eu4 colonial range cheat

This command adds a country (specified by a country tag) to your interest. This command improves a country's opinion of another country by 100. This debug command prints to file (stored in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV) the current gamestate modifiers. Institution IDs: The country tag of the country you wish to make all belonging spies fail. HOI4 Cheats . If not specified, they will be added to the country you are currently playing as. This command enables infinite combat mode (unknown). This cheat will instantly win the current siege in the specified province. This command adds the specified amount of fervor to the country with the specified country tag. The country tag of the country you wish to repair all ships of. Trade winds also effect range and so apparent distance on the map isn't always the best way to judge range. A number. change_religion [country tag / province id] [religion id]. The country tag of the country you wish to add reform progress to. This command sets the base production efficiency (multiplier) for the province with the specified ID to the specified value. A file name to save a log file to. If not specified, the admiral will be added to the country you are currently playing as. This command reloads the game's heightmaps. The tag of the country you wish to kill a cardinal within. This debug command prints to the console heir history. The ID of the province you wish to assimilate. power [stability key / idea group key / tech key] [country tag]. Terrain ingcognita is the hiding of unknown (i.e. This command adds the specified amount to all 'power points'. If you don't specify a country tag as the second argument, this command will appy to the country that you are playing as. The amount of humans you wish to add to your current country. This command adds the specified amount of sailors to the specified country. If a country tag is specified as a second argument, absolutism will be added to this country. The amount of army tradition you wish to add. If not specified, a list of commands will be printed. I know for certain that one colonization idea provides 50% to range. controll - Gives you control of a province. Note that this will end a cooldown that is currently in place, not remove the cooldown for every migration (e.g. This cheat sets the age of your country's consort to the specified amount of years. Use the tag command to resume playing again. Event IDs This command is a debug tool - prints diplomatic action debug information and statistics to the game.log file. Specify a negative number to remove population. The tag of the country that placed the claim upon the previously specified province. You can use the colonial map mode to see colonial range even on colonized provinces (if you hover over them). set_base_production [province id] [value]. Use 'timer' to see results/data collected. The ID of the province you wish to view province flags for. flagship_heavy [name] [ability id] [ability id] [ability id]. Specify a negative number to remove mandate. This command sets your country's sprite level. This debug command will highlight all provinces that would be classified as an island under the specified threshold (as in, those that the 'Province is on an island' condition would apply to). The amount of sailors to add to the specified country. The ID of the province you wish to view province modifiers for. The ID of the achievement you wish to test. Use the command 'combat_dice -1' to restore normal functionality (random). The country tag of the country you wish to end all wars they are involved in. This command adds the specified amount of harmony to the specified Confucian country. This console command adds the specified amount of Revolutionary Zeal to the country with the specified country tag. This command adds a missionary to the country with the specified country tag. The tag of the country to make the revolution target. The amount of years of age that the ruler of the country should be. The ID of the province you wish to add devastation to. This command will enable victory cards in singleplayer mode. A number. A number between 0 and 50 - higher numbers make the combat sound less frequent. This command reloads the specified file. The amount of harmony you wish to add. This is a debug command - it tests a specified event (and character). This is a debug command - it tests a specified mission. In the background, it works by simulating a save twice and checking that the two saves are the same. This is useful for debugging issues with collisions, etc. age_consort [years] [country tag] DLC: Rights of Man. The ID of the character to pass to the event. The tag of the country you wish to change the amount of favor for (the amount of favor towards your country, that is). You can optionally specify a country tag as a second argument, if provided, this command will affect the country with this tag instead of your own. This console command assimilates the province with the specified ID. This command changes the owner of the specified province and also makes it a core of the country with the specified country tag. what you want it to be called). The province ID of the province you wish to change the culture of. The tag of the country you wish to add manpower to. The level to set the center of trade in the specified province to. If this is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. A number between 0 and 100. Specify a negative number to remove karma. The ID of the province you wish to issue a permanent claim for. 2. The first country tag is for the country you wish to clear the aggressive expansion towards. if you had to wait 2 minutes before migrating again, executing this command would allow you to migrate again instantly, but there would be another cooldown after). Optional. The name/ID of the window you wish to open or close. Explorers and Conquistadors This console command reshuffles bribes for all parliament seats. This is a debug command. The amount of money you wish to add to the treasury. add_liberty_desire [amount] [country tag]. This command kills the first cardinal (in the cardinal list) of the specified country. This console command adds the specified amount (number) of absolutism to the country you are playing as. This command claims the province with the specified ID for either your current country, or the country with the specified country tag (if you specify a country tag). This command removes a claim a specified country has made on a province. Stellaris Console Commands See argument information for reform IDs. If not specified, the leader of your current country will be affected. The country tag or province ID of the country/province you wish to change the religion of. To start a distaster within another country, switch to it using the tag command. If instant colonization has been turned on, typing this command will turn it off. If not specified, the country you are playing as will be affected. This command removes the limitation that restricts amount of major missions you can choose from. If no country tag is specified, the nation you are playing as will be affected. If you specify a country tag here, the casus belli will come from this country, rather than the one you are playing as. This command sets the isolation level (0 - 4) of the country you are playing as to the specified number. There is no way to specify another country tag/amount - use the tag command to switch to another country and use this command to add splendor to another country. See tags at. The ID of the province you wish to set the AI's invasion target to. This command adds the faction with the specified name to the country you are currently playing as. event [event id] [country tag] [option id]. The admiral's Fire rating, a number from 0-6. Optional.The country tag of the country you wish to add to the innovativeness of. This console command makes the country with the specified country tag a Tributary state. If executed with a command as an argument, help for that command will be printed to console. If you do not specify a second country tag, aggressive expansion from all nations towards the specified country will be reset. The value you wish to set the specified country's devotion to. The country tag of the country you wish for the opinion to come from. See. This command can be used to make a province progress further towards prosperity. The ID of the Shinto incident you wish to start. This cheat command will instantly repair all ships belonging to the country with the specified country tag. This command will copy to your clipboard all timer info. add_trait [ruler trait id] DLC: Rights of Man. The amount of Revolutionary Zeal you wish to add. The country tag of the country you wish to make the owner of the province. If you annex a country which has colonial nations, you will get all these colonial nations. The country tag of the country you wish to remove from your country's interest. This command adds a specified amount of local autonomy to the province with the specified ID. If you specify a country tag, the consort will be added to that country. Golden bull IDs: A number. EU4 Cheats Colonize Command EU4 Colonize Command General Information This command colonizes the specified province for your current country. A permanent claim does not expire. Instant colonization, as you might've guessed, makes colonization instant. See for religion IDs. Hover over the faction you wish to add unrest to: the first number is the CID type. For example, if you entered 1600, when the game hits the year 1600, the commands within the file would be ran. Specify a negative amount to remove base unrest. The amount of doom you wish to add to the target country. Press ~ (the key above TAB) to bring up the console. Developers, modders, and curious players may wish to simulate a crash for debugging purposes. This command kills a random leader (from any country in the game). Optional. A number. This will print price information to the game.log file. flagship_light [name] [ability id] [ability id] [ability id]. This command gives your current nation 1000 splendor. This debug command logs to the console the current land shares for estates or crowns. If you do not specify an institution, all institutions within the province will be embraced. This console command adds the specified amount of unrest (advancement) to the specified faction. The name of the texture file you wish to reload. add_backer [province id] DLC: Common Sense. This is a toggle command that turns instant colonization on and off. The value you wish to set the specified province's base production to. To find out the CID type of a faction, enable debug_mode, switch to a country that the faction is a rebel to and head to the "Stability & Expansion" tab of the Country View menu. If not specified, the liberty desire of the country you are currently playing as will be changed. If game controller support is enabled, typing this command will turn it off. golden_age [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. This cheat makes the specified country no longer a rival of your current country. The name of the file, placed in the game's Documents folder (Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV), that you wish to run all commands within (with extension). The amount added is equal to the number specified multiplied by 100: an amount of 1 would add 100 natives.

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eu4 colonial range cheat