care rescue texas controversy

I hope those beautiful blue eyes are still sparkling while you're looking down at your family. Solo Dios sabe lo importante que era este chiquitin para ustedes. hugs from souls to souls. It's not fair and won't ever be fair. my deepest condolences for the death of your dear son, I am very aware of what bullying means, I suffered from it for years, and I had suicidal thoughts, but I was never able to come to terms with them. No hay palabras para tanto dolor . But I saw your story and it literally crushed my soul. No hay palabras que puedan ser blsamo para su corazn, los abrazo a la distancia. I am pretty sure you all might have find out by now, but I still wish you would have known in time that, in the end, it does not really matter, that they cannot break your essence and, ultimately, they simply fade away. Fly high sweet Drayke!! I hope that making the painful decision to share your story will save lives and prevent another family from experiencing the immeasurable pain you are feeling. I have talked with my daughters to be kind to any and all people. I will pray for your family and for a better world. Im truly sorry for your lost. Sending love and prayers to your family. Such sweet boy. Heartbreaking. Everyone reading this is a gift. SO sorry You havevto love this. Un afectuoso saludo desde Talcahuano, Chile. When we knew abou it, we felt sorrow and mourned with you, we concerned and prayed for you and for the kids who are suffering of bullying. I pray that your family heals your broken hearts And I pray for the sister that found your son I can't imagine how she feels praying for your family. Nobody deserves to suffer bullying, especially the young ones. My heart is so broken for your family and all of thoae that loved your precious son. I'm so sorry for your guys loss. Hola Drayke, te abrazo a distancia, eres la persona ms fuerte del mundo, libraste una batalla tan difcil sin pedir ningn ayuda, jams te olvidar tu familia y amigos. I'm truly truly sorry and my condolences, Qu dolor ms grande acabo de sentir al leer la noticia, no me puedo imaginar lo que debe sentir su familia Que en paz descanses pequeo, brilla fuerte all dnde ests. We need to start talking even more about bullying and incourage our kids to tell us if they're going through something, I know it's not easy but is so important. Hi Drayke's family , we are sending love and prayers for you from Argentina. Mus condolencias a la familia. please accept my sincere condolences! Nothing anyone can do or say will bring sweet Drayke back, but may his legacy live on and in doing so raise awareness for one of the oldest and most painful mental trauma that sadly plagues the lives of so many children, teens and adults each day. My prayer go out to you and your sweet boy! Pequeo Angel! I am keeping all of you in my prayers at this time. From Argentina, I send you my biggest, deepest and strongest hug in this hard times, your boy is now surrounded by million of angels. Tengo un beb de 1 ao lo pido por Drayke, por mi hijo y por todos los nios, que nadie ms tenga que pasar por eso por favor. Beautiful Drayke you left so many lessons on earth that hurt the heart so much. Drayke, dale la fuerza necesaria a tu familia para poder seguir adelante siempre. Rest in peace beautiful little Angel may God have you in holy glory. May your soul rest in peace, now you're enjoying our Father's presence and there is no pain nor suffering. We are so very sorry for your loss. May you find peace somehow and get through every day with the love of Drake. Qu pena que el mundo pierda un angelito tan adorable! My heart is broken for your family and for everyone who loved your wonderful child. Te sostengo cada vez que quieres caer. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time ofbereavement. I know he will always be with your family as a guardian angel. My heart breaks for your family. No se ha ido del todoSiempre vivir con ustedes, el recuerdo vivo, en su corazn. Sending so much love your way. Se har justicia y a ti Drayke descansa dulce nio en paz. Hola les doy mi sincero pesa a su padres y Hermana nunca van estar solos el vas estar siempre con ustedes en el corazn, I have never once meet this boy but from what I have heard we have lost a beautiful soul but heaven has gained another angel. No Conoc el pequeo pero lo siento tanto me caus mucha tristeza como un pequeo tuvo que pasar eso en silencio muchos estamos con ustedes el pequeo es uno ms y tenemos que hablar lazar la vos para ya no permitir el maltrato para evitar ms cosas mi ms sentido psame a la familia y descanso eterno para este pequeo que Dios te tenga en sus manos y le d fuerzas a tu familia. I send a hug and love to the family. My deepest condolences to your beautiful family! I know that despite this pain will never pass, I sincerely thank you for making us part of your pain and making us see that this cannot and should not happen again to any child or girl of the world. Besitos al cielo angelito hermoso. To Drayke's parents I am so sorry for your loss. Dios los bendiga. Les envi todo mi amor, a ustedes como familia y mis respetos. Visitation will be held on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 from 1:00PM until 5:00PM at Doby Funeral Home. El siempre vivira en sus corazones, que dios les de mucha fortaleza para poder pasar esto. Tengo 15 casi 16 y me pego muy fuerte la historia, Por qu existen estas situaciones? I just don't understand why people are like that and would bully someone so much to the point they commit suicide and especially for such a young boy. May God bring some peace to yall in these trying time. Gracias a ti pequeos por tu fortaleza por mucho tiempo. Creo que no hay palabras que alcancen para saciar tanto dolor. My heartfelt condolences to your family. God bless. Hoy he conocido esta trgica historia, cuyo desenlace me ha entristecido especialmente debido a la corta edad de Drayke, su nobleza y otras virtudes. My family and I will pray that God can give you the peace you need now. Rest in peace .. What you have experienced there is no one who can do anything about now .. May your family be showered with love and peace. May he rest in sweet paradise. Heaven has a new Angel and your family has to find a way to accept that God needed him to give comfort to those in Heaven in need of an Angel, God bless ya'lll. "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. He was a native and resident of New Orleans, LA. I can't even pretend to understand the pain and loss you family must suffer but I want you to know your in my prayers. I cried into the next day, for this family & for Drayke. Martinez, GA 73, April 28, 2023, Platt's Funeral Home. #doitfordrayke, sharing your story of loss and heartbreak has reached the world. Sin conocerlos, los acompao con mi ms sentido psame y les envo mis carios y fortaleza, Que brille para l pequeo Drayke la luz que no tiene fin . I am really sorry for your lost. In those moments, God reminded me that I am loved. You should always keep on dreaming up there little boyNo one deserves to go through what you've been. My heart goes out to his family and friends. Mi mas sentido psame. Camino del bien. Descansa en paz angelito Drake junto a la gloria de Dios. Q.E.P. Se que no hay consuelo cuando se trata de la prdida de un hijo, pero ahora tienen un ngel en el cielo de Dios que los acompaar por siempre. No services have been planned at this time. I am very sorry that the child was not able to ask for help. Little boy, I send you all the peace in the world, and I hope justice is done and bullying doesnt exist anymore. Oh, your beautiful boy! Um bullying silencioso que no ouvimos e no vemos. hay que parar este tipo de acoso y buscar al culpable. Los abrazo bien fuerte desde Argentina. abraza a toda tu familia y tambien a nosotros, para que como padres, podamos hacer un buen trabajo en tu memoria <3, Drake, I hope your dancing in the sky! Rest in peace beautiful angel, your life will be remembered with so much love. No hay muchas palabras para decir soy mam as que simplemente abrazarlos fuertemente y decirles que Drayke acaba de sacudir al mundo y ustedes son su voz, descansa en hermoso vuela alto y guianos. You are a gift. I'm keeping you close in my thoughts. I am SO sorry!!!! Lo lamento mucho realmente me duele cuando pasa algo as!! The gym is packed for every game. mi mas sentido pesame a la familia un beso muy fuerte y mucho animo a la familia. Ever since I heard about Drayke I cant stop crying. Desde Venezuela le envo un abrazo y de verdad lo siento mucho, Dios los bendiga a ustedes y Drayke sea su gua, Heartfelt condolences to your family in the loss of your beautiful son. Your passage through this life was very short, but I am sure that you marked the lives of all those who knew you for good. It hurts me as well I am a parent . It happens too often now from face to face and cyber bullying! No puede quedar impune esto. Un abrazo gigante y gracias por compartir este dolor, porque como padres esto nos marca para la vida, como lo dicen ustedes, para ensear bondad a nuestros hijos. Deeply saddened to know how such an ngel left this World. Hermosura, me rompiste el corazn. Thanks for sharing your story with us To make aware that bulling is serious and can damage our children's and families . I pray for all parents that doesnt teach their kids that we have yo respect to all people. Your story has attached itself to our hearts. Padres cremos buenos hijos, hijos pidan ayuda siempre a sus padres. I will pray for you. In the other side of the world we are praying for y'all. My heart breaks reading your story, as mother, parent I couldn't image the pain in your heart, words can't express how sorry I am that you family is going through this. Muchos nimos. Sending you all our love, thoughts, and well wishes at this deeply saddening time. Once again I am truly and deeply sorry for your loss. Im very sorry for your loss, my deepest condolences. I'm so sorry for your lost . Our deepest condolences on the tragic loss of your son, Drayke. May God bless the family. Upcoming services provided by Doby Funeral Home. look up at the moon and know he is looking back. Well, I don't know if you are going to read this or not, but I wanted to write to you, since I feel very overwhelmed and I wanted to tell you that your son's love remains in my memory and that day by day I will fight so that my son and the boys and girls of this world do not go through this anymore. Bless him and your family. May your family find the strength to get through it. Con lgrimas en los ojos, intento como madre ponerme en el Lugar de ustedes, slo decirles que les enviamos mucha fuerza y que esperamos que este mensaje de #Stopbulling llegue al mundo entero. **The Baldwin Family request that all attendees wear mask for the funeral service that will be held at Cape Fear Conference B Headquarters.**. I'm sending all my prayers to this family and the people that loved him. I'm just so sorry that this little boy had to die before anyone knew about what he went through on this Earth. It is always difficult saying goodbye to someone we love and cherish. Our hearts are broken for your family. I'll never forget that sweet face now that I've seen it. Drayke, I'm so sorry for your lost. I currently work with kids and I am very open and honest with them about bullying and how it affects others. My faith has carried me through. Much love and prayers for you and your family.. draykes family, you guys don't know me. It was not your fault. My deeply condolences to Drayke's family. Angel hermoso el mundo te recordar siempre con muchsimo amor!! I hope the time bring peace to the broken hearts of Draykes family. Prayers for you all. Vuela alto prncipe de los cielos. This isn't fair!! God Bless You and Keep You. in memory of Lonnie Baldwin, please visit our floral store. I just cannot imagine what you must be going through and pray for the Mighty Lord to give you courage and the strength you need in this most difficult time xx Such a pity of a beautiful wasted life and all because of Bullying, which unfortunately is everywhere around the world!!! sean siempre orgullosos de tan maravilloso ngel que hoy desde el cielo acompaa sus vidas abrazo de compaa y felicidades por su valenta de compartir su experiencia con el mundo, por tan hermoso ser que trajeron al mundo y nos permitieron conocer y hoy entregan a los brazos de Dios por seguir siendo un ngel y dejar toda tristeza atrs. It's very heartbreaking to hear this news. #doitfordrayke. No puedo entender cmo el tuvo que sufrir todo lo que sufri y ustedes tengan que pasar por esto hoy. Rogamos por consuelo para la familia hardman. Hopefully your unfortunate departure serves to make everyone and everything aware that bullying is not a game, bullying doesn't make you cool, bullying is a CRIME. El mundo entero est conmovido por vos estoy segura que dentro de tanta tristeza y dolor de tu familia hoy se abre una gran puerta para el cambio de muchas personas familias !! A strong hug to the whole family and friends. Im sorry Drakye, I wont forget your story and will be forever loved and missed. to the parents, I am sorry. I'm so sorry for your loss. I am absolutely heartbroken for you guys. To send flowers to the family of. Mi ms sentido psame jams sera consuelo en algo as, pero quiero que sepas que todo el mundo te manda fuerzas y cario, y que tu pequeo nio dar luz donde sea que est, ojal que algn da puedas simplemente tener la luz en tu corazn, ya no tener tristeza, recriminacion, solo gratos recuerdos, y que este mundo cambie, no es consuelo pero mi ms sentido psame. I pray for strength for you all. My prayers surround you every night. i pray your family finds peace in this time, and the courage to stay strong and lean on each other when you need it most. I really can't believe about what happened to you, little BIG boy. to the family or plant a tree Drayke left us a strong message with this. Makes me sick to my stomach. Pensaba en ti en cada palabra que tu mama diriga y me conmovi mucho. Now my son will enter first grade in a few days, where he scares me that he will go through this situation, but I always remind my son that he must respect, make himself respected and defend if he sees unfavorable situations. My condolences on the loss of your precious child. Rezo para que no suceda jams en el mundo un caso as. I'll never forget you. The little bit of comfort I find in this situation is knowing that Drayke is lying down in green pastures with our Savior who is giving him complete and utter peace. Hoy siendo mam, teniendo un pequeo hijo, no puedo ni siquiera imaginar el dolor por el cual estn pasando. You're all kept in prayers, well wishes and tons of love and support through this difficult time from so many, near and far. Que nio maravilloso les toc.. Drayke ha tocado el corazn del mundo entero, se fue siendo un ngel, un bello ngel al encuentro del seor. Muy triste. My condolences to the parents & sibilings of this beautiful baby my heart hurts and I was unable to hold my tears back reading his story. Debemos aprender los adultos a ensear a ser amables a nuestros hijos! He will be remember always. I cried.. Mi hijo fue victima de acoso en la escuela y esto me ha afectado y dolido en mi alma . He seemed like such a beautiful shining star it is so sad to see how little is being done when it comes to bullying.I truly hope more is done to prevent this from happening again.The individual should be held accountable. Fuerza papitos que tambien los necesitan esas 2 nias hermosas. You unfortunately died too young. Your little man is beautiful and now your guardian angel. My love and suport for you and your family in this hard times. Pequeito, que no soportaste la maldad de este mundo. Fui vctima de un feroz bullying en diferentes escuelas, durante ms de cinco aos, al extremo de tener que salir del saln de clases en muchas ocasiones debido a la violencia despiadada de varios compaeros de clase contra m. I know for sure that there's no words that can make you feel better. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. May he rest in peace and be at a better Place. Wish me luck! We keep failing you and other children to such a extent that, it seems, you angels choose to sacrife by living a much shorter liefe in order to remind others of a huge elefant still to be addressed. I am so sorry for the loss of your bright, loving son. . Sending you all lots of hugs in this hard time. You built the foundation for your family and supporters to create an empire of kindness and you didn't even know it. 03-May, 12:00 PM, Central Christian Church, Bellevue Memorial Gardens. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 1:00 PM at JW Turlington School Auditorium. Dios quiera que la familia encuentre un poco de consuelo entre tando dolor. El miedo y la desesperacin invaden al mundo entero por nuestros pequeos hijos. Lee was a graduate of Dannell Special Need of Education Class of 1983. At your young age, you have left an indelible mark on thousands of parents and children around the world. I am rooting for this little fearless stud. This is what you came to show to this world and you impacted millions. Hoping and praying that your precious little darling can now Rest In Peace. I am so sorry for your loss. I'm so sorry for your loss and no one should go through this. I am so heartbroken along with all of you ! Cuando se pierde la vida de un nio, todos perdemos, ellos son la alegra, la ternura el amor y la esperanza de el mundo, me duele en el alma cuando me entero de casos como el de Drayke, que descanse en paz y a su familia, les envo un fuerte abrazo con el corazn, deseando que puedan lidiar con sta triste situacin. yo te conozco, yo te veo. Ningn nio ni nadie, debera padecer ni ser vctima de bullying. So sorry for your loss. Tu vuelo al infinito a quien te espera con los brazos abierto, Dios Todopoderoso es contigo hoy y nosotros , y tus padres , hermanas y familias y amigos que conocieron tu vida, volveran a ti para no separarse mas. Estoy muy triste desde que conoc la noticia, estas cosas no deberan pasar nunca, les envo mucha fuerza y nimo a toda la familia. My heart breaks for you and your family. El da que supe sobre t, pude sentir como mi corazn se destrozaba en mil pedacitos.. solo pensaba en la desesperacin que te pudo haber causado llegar a tomar esa decisin. The days ahead will be very difficult, but place your faith in God, and you will make it through. May the Lord open doors to make things change for other child who are suffering bullying. Every night I have asked God to give resignation to your loved ones, but more than anything, I have asked for your rest and that in Him you have the peace that your heart needed. There's always someone. Mis condolencias a familiares y amigos. He was so so cute!! I'm so sorry for your loss, I know there's nothing in this world that will comfort you in this horrible moments but please know that you are in our prayers. I am very sad about what happened. Abrazo a su hermosa madre, a su valiente padre y sus bellas hermanas, les envio fortaleza, consuelo y mucho amor, Dios reconfortara sus corazones. Drayke and you are in my prayers I will continue praying for you. Embrace the love. I wish all of you the best in thus time of grieving. Que sea la estrella que gue su camino , His soul now rests in peace, I send my condolences and offer my words of relief that he is now calm, happy to be in heaven, now to continue and dedicate it to him. Solo pido que sigan amndose. In 1840 there were 9 Doby families living in North Carolina. Ojal todos los paps seamos ms responsables en la educacin de nuestros hijos, para no crear seres espantosos como el/los que te hicieron dao. Love all the way from Canada Newfoundland, Que Dios fortalezca sus vidas, la vida de Drayke impact mi vida porque tambin viv el bullying cuando era Nio, fueron das oscuros y mucho miedo a ser yo mismo, a hablar pero hoy Tengo a Drayke conmigo desde el cielo cuidndome y recordndome que ayude a otros a alzar la voz! He opened his first funeral home in Holiday, FL in 1979, and later built his home behind it. Enseemos a nuestros hijos a caminar,correr,bailar,leerPero NUNCA a maltratar,lastimar,humillar a otra persona Fuerzas ala familia q Dios y nuestra madre maria te reciban con sus brazos abiertos q toda maldad acabe en todo el mundo. I cannot imagine the hurt you are feeling. I'm so sorry, it's hard to explain with word but I send you all my love. We pray for your family !!! May God be with you and never leave your side. Rest in peace Drayke. Aus der Ferne bedauere ich den Verlust Ihres Babys zutiefst und wnsche mir, dass keine andere Familie auf der Welt den Schmerz durchmachen muss, den Ihre Familie gerade durchmacht. Some people wouldnt be allowed to have children. Everytime I see his face I want to cry, I am sending all my hugs & love to you from over the seas & hope you remember all the wonderful years your gorgeous boy was with you xxxxx, I cannot imagine the pain you are going through I am a mother of a 14 year old boy and a 17 year old girl. My deepest condolences, love, hugs, and prayers continuos! Doby's Funeral Home 1382 N Main St, Raeford, North Carolina, 28376, United States (910) 875-4136 Send flowers. How unfair is to say goodbye. ngelito Drayke, no te conoc pero en tu carita linda s que eras un nio con un enorme corazn, tus alas eran mucho para este mundo, pero tu vida nos marc a todos descansa en paz. May god give strength to your family. My son died of SUDEP and for us we are absolutely broken and will never ever be ok again. I hope you all are doing ok and I'm sure Drayke is shooting hoops with the angels and basketball stars up there. Sentimos mucho ese vaco que dejara ese gran ser humano que fue su hijo. As I watched Drayke sink those two free throws a few weeks back to seal the game, I thought to myself, he's a giant among men. I pray God wraps his loving arms around you all in the days ahead. Lamento profundamente el Fallecimiento de Drayke, y ofrezco mis ms sinceras condolencias para su familia, Dios les d la fortaleza para afrontar este momento difcil. Drayke is watching over you all. See Terms of Use for details. Dios lo recoja en su divino manto y reciba con mucho amor PAZ EN SU TUMBA. We must stop bullying this cant happen again! Rezo por Drake, no merecia este final. But your smile and the memories you made for your loved ones will live on forever. Fly high Drayke and hopefully there are no more cases that stop this madness!!!! Nadie debera pasar por esta situacin dolorosa, le encio luz a su familia y pronta resignacin, recuerden chicos que siempre deben acercarse a otras personas y pedir ayuda, a mi siempre me molestaron y con mis propias manos me defenda y me forjaron el caracter de no ser dejada, pero cuando no sientan que puedan hablen, no estan solos! Abrazo a los padres y sus hermanas con el corazon . Mi ms sentido psame que dios le de fortaleza y paz en medio de tanto dolor. McPhatter Funeral Services | Laurel Hill NC funeral home and cremation I pray you finally feel peace. Vola alto. May God be with you and your family during this time and may that sweet boy Rest In Peace in the arms of the Lord. Su almita tan pura no pudo soportar tanto dolor, tanta crueldad de una persona que, evidentemente, su mundo est trastornado y tan enfermo como para haberle atormentado los das al nio de ojos azules y semblante de mucha pureza. I am so sorry for your loss! We accompany your family in this deep pain and we send them strength to be able to move forward. Funeral service for Mr. McDougald will begin at 12:00 PM. And the worst part of that was losing a very close friend in the same circumstances as you. I saw your post after one of my friends shared it on their Instagram and when I read it I was in tears. If only you knew how much love and support you had and will always have, this is so heartbreaking and I pray for the beautiful family going through these unbearable times, you are never alone we are all here to guide you into healing, peace and comfort. Bessie Doby Frick Obituary. No puedo imaginar el dolor que sents. Los abrazo desde Argentina. Love from Spain. her son will heal the world, No hay palabras que alivien el momento que estn pasando, mi ms sentido psame, I am incredibly sorry for you're loss i know how hard it is losing someone you love. Mi familia y yo los acompaamos en su dolor. I suffered bullying when I was little. Lo siento mucho No puedo creer que haya tanta maldad capaz de empujar a esa decisin a un pequeo. l los estar esperando del otro lado del velo porque sin dudas Dios tenia un mejor propsito para l. god this is so heartbreaking I'm so sorry, rest in peace Drayke, Sending so much LOVE for the parents and sisters of this little beautiful ngel. Mucha luz a sus padres y hermanos para seguir adelante, Besos a Drayke donde quiera que est. Ar deis D go raibh a anam. Con un gran nudo en la garganta, solo puedo abrazarlos desde la distancia, el dolor de una partida es indescriptible y ms de unos ojos tan dulces, lamento mucho lo que estn pasando, lamento profundamente lo que este mundo ha hecho a este pequeo prncipe, algo muy malo debemos estar haciendo para tener un resultado como estos a este ngel le pido perdn en nombre de todos sus victimarios y a ustedes familia PERDON!!! Sending love, prayers and my deepest condolences. Adems, la soledad te haca perder las esperanzas. abrazo calido, Mi respeto a sus padres y hermanas.- Solo el que pasa por tan triste episodio , sabe del dolor.-, Mi mas sentido psame para toda la familia, y quiera Dios que ya est junto a l.- El mundo debera orar por su alma.- Qu Jess renazca en los corazones de esta familia destruida.-, Hello!

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care rescue texas controversy