I can include a set of adapter bushing for replacing modern tuners for $6.
var cart; wait_for_quantities(); document.querySelector('head').appendChild(css); } For us, the Eastman line of guitars represents the very definition of 'best value' for instruments of this type. $('.stewmax-container__message-check .msg-wrap').html(` } Based on your location, we've changed your settings: Shipping Region: General Acoustic Guitar and Amplification Discussion. (function() { } $('.stewmax-container__message-check p').wrap('
'); .js-product-variants .mz-figure>img { event = { let trustSealImage = `

`; !document.querySelector('.pdp-product-variant .zoom-tag') && if(woodstax === null && !isCategory) { var $spinner = $(this).find(".input-spinner"); Listed: 5 years ago Views: 141 Watchers: 2 About This Listing Brand new takeoffs from an Eastman parlor. document.querySelector('body').append(variantZoomStyle); We are continually impressed with Eastmans craftsmanship and consistency, which represents the very definition of we seek in the instruments we stock: best performance value. e.addEventListener(s, function() { This top combined with the Rosewood back and sides, yields a clear and warm response, with a slight midrange scoop. width: 100%; } Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments. var cF = currencyFormat.value;
I own a Lakewood A-14 12-fret auditorium-sized guitar in Euro spruce and mahogany whose sound I love. */ $('#stewmax-learn-more').click(function(e) { if(typeof window.cs_low_stock !== 'undefined') View more. It's surprising and ( as an interested potential buyer ) a bit concerning that Eastman does not respond to either e mail or a question put on their FB page . Bourgeois Legacy Series DB Signature OM. $('.stewmax-container__message-check').closest('.container-fluid:not(.tagged)')[0] && FWIW, Larrivee uses Ping tuners on all their guitars and have for many years.
Search for: Search. Contact About Us News Lessons Repairs Fit the press-fit tuner bushings correctly so your tuners will work smoothly. margin-bottom: 0.625rem; }, /* html.mz-expanded-view-open body, display: block; $button.attr('disabled', isDisabled).text($button.data(label));
Exclusive Monthly Offers padding: 10px; subtree: true, fn_killswitch && fn_killswitch() && observer.disconnect(); #stewmax-learn-more a { Probably the biggest retailer of Eastman guitars in the UK is currently selling the E 's 20 D , SS , OM & P for 1329 / $ 1690 ' ish . a fair whack of money for most of us perhaps ? .msg-wrap br { } At Reverb, your safety and security is our priority. justify-content: center; document.querySelector('.tmx-pdp-buttons-container') && var items = $(".pdp-product-variant").map(function() { Your purchases help youth music programs get the gear they need to make music. ) {
Add to your cart to see member pricing sitewide! I like Gotoh tuners and have good experience with them on both acoustic and electric guitars . Indeed, one is tempted to say that they are without peer in their price class. Up to an additional 30% off shop-wideEnjoy weekend savings on Fender, Gretsch, and moreShop now, View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. // early execution List your Eastman E3DE today to get it in front of thousands of eyes, quickly and easily. `; font-size: 20px; $(this).find('.tmx-variant-image img').attr('title') || font-weight: normal; let trustSealContainer = ` };
${item.qty} x ${item.price}
cart = { } #stewmax-learn-more .hdr { Watch this gear and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. display: flex; })(); Case: hardshell case. max-width: 500px; I'm not in any hurry to change them on my E10D. setUpButton($self, true); setUpButton($('.js-add-to-cart-slideout'), false); Ping Open Gear Guitar Tuners V93N 3+4 Tuning Machines 3x3 | Reverb Similar Listings Ping P2696 Mandolin Precision Tuning Machines-Gold with Black $24.99 Brand New Free Shipping Add to Cart NEW Ping Vintage 3x3 Keystone TUNERS for Gibson Les Paul SG Chrome SPEC-LP1-C $17.99 Brand New 30-Day Return Policy Add to Cart This creates an overlay at the top of the page when an item is added to cart. #stewmax-learn-more .list { if (document.querySelector('main > .tmx-pdp')) { build_cart(); cssArray.forEach(({ desc, css }) => { return; var woodstax = document.querySelector('.tmx-product-details-woodstax > .row > .col-12.col-md-8.col-lg-6 > .ml-md-3 .mixAndSave'); parent.append(e); There are no order minimums and no limit to how many times you order. subtotal: $orderSummary.find('.sub-total').text().trim() $(e.target).is('#trust-modal-bg') || AT; BG; CY; CZ; DE; DK; EE; EL; ES; FI; FR; HR; HU; IE; IT; Guitar. For 3-left/3-right solid pegheads. Bourgeois DS-12 The Standard. }, function() { width: 100%;