bats in african mythology

Bats eyes are small and sometimes poorly developed, but they work just fine. Photo credit: Uwe Schmidt. Most students (56%) reported seeing bats in their locality. An irrational fear of batsChiroptophobiaencompasses negative perceptions of bats as disease vectors, pests, or harmful creatures associated with devils and witchcraft, which represents an important barrier to bat conservation globally [27]. This is bound to threaten the continued existence of local bat populations. They called themselves Zotzil uinic (batmen), claiming that their ancestors discovered a stone bat, which they took as their god, and their chief town was named Zinacantlan (=place of the bats) by Nahuatl merchants from Mexico [53]. Despite all the sinister associations bats perform an essential role in the environment, adding greatly to the wellbeing of humanity. Bat There are also numerous stories and legends associated with the bat. There are more than 1400 bat species worldwide, and they make up roughly 20% of the worlds extant mammals [6]. Much of the folklore about bats relates to their way of life. Here are just a few: If a bat flies into your house, look out for bedbugs. The myths grew with the 1927 stage production which further associated Dracula with bats. It is also noted that bat tourism has a potential to conserve bat populations while providing social and economic benefits to local people in host communities. dragon, in the mythologies, legends, and folktales of various cultures, a large lizard- or serpent-like creature, conceived in some traditions as evil and in others as beneficent. Africa. Therefore, instead of coming out and feeding in daylight he began to feed at night. Montfort bat cave entrance in the Philippines with the numerous Geoffroys Rousette fruit bats Rousettes amplexicaudatus. The third reference is in Isaiah 2:20. On all occasions, the bats were able to escape without becoming entangled. In the sandstone caves of Northern Australia, the Northern Territory, and Queensland, there are numerous depictions of flying foxes, some dating back tens of thousands of years. Interestingly, Islamic taboo. The underworld is often associated with the dead but it is perhaps the association with vampires that is the most sinister aspect of bats. 11 Legendary Monsters of Africa Monstrous beyond imagining, all-consuming, blacker than blackest night, the hideous Satan in the Night on Bald Mountain section of Walt Disneys animated film Fantasia (1940) spreads gigantic bat wings as it turns fiery eyes toward the lost souls about to be engulfed in wrath and flames [64]. The bat said, Well look at me. The Moche people in Peru were aware of the connection between bats and plants. In pre-Columbian Central and South America, the bat played an important role in the religions and social structures of the various cultures, most notably with the Moche people of Peru and the Maya of Guatemala. Do you know the difference between fact and fiction when it comes to bats? The Global Owl Project Carriage Drive, USA. Bats are truly remarkable creatures, and fossil records indicate that they first appeared in the Eocene, some 5055 million years ago [1]. When soup was placed before Oyot it was as good and tasty as ever but it was from a different batch the bat had prepared early. [bio]Gary F. McCracken is a professor in the Department of Zoology and the Graduate Programs in Ecology and Ethology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. African Spirits are less grand, less powerful, and less like humans than the gods, who often have weaknesses and emotions. In Caribbean South America and the Antilles, bat images are associated with death rites and burials in archeological context [57], and in Cuba, a Taino ball court was bat-shaped, the ballgame being a sacrificial ritual [58]. Although the exact source of the fungal pathogen, Pseudogymnoascus destructans, and its mode of introduction into North America remain unknown, the introduction was most likely mediated by humans, either through direct or indirect transfer of infectious propagules [66]. The five-chambered cave hosts the worlds largest known colony of the Geoffroys Rousette Fruit Bat, Rousettus amplexicaudatus, with an estimated 1.82 million individuals [76]. They are unquestionably weird beings, appearing as half birds and half rodents, as if they came from a nightmare realm. A detailed list of all the African gods and goddesses wuld be endless, but these twelve from the Orisha Pantheon are a good placde to start. An idea that reflected their ability to fly around so quickly in the dark without hitting anything. (There was no references to bats in the Koran). The Rompo is a common South African mythical creatures believed to exist. 7 Myths About Bats The recent introduction of a fungal disease (WNS=White-nose Syndrome) from Eurasia to North America has killed millions of bats in North America in the past decade. BUSTED! Courtesy of creative commonsWikimedia. In many human cultures, caves were seen as gateways to the underworld and bats often emerge from caves at twilight when day merges into night. In some versions of the myth, the old mice would climb to the top of a tall tree, and when they reached the highest branches, their tails would detach and grow into wings. Also, a Tacana woman in Bolivia was killing a bat while not realizing that it was her husband [34]. In fact they are mammals of the scientific order Chiroptera, meaning hand wing in ancient Greek, because their forelimbs have become adapted to be wings. In Myths of the Cherokee (1900), James Mooney points out that a general theme in American Indian folklore is that, in the beginning, there were no essential differences between humans and animals. But it became obvious that the public attitude toward bats has still not been investigated extensively enough throughout the world, namely in contemporary Africa, America, Australia, and Europe. Our tax ID number is 74-2553144. Should a bat or an owl come near the house, or a bush-cat defecate in the compound, the owner must go at once to diviner to discover what remedies must be taken to ward off the evil. In that day people will throw away to the moles and bats their idols of silver and idols of gold, In some parts of the world, they are a valuable food source, and their body parts are used in traditional medicine, while their guano is collected and used as agricultural fertilizer [7]. Finally, we discuss shortly the need of education to change attitudes toward bats. However, more recently, the habit has become much more common. The bat flew to a nearby cave, but each evening it emerged at sunset, telling Jesus that it was time to take food [see Bats and the Netherworld, BATS, Summer 1993; also, see this same article for the converse notion that the devil created bats.). In Africa, bats were credited with high intelligence. The rat now tries to retaliate by climbing tees and eating the flying foxes young, and this is why flying foxes carry their pups with them. Bats were also persecuted because they were believed to be carriers of disease. Unquestionably, they are strange creatures, appearing as half animal and half bird, like something from a nightmare world. As PhD students, we found it difficult to access the research we needed, so we decided to create a new Open Access publisher that levels the playing field for scientists across the world. Fruit growers may view fruit bats as crop pests [71]. The cave prohibits hunting and guano harvesting, while income from this ecotourism chiefly flows into local economy and enhances the sustainability and protection of the cave site (Figures 7 and 8). Bats in the house mean a death in the house or is a sign that the occupants will soon be leaving. Although bats already had long had a sinister reputation their addition to European vampire folklore came after that. Dragon As messengers for the forces of darkness, they become evil omens. The first sighting was reported in 1928 by Thodore Monod. WebAfrican bats fall into two major categories: large fruit bats and smaller, insect-eating bats, neither of which attacks people. We are a community of more than 103,000 authors and editors from 3,291 institutions spanning 160 countries, including Nobel Prize winners and some of the worlds most-cited researchers. UNITED KINGDOM. In Indonesia, Iban people in Kalimantan also hunt fruit bats for consumption, and mainly Christian people in North Sulawesi regularly eat flying foxes (Black Flying Fox Pteropus alecto and Sulawesi Fruit Bat Acerodon celebensis) especially during the Christmas season [38, 39]. They have fur and teeth and nurse their young like other mammals, but they dont walk on four legs. Although the bats roost in the sacred forest in Ghana, they are not regarded as sacred animals. 3. On the other hand, the Tupinamba people believed that the planet would be eaten by a bat at the end of time. Because they were four-footed, the mouse-like creatures first asked if they could play with the animals, which included a bear, a deer, and a terrapin. This allowed the borders to be crossed and the dead and the spirits of the underworld return to visit earth. They live in unusual places. Bats have fascinated humans for millennia, and this cultural and spiritual relevance is reflected in the presence of bat symbols in Egyptian tombs from 2000 BC . WebWhen seen as human souls, bats are often imagined as souls of the dead, particularly souls of the damned, or those that are not yet at peace. Bats, at least the ones that originate from North-western Europe, look a bit like mice with wings. A woman noted that her husband had a round tail and dropped the vessel of water she was bringing to him. Samoans said that flying foxes were cheeky and courageous, making it a popular tattoo motif [48]. It is no real surprise that in a Christian Europe throughout history, the bat has been associated with the Devil, evil spirits, and witches [9]. Today, we know that this is not the case, but the association of bats with longevity persists in some parts of the world. Bats are found almost everywhere on Earth! Bat Theyre passive components, not active agents of change. Photo credit to creative commons In Kenya, a bat attitude questionnaire was presented to 394 people living around the Arabuko-Sokoke forest. Strangely perhaps, given its poor press in Europe, carrying the dried and powdered heart of a bat in your front pocket was supposed to protect you from bleeding to death and later to stop bullets. Therefore, they would only come out at night, spending the daylight hours praying to be transformed back into birds. A bat was once known as a flittermouse or fluttermouse, which translates to flying mouse. This phrase is derived from the German word for a bat, Fledermaus. The English term bat is taken from the Old English word bakke, which means to flutter.. From a magical standpoint, bats are associated with workings related to death and dying, communication, and the spirit world. With Gods permission, He fashioned the winged likeness of a bat from clay and breathed life into it. Recommended for you. African Cryptids: 9 Mysterious Monsters of Africa Zteve believes that people have far more in common with each other than is often shown on the surface and this can often be seen in the folktales from other parts of the world. It remains to be seen, however, how effectively the further education efforts could halt or even reverse the decline of the bats around the world. Shockingly, US news media recently reported shortages of Halloween decorationsplastic bats among them, doubtlessdue to the world supply crunch [63]. In South America, the vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) is persecuted because it transmits the rabies virus to the livestock it feeds off. Similarly, fishermen in the Philippines consider mangrove roosting flying foxes to be guardians of their fishing grounds and to increase fish and shellfish catch [27]. In Cameroon, the superstition of the vampire is attached to bats. In the third book of Moses in the Old Testament, bats were identified as birds, while the world-famous Swedish taxonomist, Carl von Linn (or Linnaeus), only reclassified bats as mammals and not birds as late as 1758 in the 10th Edition of his Systema Naturae [2]. Between the years 1950 and 2007, only 56 cases of bat-borne rabies transmission to humans occurred in the United States and Canada, which translates to 3.9 cases per billion person-years [65]. Out of over 13,000 species, there are only three that feed on blood. Orchard owners in Myanmar believe that allowing bats to roost and feed in the garden ensures prosperity and well-being. Over half of the students (57%) did not know anybody in their neighborhood who would hunt bats. Their dark reputation is further enhanced with their association with Halloween and Samhain, the time of year when the time of long, light days begins to draw to an end and the dark time of the year begins. We love to hear from our readers. WebFar Eastern Bat Symbolic Meanings. Han Chinese people attach positive esthetic values to bats but may still hunt bats at unsustainable levels [72]. In the Bible, the bat is seen to be unclean [8], while its nocturnal activities ally it to malevolent spirits that roam the land when darkness has fallen. In many cultures, they are seen as symbols of good luck, while in others they are seen as omens of bad news. A world without bats would look very different than the one you know and not for the better. Tertullian, an early Christian author from Carthage (155220), claimed that the Devil and his angels had wings [10], and around 1314, Dante wrote that the Devils wings had no feathers, but was in form and texture like a bats [11]. Hun Batz Facts and Figures Name: Hun Batz Pronunciation: Microchiroptera Cheiromeles torquatus is eaten in Borneo and Tadarida sp. In North America, education has had some effect as more people have started to understand how useful bats truly are and how few cases of bat-born rabies transmission to humans there have been in the United States and Canada. Nowadays, of course, we know that vampires are not real and neither is the ability to turn into a bat. In 2021, a bat won New Zealands Bird of the Year competition name of which in Mori language is Te Manu Rongonui o te Tau, and the word Manu means flying creatures, including bats. Bat For example, a number of these countries are investing in the burgeoning industry of ecotourism by promoting organized visits to bat caves and bat watching [74, 75]. Prior to 1985, flying foxes were not protected in New South Walesin fact, they were regarded as vermin. In a Creek Indian variation of this tale, the bat first asks to play with the birds but is rejected by them and accepted by the animals team. In Greece the word drakn, from which the English word was A close-up photo of the Geoffroys Rousette fruit bats Rousettes amplexicaudatus at the Montfort bat cave entrance. These arrowheads were used to kill deer and were considered very powerful. In the West, bats are often perceived as evil spirits, Vampires, and harbingers of death, while some cultures across the Asia-Pacific region associate bats with good fortune. Whereas in China, it was a sign of good fortune. In two fables from Aesop (born ca. Folklore and the Origin of Bats These small creatures wished to participate in a ball game in which the animals challenged the birds. Adjule. These animals are nocturnal creatures that sleep during the day and come out at night to hunt for food. New molecular biology findings indicate that there are two new Suborders, Yinpterochiroptera and Yangochiroptera, not coinciding with the earlier subordinate classification [5]. However, in post-Christian Europe, the bats propensity of flying at night led to its association with the devil. While the three species of true vampire bats (common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus, hairy-legged vampire bat Diphylla ecaudata, and white-winged vampire bat Diaemus youngi) are microbats, measuring just a few centimeters in length, it was the exaggerated reports from early explorers and adventurers that gave the public the image of these huge bloodsucking creatures. Bats have also been associated with blood-sucking vampires and other dark creatures in stories and movies. So in honor of National Bat Week, we're clearing up some myths about the world's only flying mammal. That makes them the second most common group of mammals, after rodents. HUN BATZ African Mythology - 15 Myths And Legends That Will It was called Boman, and it was able to turn into a stone or a snake at will. In some folklore, bats often have sexual connotations, which may relate to fertility and agriculture as bats are important seed dispersers and pollinators of many fruit trees. Bats are associated, in many cultures, with death and dying, which makes them a perfect representative of Samhain, the time when the veil is thin. In the Punjab, northern India, magicians use bat bones to prepare their concoctions, and with the bat blood, they write amulets for malevolent and antisocial magic. considers bat as harm meaning that it is forbidden as food. In 1796, John Stedman wrote of being bitten by a vampire in Guiana, describing it as a bat of monstrous size, that sucks the blood from men and cattle when they are fast asleep, even sometimes till they die. [14]. Our collection of global perceptions aims to promote a better biocultural richness for humans and bats as our long-term nocturnal companions. There is a Japanese word for bat, komori, which is said to mean mosquito slaughterer. In Japanese mythology, very old bats can transform into nobusuma, spirit animals resembling flying squirrels that land on their victims faces at night to feed off blood [43]. Which is why bats have such short faces, apparently. Becoming neither one thing nor the other made them ashamed. His name means literally One Monkey, which is more than fitting as he turned into one. - The police arrested 200 vigilante youth suspected of involvement in gangs that attacked persons allegedly engaged in vampirism. 5 Princes Gate Court, Bats are symbolic of bad luck, especially when they call while flying early in the evening. It is estimated that the current population of most Australian species of Pteropidae is less than 20% of what it was 100 years ago. Why is it then that while in some parts of the world this beneficial creature is seen as a symbol of good luck and good fortune, in many societies it is viewed with fear and loathing? In northern Guiana, Bat Mountain is the home of killer bats, and there is also a killer bat in folklore from Venezuela. Especially when the bats preferred natural resources have been logged out of existence and replanted as a monoculture. Thereafter, humans and animals may have lived different lives; but like people, the animals still had tribes, councils, and ethics, and they played ball games. These creatures have had a long and varied history with humans, and it is hoped that this article has helped to increase your understanding of these creatures. However, consumption was influenced by religious beliefs, food taboos, and some myths about bats. It remains to be seen, however, if this could halt or even reverse the decline of the North American bats [64]. WebTrunko. Belief systems of people have always been closely related to animals, which are symbolized in traditional narratives. In ancient Egypt it was believed bats could alleviate or cure many ailments including baldness, fever toothache and poor eyesight. Pomo Indians of California have a myth that a bat could chew and swallow a large piece of obsidian and then vomit large numbers of excellent arrowheads. Using two willing female teenagers, one with relatively short curly hair and one with longer wavy hair was done up behind in a bun, Cranbrook took turns in placing four different species of bat on their heads. Although vampire bats have been known to attack humans and large animals it is usually not fatal, though it has been known to transmit rabies. More than 1,200 species are currently recognized, and many are enormously abundant. Publishing on IntechOpen allows authors to earn citations and find new collaborators, meaning more people see your work not only from your own field of study, but from other related fields too. WebWhen seen as human souls, bats are often imagined as souls of the dead, particularly souls of the damned, or those that are not yet at peace. A long time ago, on the opposite side of the earth, the Aztec term for a bat was apparently quimichpapalotl, which means butterfly mouse. The tour includes a brief 20-minute conservation education lecture about bats, caves, and the history of the Montford Bat Cave Sanctuary. So, using positive symbolism alone to promote bat conservation might be insufficient without accounting for day-to-day relationships of local communities with bats. Because not enough leather remained to fashion another bat, the birds then stretched the skin between the fore and hind limbs of the other creature, making the first flying squirrel. In this article, we will be taking a deep dive into the world of bats in mythology, folklore, and superstition. WebBat (goddess) Read Bat became the emblem on a sistrum, related to Hathor and which appears on the top of columns of her main temple of Denderah This painted terracotta Naqada figure of a woman is interpreted as representing Bat, c. 35003400 B.C. Despite its scientific name, it feeds exclusively on fruits, nectar, and flowers and not blood (Figure 6) [70]. 1, Suite 175 Austin, TX 78746, USA 512.327.9721 1.800.538.BATS. In a Cherokee fable, an eagle, a hawk, and other birds fashioned the first bat and the first flying squirrel from two mouse-like creatures. 11022198. Bats lead us to the best opportunities to protect nature anywhere in the world. Its based on principles of collaboration, unobstructed discovery, and, most importantly, scientific progression. The Pomo Indians of California had a superstition that bats could devour volcanic rock and then spew out ready-made arrowheads. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Pre-Islamic magical belief in Hunza said that if the lady would once offer the cooked meat of bat to her guests, hiding it behind her back while serving her family would never be without meat for their whole life [25].

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bats in african mythology