Joseph Lorfano. Im rather frustrated with Antenati, as Ive been waiting for 2 years for them to scan and upload records from Ercolano and Torre del Greco. He did not know how to speak or write English. My great grandfather had two brothers Sabastiano and Barthalamule (we do not think they ever went onto America. Father: Federico Scarano __ATA.criteo = __ATA.criteo || {}; (If your goal is to claim your Italian Dual Citizenship in Avellino follow this link). born 1860, died 1922. Dan Niemiec gives us the history of his Italian, Polish and Irish roots, When they settled in Chicago and his 90,000 member family tree! destroyed records. My father Rocco Albanese was born in Leoni to Maddalena Cibellis 6/18/1920. This is a search on my grandmothers maiden name PIROMALLO. Italian Certificates and Vital Records generally in just 5 working days by express courier and we also deliver your Italian Certificates to any Country in the world by express courier. _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-130175854-2']); They are Generoso DAversa and Anna Imperiale. Also if you have a date of death for Stephen and Rachela. Any information would be helpful to connect with family. Hello, Antonio lived in Avellino. I am his daughter and have been searching for him for 33 years now . Giuseppe sailed from Naples to New York in 1924. Ciao, I am searching for my birth father from a province of Salerno Italy. NYC Birth Records 1891-1902 (requires ancestry. Cuccinello. I would love to meet any relatives I might have and see the home he grew up in. We were told the main house was sold to the city for a school. Marco had 17 children. can you give me any information about them? I live in Sacramento, California, U.S.A., but I want to find out more about my relatives who came from Fontanarosa and the area of Avellino. He did return to S. Stafano (not sure when) but did board the Hamburg with 2 women on March 30th 1013. The first improvement I noticed right away was that the site returns results much faster, I assume that they improved and modernized their indexing and search keys. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); I am looking for any information on my grandfather. Genealogy in Bagnoli Irpino - There seem to be no records for Maria Pierro. My great grandparents were from Avellino. My mother was adopted. Church archives in Avellino province may store even older information. marie was born Dec 1875 they were married 1897 My grandfather returned to Italy in the 1920s and never returned I was told he died of consumption. Giuseppes wife Mondina (Jennie) Anterelli born 1868 in Piacenza, Emilio-Romagna, Italy, died 1922 USA father lugie Anterelli born 1832 Piacenza, Emilio-Romagna,Italy died 1917 USA. On some documents he is listed as Giuseppe Antonio Lucciola. I have been trying to find any information about my grandmother Marianna Pagnello or could also be Marianna Pagnillo from St.Lucia Di Serina/Avellino. Mother: Antonia Margaret. My name is Cheryl Cuccinello, and I live in Massachusetts. Let me know if you need any more help! He was born in Avellino, like Mr Balestrieri. Thank you very much! 11 dicembre 1881, Italia figlia di Fillipo De Gregorio, nascita 23 MAGGIO 1827, Menfi, Agrigento, Italia e madre Anna Tranchetta. We also have records noting that they were protestant and left Avellino due to religious persecution. Only images are available. I Found the Person I Was Looking For, What Now? If you search your ancestors in Avellino, in the province of Avellino, Campania region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town. I am trying to find more information on my grandfathers immediate family, particularly brothers and/or sisters. oneSignal_options['notifyButton']['size'] = 'large'; } The next time I come to Italy I would love to spend time in his home town. I am Robert The husband of Elizabeth, I am searching in her behalf. Avellino, Italy Births - What else you can try FamilySearch Their names were Frank and Donatella Compitello. His name was Carlo born probably in the 1930s. or Russoniello. Genealogy research in Avellino List of towns in province of Avellino Start your genealogy research in Avellino province. I have seen a lot of posts on Facebook recently where people have asked how to find Italian birth records, do I have to pay etc. Im looking for information on my maternal grandfathers family. Geneanet respects genealogists: you retain full ownership of your family tree and the documents you share on Geneanet ( see more) Surnames in the Province of Avellino, Campania, Italy The lists of surnames have been derived from the white pages of the 1990's for the recent lists, and from sources as indexes of births, "numerazioni" and catasti for previous centuries. Se hai informazioni su di loro, sarei grato per le date di nascita / decesso, le date di matrimonio e chi sono tutti gli altri bambini. Image Visibility edit source I would love to know if I have any ancestors living in San Pietro, Avellino. Let the Research Wiki Be Your Guide YouTube How I Use FamilySearch org to Search Ancestry YouTube My Best Genealogy Tips: Its Time to Start!

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cordelia ending explained