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Kenny heard the bad guys shooting and and acted as a tree-borne forward air controller. Richter learned to fly the F-105 Thunderchief at Nellis AFB, Nevada. One source reported that the North Vietnamese claimed to have shot down 218 U.S. manned aircraft in air to air combat in Vietnam, of those kills, 85 are not supported by U.S. records, while another 37 were attributed by the U.S. to surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft fire. The idea was for the pilots who had actually engaged each other in the air to form panels to discuss what happened then to brief all of us on the events after they got all their straight. During this time, he was seriously injured and suffered from shock and extreme weight loss due to lack of food. It is a day when we recalibrate what it means to be an American. In June, about 170 members of squadrons 21 and 161 held a reunion aboard the Midway on display at the San Diego Aircraft Carrier . (j.g.) Just enter your name, email address and subject then type your comments at the end of an article. The pitch of the tone varied depending on the type of radar beam that struck the Phantom. I was lucky to have served with Busch in the 35th Tactical Fighter Squadron at Korat Air Base, Thailand, in 1972. Episodes Pilot episode. Florida Agricultural And Mechanical University, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (Mit), Missouri University Of Science And Technology, State University Of New York Health Science Center At Brooklyn, Suny College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, The University Of North Carolina At Charlotte, The University Of Texas Health Science Center At Houston, The University Of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio, The University Of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University Of Texas Medical Branch At Galveston, The University Of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Uniformed Services University Of The Health Sciences, University At Buffalo Suny School Of Engineering And Applied Sciences, University Of California, Los Angeles (Ucla), University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign, University Of Maryland Baltimore County (Umbc), University Of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, University Of Tennessee Health Science Center, University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Articles with the Editors byline have been written or edited by the editors, including Amanda Onion, Missy Sullivan and Matt Mullen. I suspect Jacks work and attention to detail was the primary cause the event went so well and was so much fun for the rest of us. Forty F-105 "Thud" fighter pilots were killed in action while flying combat missions to North Vietnam from May 1966 to December 1972. 4,000 dead men (2,000 pilots and 2,000 crewmen (door gunners, crew Ray Battle, the aircraft commander, thought the airplane was going to crash so he told Kenny to eject. U.S. Army men climbed Hill 875 because they knew tons of enemy were at the top. Please leave your comments below. The bomber he had abandoned was diving in flames toward the nearby ice-covered Bylot Sound off Thule Air Force Base in northwestern Greenland. Richter managed to eject from his F-105 and parachuted into rocky terrain where he sustained life-threatening injuries including a broken neck. This is a list of Medal of Honor recipients for World War II.The Medal of Honor was created during the American Civil War and is the highest military decoration presented by the United States government to a member of its armed forces.The recipient must have distinguished themselves at the risk of their own life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an "enemy of the United States . Men like Capt. Alvarez was the first naval aviator captured by the North Vietnamese and the longest-held U.S. POW. Charlie Tutt USMC F-4B, 1.Winston Copeland USN F-4N, 1 victory COMPUTER RECORDS OF AMERICAN PILOTS SHOT DOWN DURING THE VIETNAM WAR. Not too long thereafter Gary got on the radio and for directions to the nearest MiG. Lt.Gen. Why did our leaders sacrifice so much precious blood and treasure without ever intending to win the war? Nguyn Thanh Qy MiG-21 Shot Down in Vietnam | Air & Space Magazine| Smithsonian Magazine He said he had a couple of occasions to chase Phantoms and F-105s out of the Hanoi area but he could never catch up to them-he could never close the gap. The F-105 Thunderchief itself was an ambitious aircraft. After the air showaround 5we went over to the O-Club and Bob and his pal were once again wowed. We didnt want to harm the Vietnamese people, so we passed the targets to the Swiss embassy in Washington with instructions to pass them to the Vietnamese government.. This is a little long, but well worth the read: Below is the text of J.B. Souders very informative and interesting account of the meeting between the former adversaries. I like the series. He had successfully bombed his target and was exiting the area when his aircraft was struck by an SA-2 Guideline surface-to-air missile (SAM). The Silver Star is the third-highest military combat decoration that can be awarded to a member of the United States Armed Forces. for US Forces. About the value that we place on life, on freedom and on the individual? But also in fairness, the F-105 Thunderchief shouldered the majority of the USAFs burden of bombing heavily defended targets in North Vietnam. Then in October, 1972, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger announced Peace is at hand. . Its Memorial Day in the United States, part of a long three-day weekend where people in the U.S. reflect on the high cost of freedom and liberty as they remember those who sacrificed their lives for it. The real Red Baron | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at Illinois Pinches were both rescued. The TDU was a small rectangular box with two rows of lights. By wars end, the U.S. Air Force had lost a total of 528 F-4 and RF-4C Phantoms. Watch the video to learn more about this life-saving black box. U.S. prisoners of war during the Vietnam War - Military Wiki He had recently finished his FAC tour and returned to the U.S. When combined with U.S. Navy and Marine Corps losses of 233 Phantoms, 761 F-4/RF-4 Phantoms were lost in the Vietnam War. Citing Primary Sources. The Shocking Story of the Vietnam War's Mystery Fighter Ace How many enemy did the U.S. or the ARVN kill in a battle? This page was last edited on 30 March 2023, at 23:03. The commanding general of the Third Marine Air Wing, Major General Wise and CO of the air station, Colonel Woodward, invited the Viets and their hosts to watch the air show in the BIG TENT. This list needs additional citations for verification. The two enemy jets launched missiles and fired with their cannons against the two A-1Hs, but both Skyraiders' pilots, Lt. Charles W. Hartman III, flying A-1H BuNo 137523, radio callsign "Canasta. Especially during this era in the Thunderchiefs history, it was best to stick to observations that acknowledged its curvaceous, needle-nosed fuselage, artfully shaped wings that leave one with the visual impression of speed, and its remarkable performance. lived thru WWII. Images that shaped my boyhood impression of what it means to be a hero. Yes, but the Koreans had to be under the Viets control and fly according to their doctrine. One of those fighter pilots was Ray Lewis, who was shot down in July 1966. Sijans extraordinary heroism and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty at the cost of his life are in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Air Force and reflect great credit upon himself and the U.S. Armed Forces. Just like 44 years ago in Hanoi, Jacks great personality and sense of humor made it a lot easier-not fun-but a lot easier-for us to be there. What time does normal church end on Sunday? 30 B-52s Only one other B-52 tail gunner had scored a successful kill against a Vietnamese fighter, though more than 30 B-52s had been shot . Manuscript/Mixed Material. I highly recommend the series, but it does bring back the pain of losing 58,200 Americans, 2 million civilians on both sides, 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters and 200,000 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers. On September 8, 1972 at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, I was part of a six F-4 Phantom mission that briefed at 0-dark-30 for a 4 vs. 2 similar Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) flight in the restricted area Southwest of St. Petersburg, Florida. Guess what Dan said? and then shot down North Vietnamese MIG-17's during aerial J. W. Newhouse rescued, First loss: EF-105F 63-8286 (13th TFS, 388th TFW) shot down by AAA RP-6 July 1966, Maj. Roosevelt Hestle, Final loss: F-105G 63-8359 (Det.1 561st TFS, 388th TFW) shot down by SAM 16 November 1972, RP-3, crew rescued, First loss: mission-related TFR failure, 66-0022 (428th TFS 474th TFW, Project Combat Lancer), 28 March 1968, Maj. H.E. VS-41 at NAS North Island retained four of the borrowed Broncos to be used for training replacement pilots and maintenance personnel. Jim Fox USN RIO, F-4J Demerly is an experienced parachutist, holds advanced SCUBA certifications, has climbed the highest mountains on three continents and visited all seven continents and has flown several types of light aircraft. This is a video of a fabulous and very informative speech made recently by former USAF Captain Gary Barnhill who talks about his USAF career flying the F-84, the F-100 and the F-105. Nguyn Kim Cch MiG-21 6 victories Global Security, "A War too Long: The USAF in Southeast Asia 19611975",, USMC HELO LOSSES(19621973) by aircraft type, "The OV-1 Mohawk Remembered Firsthand: Piloting the Mohawk in Vietnam", "SE Asia and Vietnam: Royal Australian Air Force", "Image Galleries 2009 - Department of Defence", " - -", U.S. Air-to-Air Victories during the Cold War, Wars in Yugoslavia, and Anti-Terror War, Widow travels to Vietnam after 40 years and finds her MIA husband's Marine Corps F-4 jet crash site in Que Son Mtns,, First loss: A-1E 52-132465 (1st Air Commando Squadron [ACS], 34th Tactical Group [TG]) shot down during night training mission on 29 August 1964 near, Final loss: A-1H 52-139738 (1st Special Operations Squadron, 56th Special Operations Wing) which was shot down 28 September 1972 (pilot was rescued by an, First loss: 710310 (355th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 354th TFW) on 2 December 1972 shot down on a, Final loss: 700945 (354th TFW) shot down in Cambodia on 25 May 1973 (Capt Jeremiah Costello KIA), First loss: B-26B 44-35530 (Detachment 2A, 1st ACG) shot down in IV CTZ on the night of 45 November 1962, killing the 3 crew, Final loss: A-26A 64-17646 (609th SOS, 56th SOW) lost over Laos on the night of 78 July 1969, killing both crewmen, First loss: AC-119G 52-5907 (Det.1, 17th SOS, 14th SOW) which crashed on take-off from, Final loss: AC-119K 53-7826 (18th SOS, 56th SOW out of, First losses were operational (non-combat) mid-air collision 2 B-52F 57-0047 and 57-0179 (441st Bomb Squadron, 320th Bomb Wing), 18 June 1965, South China Sea during air refueling orbit, 8 of 12 crewmen killed, Final loss: B-52D 55-0056 (307th Bomb Wing Provisional) to SAM 4 January 1973, crew rescued from Gulf of Tonkin. The Generals and Colonels, such as GEN's Curtis That meeting with the Mig pilots made me think of when Jerry Morris and I went back to Hanoi that second time in 2006 when we had that terrific experience of meeting with Hoang Quoc Dung: it was surreal. This device displayed three items of information: (1) the type of radar beam that hit the airplane such as a solid line, a dashed line, dots or a line and dot, (2) the relative strength of the radar by the length of the display, and most importantly the clock position of the radar. They climbed and when each got within missile range (9,000 feet) of Lark 3 each MiG fired two Atoll heat seeking missiles at Lark 3. Richter was an Air Force Academy graduate from 1964. Over the course of the entire Vietnam War, there were 800 documented fragging attempts in the Army and Marine Corps. During the Vietnam War, thousands of U.S. aircraft were lost to antiaircraft artillery (AAA), surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and fighter interceptors (MiG)s. The great majority of U.S. combat losses in all areas of Southeast Asia were to AAA. Troy Curnutte made a wonderful and very detailed Facebook post about his father, former USAF F-4 pilot Lt. Col. William Curnutte. Instinctively, I took the stick and throttles in hand and to my amazement, the aircraft as flyable. The episode's plot centered on two new prisoners entering Stalag 13 (in this episode, referred to as Camp 13), Lieutenant Carter (played by Hovis), who escapes into the camp, and Wagner (played by Noam Pitlik), who is actually a German spy posing as an Allied prisoner. . Soat gave a diplomatic answer too, but while the group was laughing or otherwise distracted, he whispered to the questioner, I think we both know the answer to that. Brigadier General Steve Ritchie (five MiG kills), Colonel Chuck Debellevue (six MiG kills) and Lt. I wish more of my old squadron mates, the Fighter Squadron 143 Pukin Dogs, would have come to that interesting and awesome meeting with our former enemies, but they didnt. D.L. At one point in1972anair forcecommand in Thailandinvited me to come over for aninterviewwith the pressbut mycommanding officerwould notallowme leave the shipas he believedthe trip was too dangerousto make. The impact leveled seven houses and destroyed two cars. Although in terrific pain from his severe wounds and brutal beatings and torture from his captors, Sijan had not disclosed any information other than what the Geneva Convention guidelines allowed (name, date of birth, service, rank, and service number). To track an F-4 the target had to be in the intersection of these two radar beams. In late 1972I was awarded theNavyDistinguished Service Medalfor my work on USS Chicago as an air-intercept-controller while in the Gulf of Tonkinandin 2005 I wasinducted into the US Navy Surface Warfare Hall of Famefor that same work. Id told people for years that a 2nd Lieutenant on his familiarization-two flight could have shot me down for all the degree of difficulty it was. Which plane shot down the most planes in ww2? Lt.Col. He said at the end of any sortie where we dropped bombs on what we called trees in contact because there was nothing important down there we would always get bomb damage assessment such as twelve supply sources destroyed, two structures collapsed. He said the BDA was phony, just a waste of time.. Are You A Veteran If You Were Never Deployed? My roommate was Dan Autrey, one of Garys backseaters. That is the only recorded time any Russian did air-battle with an American [in this war]. I did not get to talk to Thai again or I would have asked him to splain. "Kos" and "Daily Kos" are registered trademarks of Kos Media, LLC. A mother and three children died on the ground where the aircraft crashed. A pilot could do everything perfectly to hit the target, but where the bombs actually landed depended on the wind. Major Winkelman suggested to us that we should think about getting out of the aircraft. 2023.04.19 braves live cast. [23] 2 Mi-4, 5 An-2, 5 Il-14, 1 MiG-15UTI, 1 Il-28, 1 L-29, 1 Lisunov Li-2 lost through all causes[24] Total: 159 aircraft and 2 helicopter lost. out all the other choppers used in the war such as the OH-58 What Major Is Kent State University Known For? Samuel E. Waters and Lt. Karl W. Richter, but for every service person we remember on Memorial Day in the U.S. who gave their lives for freedom and security. Rationale for this answer: 1. The first item on the checklist was to disengage the autopilot. Lemay, Harkins, Westmoreland, Abrams, and Maxwell Taylor, were WWII in WWII, and were fighting again in the sky's over North Vietnam; How many Vietnamese were killed during the Vietnam War? - 2023 . The instructor pilot in the lead of the two ship formation was Major Al Winkelman. despite their oral claim of service there. Rick Hartnack USMC F-4B I distinctly remember 8 mm movies Kennys brother showed us taken during some of his FAC missions. The first and only fatal crash by an RAAF aircraft in Thailand. There is an excellent September 23, 2017, interview with General McPeak. This meant we killed two people and destroyed four thatched huts and two water buffaloes. I have 150 aircraft carrier landings and thought I could easily make and arrested landing on the runway. The U.S records showing 5,607 helicopter losses[2]. It is a great speech. Is Brooke shields related to willow shields? Lance Peter Sijan was a United States Air Force officer and F-4 fighter pilot. Thats a win, if you think thats a win., McPeak continues, Given the limitations that we imposed on ourselves there, there was no way we could win., By the time McPeak arrived in Vietnam, he says, the U.S. government was so heavily committed that it had become a matter of our prestige, and we had to save face. During interrogation, he was severely tortured; however, he did not divulge any information to his captors. Finch flight was a flight of four Phantoms led by Lt. Col. Lyle Beckers, the squadron commander of the 35th Tactical Fighter Squadron. List of Medal of Honor recipients for World War II - Wikipedia Is there any truth to that allegation? Secretary of State Rusk answered: Yes. The real mission, yours and mine, business, government, civilian, military, is to protect and preserve an environment, a climate, a system, a way of life where people can be free. My flight lined up on the other side of the loran F-4. Mr. Nguyn Nam Lin 910th Fighter RegimentInterpreter, 1. It may be fairer to suggest its mission was cursed. The Russians sent instructors to Hanoi and they did fly instructional flights, but none ever flew in combat. Gary, while TDY to Korat from Kunsan, downed a North Vietnamese MiG-21 on September 12 and one on October 8, 1972. Here is the text of Lances Medal of Honor citation: While on a flight over North Vietnam, Capt. 8. The toll among those who flew for a living: 2,002 pilots killed and 2,704 crew chiefs and gunners dead. skills in Red China. Bob flew it. During this entire period, Sijan was only able to move by sliding on his buttocks and back along the rocky limestone ridge and later along the jungle floor. Regardless of your assessment of the Thunderchief, the odds were always stacked against it. I recommend you watch the entire video. He was leading a bombing attack on a North Vietnamese bridge when he was struck by automatic anti-aircraft fire (AAA). You will automatically receive an email when other people comment on your comment. 12 Lt.Col. After managing to move several thousand feet, Sijan crawled onto a truck road along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, where he was finally captured by the North Vietnamese on Christmas Day, 1967. He said the navy just came screaming in, did their bombing job and dashed back out across the coastline to the safety of the watermuch better chance for a rescue in case the plane went down. [10] Estimates of North Vietnamese losses range from 131, as documented in North Vietnamese records; to 195, as claimed by U.S. That also made me wonder why Zoong had lied to us about how he shot me down. He said he was angry at the American pilot who embarrassed him by bagging him until he realized the truth of the situation. As you know Kenny was recovered after spending a nervous night hanging in a tree in Laos In retrospect, My ordering Kenny to eject was a mistake which I have always regretted. Both were awarded the Silver Star for their kill., Read Major Retterbushs article on his two MiG kills called Gary Retterbush 2 North Vietnamese Air Force 0.. List of Vietnam War flying aces - Wikipedia From helicopters to jets, these men reveal how they felt risking their lives in a war that was confusing and unpopular, to say the least. We flew F-4Ds (ours from Kunsan) and F-4Es (from Korat). We joined up with the other five aircraft, aborted the mission and arranged for an escort back to MacDill. He is passionate about sharing this knowledge with others, and he frequently speaks at education conferences around the world. First loss: Canberra A84-231 disappeared on 3 November 1970 on a night bombing mission in the northern 1st Corps Tactical Zone region of. North Vietnam, pre-1975 / Refno 0760-0-01, Post-1975 Vietnam North Vietnam, pre-1975 / Refno 0760-0-01 / DTG 101900ZJAN83, Joint Casualty Resolution Center-Barbers Point, HI, North Vietnam, pre-1975 / Refno 0785-1-01. It brings together distinguished scholars, military leaders, corporate executives and world-class athletes to motivate and equip participants for honorable living and effective leadership. Thereafter, I was moved into a 2060 foot cell with Dave Grant, Bill Beekman, and more than 400 pumpkins. The USAF sustained approximately 0.4 losses per 1,000 sorties during the conflict, which compared favorably with a 2.0 rate in Korea and a 9.7 figure during World War II. "During the minute or so of a dogfight, most of what we did was due to instinct, reflexes, study of the latest intelligence, and on-the-job . of the USS Chicago forty years ago has wanted to know for years if the one Talos he fired brought down the entire flight of four Mig-17s he was shooting at that day in May 1972. Major Charles R. "Dick" Brownlee was the pilot of the lead aircraft (s/n 62-4234, call sign "Panda 01") in a flight of four. Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world This meeting was a lot more fun since we got to do more than just talk and it was a lot more laughs with 13 of them. William Reeder Jr., who served two tours in Vietnam as a U.S. Army pilot, was shot down on May 9, 1972, while flying a mission in a Bell AH-1 Cobra . Some sources will state over 5,000 helicopter pilots were Crews could determine the type of radar by the pitch of the tone. In total, the United States military lost in Vietnam almost 10,000 aircraft, helicopters and UAVs (3,744 planes, 5,607 helicopters and 578 UAVs ). I landed safely, grabbed my survival radio and smoke flares and used my helmet as a basket and headed East toward the water. (and had to learn to speak Russian) in Russia learning how to fly Of all those shot-down pilots, the experience apparently only made one uniquely qualified to be President. One interesting thing though, was a long session with 82 year old Sen.Col. P.39, Toperczer, Istvan. It was against Ho Chi Minhs wishes to get the Russians involved in actual combat. How many helicopter pilots shot down in Vietnam? MiG-21 Units of the Vietnam War. Gene Devlin in aircraft 57-5801. veterans. Here is Bills USAF bio: Sad to report that Gary Busch Retterbush, one of the true heroes of the Vietnam war, slipped the surly bonds of earth on July 25, 2022. After parking their planes, the pilots were told, "If you survive after getting shot down, look out for sharks, be aware of alligators when crossing rivers, and yes, there . Now I know I have to do the interview with Dan and Bob. "dog-fights" in the Vietnam War. 3.Jaybee Souder USN RIO, POW (the only one there to win 1, lose 1) A Downed Fighter Pilot's Rescue from North Vietnam However, in his weakened state, he contracted pneumonia and died in Ha L Prison (better known as the Hanoi Hilton) on January 22, 1968. 2. I never got a chance to meet or talk to anyonein the air forceabout the engagements and saves, butIwouldsurelylove to. Red Crown says Heads up. I called for help for Kenny and headed back for Thailand where we were stationed. Commander Nelson wrote: J.B. was, by all accounts, one of the Navys top RIOs in the F-4 Phantom II. After about an hour they went to the rostrum and told their stories by one pilot talking a few minutes then the interpreter doing her work, then the other pilot taking his turn talking with the interpreter doing her work again. Someone asked Thai who the Viets preferred to fight, the USAF or the NAVY. V Phi Hng 921st Fighter Regiment The first interpreter was a woman who had to interpret a stranger-than-usual southern Vietnamese dialect into a northern dialect so the other interpreter could understand before translating it into English. They share their missions, the close calls, and how they were treated when they came home. As a result, the Thud earned its unfortunate nickname by raining out of the Southeast Asian skies with frightening regularity, often taking with it the lives of Americas finest. There was a crowd at the park that day, and it took us awhile to connect, but with the aid of a computer we made it. I must mention, however, that our pal JackFingersOne GunEnsch seemed to do the heavy-lifting because he was everywhere at one time. The Mig drivers accepted the invitation and arrived in San Diego on September 20th. More homes burned near the crash scene. It was GREAT to see Tom again after about six-seven years and he invited us to fly the F-35 simulator they had set up in the clubs dining room. Send me.. Kenny landed in high trees in Laos. Colonel John Markle (one MiG kill) of the 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron out of Udorn Air Base, Thailand, in 1972 and share their experiences flying the F-4 in aerial combat over North Vietnam. For . All aircraft were configured slick no tanks, no ordinance. In retrospect, McPeak edits that comment. We were at 4,000 feet and Kenny was flying the airplane when I heard an explosion, the aircraft shuddered and the front windscreen was covered in what turned out to be hydraulic fluid. Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. Why Do Black Squirrels Chase Grey Squirrels? Zoong told both Lien and me that he climbed to about 15,000 feet while heading south to meet us then after sighting me he swooped down to my six (behind me) and smoked me with an Atoll, a heat-seeker missile. Very emaciated and in poor health, Sijan was imprisoned in an NVA camp. My flight-leader, the most exalted fighter-pilot the navy had ever known, led us right into a trap and handed us to the Zoong on a silver platter. It caught on fire and I jumped out safely. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this list. Three Silver Star medals. How many helicopters did America have in Vietnam? The most unusual MiG killer: the Skyraider air-to-air victories on jets (MiG17 & MiG21). To be a helicopter pilot or crew member was among the most dangerous jobs in the war. A United States Air Force pilot mistakenly shot down an F-4E-54-MC Phantom II, 72-1486, c/n 4445, . 4 of the combat losses were parked aircraft. Lance is the only graduate of the United State Air Force Academy who received the Medal of Honor. But like any other aircraft, helicopters were vulnerable to ground fire. A 37mm impacted the radome and entire radome was blown off. He frequently liked pictures I posted. I mean, we could have nuked Hanoi, and game over. Eventually, with the addition of more recent shoot-downs, the population of our 2060 foot cell grew to 48 prisoners. Dave Skilling USAF F-100, Misty FAC After being captured by North Vietnamese soldiers, Capt. According to the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association, a total of 11,846 helicopters were shot down or crashed during the war, resulting in nearly 5,000 American pilots and crew killed. 29. pp. Wikipedia says: During his violent ejection and very rough parachute landing on the karst ridge, Sijan had suffered a fractured skull, a mangled right hand, and a compound fracture of the left leg.

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