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Either way, Donna knew this plan was genius, after all, what could go wrong? While he was reading, she was frozen with fear. Wow, could this woman ever live down the way her plan terribly backfired? At first she thought it was a goodbye letter. Anna slowly closed the distance between them each time they were alone. Sometimes it doesnt take an elaborate prank to find out if your partner loves you or not. She watched them converse. Her husband was shocked at her response. Shes been planning this for weeks! Bailey came over and hugged Cody, kissing his forehead. Donna lay frozen under the bed, her heart pounding so hard that it felt like it could burst out of her chest at any moment. The audacious babysitter took a few steps back and gestured at her little black dress suggestively. Wife Hides Under Bed To Prank Husband And It Doesn't Go As Planned They hired a new babysitter to help her with her baby a few days after John fired Anna, and she was nothing like her. It had taught her a valuable lesson about playing with peoples emotions to get what you want. It appears that her angry husband had had wind of her infidelity and planned to catch her in the act. Another woman? But, her husband wouldn't cry at all when he found the note. She hoped desperately that her intuition was wrong. Her husband was shocked at her response. To make things even better the pregnancy went off without a hitch. Still, she knew she had to find out the truth. One wife decided to test her husband's loyalty by hiding under the bed to hear his reaction to a strange prank and this proved to be the wrong way to find out his true feelings After years of being happily married, this wife started to feel her husband pull away from her. It never works out. She tried not to let it bother her, but it lingered in the back of her mind. John told her to take a seat. He understood how it must have looked as he didnt communicate openly and maturely with her. What Grace had done pushed her to finally get professional help for her postpartum depression. Grace had always dreamt of being a mother and now that it was finally going to be a reality she couldnt be happier. She slowly started to read it, bracing herself for the final blow. They hired a new babysitter to help her with her baby a few days after John fired Anna, and she was nothing like her. Her husband would discover the letter, read it, and then react in one of two ways. Although some people may trivialize postpartum depression, it is very real and requires medical care. The day they found out Grace was pregnant they couldn't believe it. Grace noticed soon after hiring her that Anna had quite a flirty personality. They had been together for a while. She didnt listen. Grace was becoming all too aware as time wore on that their relationship had changed. Donna lay paralyzed underneath the bed. Unfortunately, not all relationships are based on such healthy terms and there can be a few trust issues down the lane. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. She told John how she felt like everyone she knew had been able to pull themselves together after giving birth, but she was struggling with her insecurities and her post-partum depression. So, what should you do if you know someone you think is experiencing it? But when she saw her put her hand on Johns arm, she knew she was definitely up to something. Her one regret is not getting the help she needed earlier. The note written by the wife said from her point of view, that she thought that the love in the relationship had faded and that their marriage was over. According to the Post Natal Depression Support Association, the most effective way to tackle postpartum depression in conjunction with medication is to seek professional care from a psychologist to identify the triggers and help the new mom work through them. Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. Wife Hides Under Bed To Prank Husband, It Backfires - Obsev She asked for his forgiveness for spying and should have trusted him. She said she knew something was going on between them and set up a camera. Grace was about to get up and reach for her wallet when John said, Oh I got this Grace. What happened? Top5 Woman Hides Under Bed To Prank Husband, Doesnt Go To Plan. She still loved her husband with all of her heart, but she had to know if he really felt the same or if he was just putting on a brave face and wasting both of their time. After all, that had been the entire purpose of her prank. WhatsApp - Advertisement - Distant But the more time passed, the more she noticed their strange behaviors. It was too late for Donna now. But out of nowhere, everything changed. She scoured over the footage, pausing anytime she saw both her husband and Anna alone in a room. Her husband walked into the room and straight away Donna knew this was a big mistake. But then suddenly, he did something that she never thought he would do, he started to laugh. Bailey finally agreed to that coffee date shed declined a year prior. I didnt see her for almost a year until I moved away from the city into a quiet suburb, Cody shared. Sure, it was a pretty tricky prank for her to pull, but she didn't feel like she could get an honest reaction any other way. Cody and Bailey Mcintyre had been married for two years when things started going south. Then, he pulled out his phone and called someone. Sometimes, all it takes to have a trusting relationship is to know that you dont have to go to elaborate measures to find out how your partner really feels. What Grace had done pushed her to finally get professional help for her postpartum depression. Now, thats funny. Below, you'll find out the devastating reaction. But what she would see would change everything. 2017-2022 Media122 ( and - All Rights Reserved. She had never seen this side of her husband before. She had hoped that her husband would read the note and cry or scream to prove that he really loved her as much as she loved him. Sadly, this didn't seem to be the case. On the bed there was a note beside the one she had left. She didn't pay it any mind at first. She sat in her living room and logged into the security cameras. He understood how it must have looked as he didnt communicate openly and maturely with her. They were beyond happy but soon that happiness would change as they were met with many hardships. A wife gives her husband a cheating test. But after setting up her plan she watched the recording and wished that she had never gone through with it. Grace began to cry. Putting the pieces of the story together, this woman realized that her husbands phone call was fake, his laughter wasnt genuine and she hadnt just completely ruined her marriage. Some people seem to think that once you get married its just a happy ending, but often things dont go that way. The phone call that her husband made really stunned the woman. According to the Post Natal Depression Support Association, the most effective way to tackle postpartum depression - in conjunction with medication - is to seek professional care from a psychologist to identify the triggers and help the new mom work through them. The way her prank was planned in the wife's mind was simple. I was left with no choice. There was no doubt in her mind that the woman now had more to deal with than she did before she got under that bed. Around four weeks later, the terrible looming paranoia and insecurity began to lift - Grace felt like she was able to breathe. This would prove to be one of the worst decisions she had ever made She waited under the bed for her husband to get home and read her note for quite a while. It looked like an argument. She thought her plan was foolproof, she would see how wrong she was. To make things even better the pregnancy went off without a hitch. Bailey had been working as a painter when he met Cody at the wedding. The two were successful in their jobs John was a lawyer and his wife Grace was a real estate agent. John was a lawyer and his wife Grace was a real estate agent. And Donna, at times, questioned how she managed to get such a kind and generous husband. But little did Donna know more devastation was to come. Was this the right way to find out if her husband still loved her? Donna knew she had to write the note as bluntly as she could. Finally, the moment of truth had come. She didn't pay it any mind at first. Before Cody stood everyone he held dear, from his parents and siblings to friends and extended family. Humor is the glue in all relationships. But the way their babysitter was looking at him tonight put her on high alert. Thatll teach her a valuable lesson in toying with other peoples emotions! She felt jealous and suspicious, she needed to find out what was going on. She felt sick to her stomach. One wife thought of testing the loyalty of her husband. But, what did the note say? Soon, she would have answers to these questions and they wouldn't be what she had expected. Pexels. Although she had planned her little prank for weeks, she didnt remember to make sure she was totally under the bed before her husband walked into the room! One day she heard a hushed conversation between the sitter and her husband. Wife's Plan To Prank Husband By Hiding Under The Bed Goes Terribly AwryEven after spending so many years in a marriage, there comes a point when one of the t. She still loved her husband with all of her heart, but she had to know if he really felt the same or if he was just putting on a brave face and wasting both of their time. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental. This extreme form of depression can make women feel like they have lost control, that they are helpless, and that they are inadequate. She watched them converse. Share it with your friends! She wanted so badly to turn back time, but she couldnt. Why? Grace questioned. And from there shed appear from the bed and comfort him, like an angel sent from above. She felt jealous and suspicious, she needed to find out what was going on. Although she had planned her little prank for weeks, she didn't remember to make sure she was totally under the bed before her husband walked into the room! During his call, he said "My marriage is finally over! John told her that he didnt like the way she treated him. The wife painstakingly read past the first two words, terrified of what was to come. But what she would see would change everything. But it was too late now and shed find out whether it was the right decision or not. After his call, he walked out of the room more quickly than he had entered. What were they talking about? I thought it might be interesting to see which right-of-center websites actually receive the most traffic. There was joy in her life again, and with Johns support, she grew to accept her post-baby body - after all, John didnt care one bit that she wasnt as slim as she used to be, and she finally accepted that too. She tried not to let it bother her, but it lingered in the back of her mind. The note her husband left was short, and the woman already felt that she knew what the page would say. Grace watched as her husband guided Anna outside. While she was under there, she had plenty of time to think and ruminate on her plan. But then one day, everything changed for Donna. Grace was about to get up and reach for her wallet when John said, Oh I got this Grace. Going to elaborate measures to see if they will react dramatically is never indicative of a healthy relationship. Her mind started reeling thinking about who he couldve been talking to. She waited until he left before emerging from under the bed. This flaw proved that her husband was lighthearted enough to take a joke, which is a necessary factor in any relationship. This could be the moment that breaks her marriage and she couldnt bear to wait for his reaction any longer. She reflected on every detail of their marriage the good and the bad. She hoped desperately that her intuition was wrong. What happened? she asked. What were they talking about? Of course, she didnt really want a divorce, but the logic behind her prank was to discover her husbands true feelings and to get to the bottom of his dismissiveness and lack of passion. Wow, could this woman ever live down the way her plan terribly backfired? Instead, she decided to gather more evidence before saying anything. She was worried about how distant her husband seemed. But, something on the bed caught her eye. She decided to leave the note on top of the bed and hide underneath it. She dropped by unannounced to collect her payment for the month. After getting out from under the bed, the woman wasn't sure what to do next. When I'm looking for news, here are the websites I check out, in order. The moment her marriage came crumbling apart. It looked like an argument. Her mind started reeling thinking about who he could've been talking to. She couldnt believe it. Whatever it was that he had to tell her only took up a few sentences on the page, so it must have been to the point. They had been together for a while. This website is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. She just wanted to know if he still felt the same way about her. Donna was worried was he possibly having an affair or perhaps he was nursing a secret addiction to something? She continued to act as if she suspected nothing. But fate wasnt done with her and Cody. Wife Hides Under Bed To Prank Husband And It Doesn't Go As Planned Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved, Wife Hides Underneath Bed To Surprise Husband, What She Sees Changes Everything. Pinterest. Codys mom broke the silence with her bright smile, Bailey says you are always working, she said. But the more time passed, the more she noticed their strange behaviors. Was this the right way to find out if her husband still loved her? She decided to pull a prank on her husband but never imagined how badly it would backfire on her. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. John told her to take a seat. The author shall not be held liable or responsible for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information contained on this site or for any loss, damage, or injury caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by any treatment, action, or application of any food or food source discussed in this website. But there was something else she never expected to read. Anna started to cry and John stormed back inside. What if he didn't react the way she thought he would? So Donna decided to pull a silly prank on her husband to test if his love was still there. Her eyes read the words "Dear wife," at the top of the page, but she couldn't lead herself to read the rest of the page without crying. But something was wrong. The note her husband left was short, and the woman already felt that she knew what the page would say. But now, she had a good reason for suspicion. She loved her husband very deeply but it was important to her to know if he was just keeping up appearances with his happiness. He laughed over her leaving him. Wifes Plan To Prank Husband By Hiding Under The Bed Goes Terribly AwryEven after spending so many years in a marriage, there comes a point when one of the two spouses has that moment of weakness and doubts the relationship. Then, they stepped outside. As she scribbled onto the note, she could feel tears well up in her eyes. She was convinced that something untoward was going on. So, I went to and ranked the 50 After ranking the biggest right-of-center political websites, I thought it might be interesting to see which left-of-center websites receive the most traffic. From there she would be able to see his genuine reaction. There, next to her relationship death sentence was another note. She couldnt believe it. She then saw her husband enter the room. Other marks contained on this website are the property of their respective owners. Despite planning her prank down to the last detail she had let herself down with the most trivial and small detail. She wanted to play a prank on him that would make sure he showed her how he really felt. What happened? she asked. Was it a mistress or one of his buddies? She dropped by unannounced to collect her payment for the month. As she stared at her husband's feet standing in front of her, she was filled with mortification. But Cody hopped into his vehicle and quickly tailed her. After all, she had given birth to a child, and she didnt have the energy or the physique that she once had. He knew that his wife would be home, but he would not expect to see that note in her place. She thought she had it all figured out, he would stumble upon it, read through it, and then react in one of two ways. As she waited for her husband to return home, she grew more and more fearful. The funny thing is that she had planned her little prank for weeks, but she didn't remember to make sure she was totally under the bed when her husband walked into the bedroom! Maybe marriage counseling would have just been easier? Going to elaborate measures to see if they will react dramatically is never indicative of a healthy relationship. She no longer felt so alone. The phone call that her husband made really stunned the woman. After building up the courage to read it, she saw that her husband had written, Dear Wife, Next time you try to trick me into proving my love for you make sure that your feet arent sticking out from underneath the bed next time. Grace knew that once she went back to work she'd need to find a sitter to look after her precious child. She could not believe it. As she put the pieces together, she realized her husband hadnt even been on the phone at all and had been faking the call to get under her skin. After all, it may well be nothing. She owns and blogs at Her one regret is not getting the help she needed earlier. How could Bailey do this to him? While she was planning her prank, her husband seemed to keep to himself more than ever. Then she would see his initial reaction and know exactly how he felt. Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. I told her to stop many times. And Grace? She wrote a note saying how she was tired of living with him and doesn't want to put up with him anymore. In tears, she picked up the note her husband left her and tried to read it despite how terrible she felt. But trouble wasnt far away. Below, youll find out the devastating reaction. Wow, could this woman ever live down the way her plan terribly backfired? Did you forget again? she asked. But things were quickly changing. But, not all relationships are made equally. They seemed to have everything that they ever wanted. He used to compliment her all the time and swoon in with love and affection, but now its a different story. They hired a new babysitter to help her with her baby a few days after John fired Anna, and she was nothing like her. He was a dashing young man with the brightest smile and the wittiest mind she had ever seen. WorldLifestyle is a premier, advertising-supported digital media platform, connecting audiences to the most shareable content around the globe. She had never felt heartbreak like this. She explained that she felt insecure since the baby and felt like he wasnt as interested in her anyway. Many people think that once you get married that this goes away but thats not the case. Cody and Bailey met at a wedding where Codys brother was tying the knot. She started treatment with antidepressant medication and began seeing a psychotherapist. She flirted with me all the time and I felt like she was completely disrespecting you. That'll teach her a valuable lesson in toying with other people's emotions! Many people think that once you get married your bond is the strongest, but that's not always true. Grace had always dreamt of being a mother and now that it was finally going to be a reality she couldn't be happier. What her husband just said tore Donnas heart in two. Grace knew that once she went back to work she'd need to find a sitter to look after her precious child. Then, they stepped outside. She knew it was him from the feet she could see walking around the room. She soon enough heard him enter the home and walk up the stairs to the bedroom. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Grace knew that once she went back to work shed need to find a sitter to look after her precious child. Putting the pieces of the story together, this woman realized that her husband's phone call was fake, his laughter wasn't genuine and she hadn't just completely ruined her marriage. All Rights reserved.Proudly built by WPDevelopers. Grace didnt know how to handle this situation. Instead, she decided to gather more evidence before saying anything. This particular wife decided to see for herse. She was convinced that something untoward was going on. Dont worry about it. She had never seen this side of her husband before. John was supportive and completely on her side. This woman wanted to test her husbands love for her, so she wrote him a detailed letter saying that she no longer loved him and she was leaving him. When her husband finally got to the bedroom, she heard him pause to read her note. Then, her heart dropped. Now, there was no doubt she was hitting on him - but how would he react? Wife Hides Under Bed To Prank Husband But Then It Takes An Unexpected Her doctor explained that she wasnt alone in her feelings - postpartum depression affects ten to twenty percent of new mothers. The letter read, "Dear wife, next time you try to trick me into proving my love, make sure your feet aren't sticking out from underneath the bed." I told her to stop many times. It was harsh but it needed to be done, right? Visitors are advised to consult their own doctors or other qualified health professional regarding the treatment of medical conditions. It seemed cruel, but she had to know what was really going on. What was done, was done, there was no coming back from this. As she waited for her husband to return home, she grew more and more fearful. She couldnt see her husbands reaction, though. The audacious babysitter took a few steps back and gestured at her little black dress suggestively. She continued to act as if she suspected nothing. I'll see you in a minute." Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. But before she could overthink, even more, she heard the front door slam shut. A wife decided to test her husband's loyalty by tricking him while hiding under their bed, only to get the shock of her life when the setup was finally over. Grace forced a smile. After many years of faithful marriage, the wife decided one day to test her husband's loyalty by pulling an elaborate prank on him, according to a story from Boredom Therapy. Her distrust of her husband lead the woman to write a note, hashing out all of the details of their marriage to find out where things had gone wrong. More often than not, being a mom isnt the sexiest of jobs. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. She also acted suspiciously whenever Cody was around, taking secret calls outside their house and meeting people he didnt know over the weekend. All she could see was her husband's shoes in front of her. All it takes to have an open and honest relationship is to be open and honest yourself, as this woman quickly found out after her scheme went awry. Grace could see that Anna was behaving more oddly than usual around her husband tonight, and she was wearing a slinky little black number that left little to the imagination. After her husband finished reading the note, he started to laugh! Of course, she had already forgotten about him. What were they talking about? However, Graces husband was a desirable man. And his reaction was about to prove her right. Please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. But, something on the bed caught her eye. While he was reading, she was frozen with fear. Little did he know, Grace was watching. Wife Hides Under Bed To Prank Husband But Then It Takes An Unexpected Turn One day she heard a hushed conversation between the sitter and her husband. All it takes to have an open and honest relationship is to be open and honest yourself, as this woman quickly found out after her scheme went awry. She just wanted to have some fun, the prank was supposed to make both of them laugh. Sure, it was a pretty tricky prank for her to pull, but she didn't feel like she could get an honest reaction any other way. Was he having an affair and hiding it from his wife? All she could see was her husband's shoes in front of her. When he did, he read the letter and called a friend. This note is where the story really gets interesting. Grace began to cry. She said that John was expecting her. They had been together for a while. Her heart absolutely broke at the thought that her husband may be cheating on her, but was that really true? That'll teach her a valuable lesson in toying with other people's emotions! He must have left it and she had not noticed. Hopefully, for this couple, they learned to communicate better so she never had to pull any crazy stunts like this ever again. She made me feel uncomfortable. She started treatment with antidepressant medication and began seeing a psychotherapist. In order to uncover her husbands true feelings, Donna wrote down absolutely everything about the relationship that bothered her and why she wanted a divorce. In the short moment her husband was in the room, he must have left a note for his wife to read. Donna heard her husbands footsteps make their way up the stairs, all the while her heart began to race. wife hides under bed to prank husband - The test began with the wife writing a letter to her husband saying that she wanted to leave him. They were beyond happy but soon that happiness would change as they were met with many hardships. Having trust in your partner and being open and honest is the only way to deal with issues like this in a healthy manner. Hey you, Mark said, guess what, my marriage is finally over! She sat in her living room and logged into the security cameras. She knew she had to be blunt to get a reaction out of her husband. For Cody, realizing his wife was no longer interested in him was agonizing. Shed continue to hit play and watch anxiously as her stomach twisted. So this is the reason why her husband was lighthearted enough to take a joke, and prank her right back. A wife gives her husband a cheating test. : Jokes - Reddit She said that John was expecting her. Donna and Mark Smith first met when they were just seventeen years old. I didnt like the way she looked or talked to me.

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