2008 senate interactive map

New Hampshire also saw major Democratic gains in the 2006 elections, when Democrats took both of the previously Republican-held House seats, the gubernatorial race with a record vote share of 74%, and majorities in the State House and Senate, giving them concurrent control of both bodies for the first time since 1874. During the 89th Congress (19651967), four senators were placed in an unusual fifth row behind the Democratic senators. The prior record, about 62 million, was set in 2004 by George W. Bush. Lautenberg won re-election, winning 56%-42%. [92] Initially, a Mississippi Circuit Court judge sided with Hood, ruling that the election take place on or before March 19, 2008. Those votes were tallied before a joint session of Congress on January 8, 2009. The 2006 elections and 2008 elections represented the first time since 1936 that Democrats or any party made substantial gains in Congress in two consecutive elections. The incumbent governors of Puerto Rico, Anbal Acevedo Vil, and American Samoa, Togiola Tulafono, were also up for re-election. Udall won the election with 61% of the vote, with Pearce taking 39%. Robert Luis Santos, of Texas, to be Director of the Census for a term expiring December 31, 2026. Since those elections, Democrats have had to endure the loss of some reliable voters because Hurricane Katrina dispersed many African-Americans from New Orleans, although the vast majority still live within Louisiana. On August 23, 2008, the Democratic nominee for President, Barack Obama, announced that Biden would be joining him on the ticket as the vice presidential nominee. Projects. Nebraska state Green Party Co-Chairman Steve Larrick was also a candidate,[101] as was Kelly Rosberg of the Nebraska Party. ", This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 06:45. In the early years of the Senate an equal number of desks were placed on each side of the room, separated by a central passageway, without regard to party size. Palins selection initially bumped McCains popularity, though gaffes on the campaign trail offset this boost. Historically, the Senate Chamber desks were assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. [6] In New York, the Democrats obtained a trifecta for the first time since 1935.[7]. O'Donnell received 140,584 votes (35% of the vote). With the Democratic Party takeover of Capitol Hill in the 2006 midterm elections, senator Carl Levin had become one of the most powerful people in Washington as chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. He was expected[by whom?] The candidates sparred through the June 3 primaries despite Obama securing enough delegates to win the nomination earlier in the race. He defeated ophthalmologist Gordon Leitch[129] in the May 20 Republican primary. . To win the presidency, a candidate must win a majority of all electors. Thirty-three seats were up for regular elections; the winners were eligible to serve six-year terms from January 3, 2009, to January 3, 2015, as members of Class 2.There were also two special elections, the winners of those seats would finish the terms that ended . Ten were elected on November 4, 2008. There was speculation as to whether the outgoing Governor, Ruth Ann Minner, or the incoming Governor-elect Jack Markell would make the appointment, and if Biden's son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden would receive the appointment. Sen. Trent Lott's surprise resignation has opened up the other Mississippi Senate seat in 2008. [7] Figures has won elections in the Republican-leaning Mobile area. [66] Republican author and conservative activist Jerome Corsi, known for his public criticism of Kerry, had stated that he would run for the seat in 2008 but later changed his mind. Incumbent Democrat Frank Lautenberg sought re-election in 2008, though he was 84. There are 33 seats up for reelection in 2012, but only seven are . [12], Sessions defeated Figures, taking 63% of the vote to Figures's 37%, Dispelling rumors that he would retire due to advanced age (he was 84 years old on election day) and ongoing federal investigations into his conduct, senator Ted Stevens filed papers for re-election for an eighth term. Share This Map. Reed's opponent was Robert Tingle, a pit manager at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut, whom Reed defeated in his re-election campaign in 2002.[135]. Six of the 69 Democratic senators sat with the 23 Republican and 4 Independent senators. There were several unique aspects of the 2008 election. As a result, Mississippi's Attorney General Jim Hood challenged Barbour in court, claiming that the special election needed to be held within 100 days of Lott's resignation, as per state law. [158] Former Governor Jim Gilmore, who dropped out of the 2008 presidential election, was the Republican nominee for the seat. When the Senate moved to its current Chamber in 1859, the practice of dividing the desks equally continued for several years even though the new Chamber was large enough to permit a flexible seating arrangement. Additionally, they won Republican-held open seats in Colorado, New Mexico, and Virginia. 51 of 100 Seats Needed for Majority Current Senate: 53 ( D ); 45 ( R ); 2 ( I ) Blue Democratic Win Red Republican Win Yellow Other Party Win Light Teal Partial Results Dark Gray No Results Light. Senator Lindsey Graham, as a popular Republican incumbent in strongly conservative South Carolina, had been considered unlikely to be vulnerable to a Democratic challenge. Please enter a name, party, and color for each candidate. Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries Ron Sparks appeared to be preparing for a run, but on June 12, 2007, Sparks announced that he would not seek the Senate seat, in order to avoid a primary battle with state senator Vivian Davis Figures. McCains victory in South Carolina, Florida, and in key states on Super Tuesday created an clear path to the nomination. She has maintained a high approval rating, and also in her favor is the landslide re-election of Maine's senior Senator, Olympia Snowe, who had the largest margin of victory of any GOP Senate candidate - besides the largely unopposed Richard Lugar (R-IN) - in the 2006 election cycle. Localized groups supporting Obama and Biden were able to sign up through the main campaign site, which gathered contact info for mobilization purposes. N.M. Governors House Senate Mixx Buzz. The Republican nominee was Jay Wolfe of Salem, a former State Senator. The presence of a serious third party candidate further complicated matters. Each major party has Hill committees that work to support its candidates for the House and Senate, chiefly by providing funds. The 56th quadrennial United States presidential election was held on November 4, 2008. [163] Democrats Sheirl Fletcher and Billy Hendricks challenged Rockefeller in the primary but were defeated. Republican John Barrasso was appointed by Governor Dave Freudenthal (D) on June 22, 2007, to fill the senate seat of Republican Craig L. Thomas, who died on June 4. [109] The Republican nominee was former Congressman and 1996 senatorial candidate Dick Zimmer. [67] but failed to obtain the required candidacy signatures. He filed as an independent and was subsequently named as the Green Party nominee[146] Edward Buck was also in the race. Note: The % column reflects the change in total number of votes won by each party from the previous election. Popular vote totals generally gathered from state Certificates of Ascertainment and/or results posted directly by individual states. Senate Big Board - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times State Results Alaska Ariz. Calif. Colo. Conn. D.C. Hawaii Idaho Md. The South Carolina Working Families Party had also nominated Michael Cone. [137] Conley, whose victory in the Democratic primary over Michael Cone was a surprise, is a former Republican who supported Ron Paul in 2008 and campaigned as the more conservative candidate on some issues, notably illegal immigration and the bailout of Wall Street. Senator Barack Obama of Illinois was the Democratic nominee, and Senator John McCain of Arizona was the Republican nominee. [citation needed]. As of 2023, this is the latest round in which a newly-elected U.S. On January 15, 2007, incumbent senator Wayne Allard (R) announced he would not seek re-election, honoring his pledge to serve no more than two terms.[30]. McCain, who supported the initial Iraq invasion, opposed establishing a removal date for all troops. Live election results and maps for the 2010 midterm elections, including state-by-state and county-by-county maps, and exit polls. Collins. The 2008 presidential election focused on a national economic crisis that evolved throughout the race. He won 56% of women voters and 49% of male voters, the latter group important to Republican chances in the race. Democratic Senator Barack Obama of Illinois won the presidential election, by defeating his challenger, Senator John McCain, and the Democrats bolstered their majority in both Houses of Congress. [90][91] It had been speculated that Lott wished to resign before a new lobbying reform law, effective the first day of 2008, took effect; having resigned before the end of 2007, Lott may become a lobbyist in 2009 instead of 2010. George LeMieux was appointed to replace Mel Martinez upon his resignation. President Bush won Montana by more than 20 points in both 2000 and 2004, but Montana also had a popular Democratic governor, Brian Schweitzer, and a newly elected Democratic junior senator, Jon Tester. [82][83] He was included in most of the debates and ultimately received 15% of the vote in the general election, a strong showing for a third party candidate. Map of the 2008 Senate races using the latest state polls. [24], On October 19, 2007, the AP reported that despite the allegations and FBI probe, several veteran GOP Senatorsincluding Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), and Kit Bond (R-MO)donated enough money to Stevens's re-election campaign to make it one of Stevens's most successful fund raising quarters ever.[25]. Former Representative Bob Schaffer of Fort Collins was the Republican nominee. *Senators Angus King (I-ME) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) caucus with Democrats. This seating plan is updated at the start of each Congress, and as needed if members change desks or seating locations or if a new senator is sworn in. ", Jacobson, Gary C. "The 2008 Presidential and Congressional Elections: AntiBush Referendum and Prospects for the Democratic Majority. Today, Democrats traditionally sit on the presiding officer's right, and Republicans on the left. Graham easily won re-election with 58% of the vote to Conley's 42%. [153] In addition, the Green Party of Texas sought ballot access for its candidate David B. When one party elected more than half the senators, some majority party members had to find space on the minority party side of the aisle. On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama won the presidential election, making Biden the next VP. Obama and U.S. [138] However, because he lost the Democratic primary, Cone was not listed on the ballot under the state's sore loser law.[139]. Since 2003 (108th Congress, 1st Session), the Senate has provided interactive seating plans to identify where each of the 100 members sit in the Chamber and which historic desk they use. During the presidential election campaign, the major-party candidates ran on a platform of change and reform in Washington. South Dakota was the tipping point state, decided by a margin of 25.0%. There were 20 freshman Senators in the 111th United States Congress. Dykstra won the Republican primary on June 3. The 2008 United States elections were held on November 4. He also disconnected himself from the Bush administration, which became unpopular due to the financial crisis and the ongoing conflict in Iraq. Senators independent of either party have traditionally chosen for themselves which side of the aisle to sit on. The first month of the Republican primaries was competitive with Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee securing a victory in the Iowa caucus and McCain winning New Hampshire. By the 1930s, it had become the practice for senior senators to take front-row, center-aisle seats; junior majority party members who filled the Cherokee Strip were assigned either rear-row or end seats on the minority party side. A Rasmussen poll released May 11, 2008, showed Hagan leading Dole by a statistically insignificant margin, 48% - 47%,[122] suggesting a competitive race. Stevens's conviction on seven felony counts of corruption put his re-election bid in serious jeopardy, coming just over a week before the election, though Stevens appealed the conviction. In one of the first senate races called on election day, Warner won, taking 65% of the vote, with Gilmore winning 34%. These voting patterns translated into an Obama victory with inroads into the South and West. 2012 Election Map: The race for Senate control. Alabama senator Jeff Sessions sought re-election to a third term. senate.gov - Origins wikipedia.org - United States Senate to easily win re-election. Senator to ever lose re-election, defeating Warren Magnuson's 1980 record. [37] Delaware law allowed Biden to run for Vice President and senator at the same time, so he would have kept the Senate seat if the presidential ticket had lost. Map of the 2008 Senate races using the latest state polls. The Obama campaign used social media and data gathering to promote the candidates argument for change. Justices Opened Door to Gerrymander Presidential Elections, How Trump Could Win Re-Election By One Electoral Vote, 3 Myths About Abolishing the Electoral College, 5 Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College, Another Look at the 2020 Battleground States, Imagining the 2024 Electoral Map After Redistricting, The Electoral College Penalizes Voters In High Turnout States, The Winner-Take-All Electoral College Isnt In the Constitution. Barrasso ran in the November 4, 2008, special election, held on the day of the 2008 presidential election, to serve out the remainder of Thomas's term, which expires in January 2013. Senate Catalogue of Fine Art Each desk was custom made for a particular location within the Chamber. Obama won nearly all major demographic groups on his way to victory. Select Source. Inhofe was re-elected, 57% to 39%. [citation needed] Franken was sworn in as Minnesota's junior senator on July 7. Kennedy took 20.47%. The site was created by Taegan Goddard, who runs a network of political websites including Political Wire, Political Job Hunt and the Political Dictionary. McCain also hoped that Palins youth and relatability to conservative women would buoy his campaign. The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 set off an economic panic that spread globally. Republicans gained a seat in a January 2010 special election in Massachusetts, thereby making the balance 5941 before the start of the next election cycle. They also won a net gain of one gubernatorial seat. [85] During the recount process, Minnesota was represented by only one senator, Amy Klobuchar. These maps are also available as a timeline for each election from 1972-2020. Collins won on election day with 61% of the vote, compared to 39% for Allen. Haley Barbour (R) named Rep. Roger Wicker (R . In December 2007, Chambliss had an approval rating of 53% and a disapproval rating of 34% according to Strategic Vision, a Republican polling firm. Senate Catalogue of Graphic Art Incumbent Republican Mike Enzi was considered likely to be re-elected without significant opposition for a third term in strongly Republican Wyoming. Michigan and Minnesota held elections for their lower, but not upper houses. Craig found almost no support among Republicans in his home state or Washington. Obama also offered the chance for voters to elect the nations first African American president and a relatively young president at 47 years old. In Nebraska, incumbent Republican Chuck Hagel chose to retire rather than run for a third term. Obama received more votes than any candidate in history. Johnny Swanson announced his candidacy in March 2006 for the Democratic nomination.[6]. President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times Election Results 2008 President Map Big Board Map Electoral Explorer Obama: Victory Speech McCain: Concession Speech Exit Polls. [86] Coleman appealed this decision. The state traditionally leaned Republican, but John Kerry from neighboring Massachusetts narrowly won the state in the 2004 Presidential election. Once thought to be secure in his re-election, McConnell's lead had shrunk dramatically thanks to the financial crisis and polling showed the race tightening between him and Lunsford. On the Senate side, the committees are the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC). Texas has not elected a Democrat in a statewide election since 1994, but according to pre-election Rasmussen polling, senator John Cornyn had an approval rating of 50%. Interactive USA election map for past results and future projections. Tom Udall, the popular Representative from New Mexico's 3rd District, was the Democratic nominee. 2008 Presidential Election 2008 interactive map << 2004 2012 >> The 56th quadrennial United States presidential election was held on November 4, 2008. The original 48 desks made by Thomas Constantine in 1819 were constructed in such a way as to form three concentric semicircles on the Senate floor. [159] Obama won the general election with 52.9 percent of the popular vote and 365 of the 538 electoral votes. The election was the first in which an African American was elected President. [21], On July 29, 2008, a federal grand jury indicted Stevens on seven felony counts for making false statements,[22] and on October 26, a jury found Stevens guilty on all charges. On November 4, 2008, Coleman received 1,211,590 votes to Franken's 1,211,375 votes, a margin of 215 votes, far less than 0.1%, thereby triggering an automatic recount. All of the elections involved the Class 2 seats. Midterm Election Map 2018: Live Results - ABC News Follow hourly state-by-state senate, governor and house results and see who is in the lead Democrats or Republicans. [134] National Journal has declared that "Reed is probably the safest incumbent of the 2008 cycle". Polls over the course of the campaign indicated that the race was very competitive, with many polls showing Franken and Coleman virtually tied or within the margin of error, as well as several polls showing each candidate with a significant lead at one point or another. The prior record, about 62 million, was set in 2004 by George W. Bush. Franken announced his candidacy on February 14, 2007, more than 20 months before the election. Despite being a first-term senator in a state George W. Bush won twice, Democrat Mark Pryor faced no opposition from Republicans in his re-election bid. The last time a Cherokee Strip existed in the Senate Chamber was during the 76th Congress (19391941). Christian activist Larry Kilgore of Mansfield, Texas, was a Republican challenger for the March 2008 primary election, but Cornyn easily won the Republican primary. judge cancels special election to replace Lott", "Barbour's Attorney Appeals Special-Elex Ruling", "Mississippi Supreme Court sets election for November", "Former Rep. Shows running for Lott's seat", "Shows drops out of race to replace Lott", "US Senate Special Election Official Certification", "16th time a charm for veteran candidate", "Green Party's Larrick to enter Senate race", "Official Results of Nebraska Primary Election, May 13, 2008", "Anthony B. Fisher for U.S. Senate in 2008 official website", "Politics1 - Online Guide to New Jersey Politics", "Write In Carl Peter Klapper for United States Senator", "Republican Senator From New Mexico Is Said to Be Retiring", "SurveyUSA Approval Ratings for New Mexico Senators", "Sen. Ensign Says GOP Majority Would Be 'Fairly Miraculous', "Mary Easley has active public life, but she's no Hillary Clinton", Beating a Popular Incumbent | SKDKnickerbocker, "Oklahoma State Election Board - Primary Election 2008", "Oregon Senate: Merkley tops Smith for first time 43% to 41%", "Merkley ready for Senate race victory lap", "Oregon Secretary of State: Official Results May 2008 Primary Election", "Graham beats GOP challenger in SC Senate primary", "US Senate primary recount: Conley to face Graham", "South Carolina Working Families Party Nominates - Ballot Access News", "The Associated Press: Johnson to Run for Senate After Illness", "South Dakota Secretary of State, Shantel Krebs", "Alexander Running Again, Sets Fundraiser". For more information please visit This was the first time the party nominated a candidate for statewide office. The 2008 election was the first in 56 years in which neither an incumbent president nor a vice president ran Bush was constitutionally limited from seeking a third term by the Twenty-second Amendment; Vice President Dick Cheney chose not to seek the presidency. Biden's Republican opponent in the Senate race, conservative political commentator Christine O'Donnell, tried to make an issue of Biden's dual campaigns, claiming that serving his constituents is not important to him. Republican. Explore the current seating plan below, use the dropdown for access to past interactive seating plans, or browse PDFs of seating configurations from before 2003. Elections were held for 85 legislative chambers, with all states but Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Alabama, Maryland, and Virginia holding elections in at least one house. Nine states changed allegiance from the 2004 election. In South Dakota, senator Tim Johnson's seat was considered a top GOP target in 2008, considering Johnson's narrow 524-vote victory in 2002 over then-Representative and current U.S. senator John Thune, as well as his recent health problems. The Senate seat in Connecticut is counted as a . simplemaps_election.selected.D = ['CA', 'CT', 'CO', 'DC', 'DE', 'FL', 'HI', 'IA', 'IN', 'NY', 'CO', 'IL', 'MA', 'MD', 'ME', 'ME1', 'ME2', 'MI', 'MN', 'NC', 'NE2', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NH', 'NV', 'OH', 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WI']; Select a state to learn about its history in the United States Senate The 2008 electoral map is above. RCP Senate Map Race Changes; Senate No Toss Ups Race Changes; RCP House Map; 49: Democrats * Contact | There were also two special elections, the winners of those seats would finish the terms that ended January 3, 2013. Graham's support for a compromise immigration bill, however, drew an angry response from many South Carolina conservatives, who recruited Buddy Witherspoon, a former South Carolina Republican Party leader, to challenge Graham for the nomination. In 1877 the practice began of moving desks back and forth across the center aisle to permit all majority party members to sit together on the appropriate side, except in a few cases where an unusually large majority existed. South Carolina's election law allows for electoral fusion. This marked the first time that Nebraska has split its electoral vote since it moved away from the winner-take-all method in 1992. The campaign engaged targeted groups through networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. Although Kansas has not elected a Democrat to the Senate since 1932, former Democratic Congressman and army veteran Jim Slattery was nominated to run against Roberts. On election day, Shaheen defeated Sununu, 52% to 45%. Another Democrat, former Congressman Ronnie Shows, also filed to run, but he withdrew in February 2008 and endorsed Musgrove. At the start of each Congress, the desks are reapportioned between the two aisles of the Chamber based on the number of Democrats and Republicans. Challenging Levin were Republican State Representative Jack Hoogendyk, Green candidate Harley G. Mikkelson, US Taxpayers' candidate Mike Nikitin, Libertarian professor Scotty Boman, and Natural Law's candidate Doug Dern.[69]. Senator, Kay Hagan, has since died. USA - 2008 House Election Map Clear Map Share Map Style Misc Login Privacy Sidebar Tossup 435 Republican 0 Democrat 0 + 0 0 0 0 435 0 0 0 0 YAPms 2 Beta - Discord USA 2018 House Map Shortcuts F - hold down to quickly fill in districts CTRL - hold down to decrement the color Enable Simulator District House Floor: H.R.1917 Congress Even though West Virginia is a historically Democratic state, in which the party had a 50-32% edge in party affiliation over the Republicans in the 2004 elections, the state party is more conservative than the national party, giving its votes to President George W. Bush in that election and in 2000. Obama became the nations first African American president with his victory. The Electoral College is the process in which the United States elects its president. [41] For most of the campaign, Chambliss maintained a comfortable lead in most polls. He was certified March 3, 2008, by the Tennessee Division of Elections as having achieved ballot access for the November 4, 2008, election as a candidate for United States Senate. Date. Businessman and U.S. Army veteran Bruce Lunsford, who lost the 2007 Democratic gubernatorial primary to Governor Steve Beshear, was the Democratic nominee. Each had voted for the Republican nominee in 2004 and contributed to Obama's sizable Electoral College victory. Former Chairman of the Tennessee Democratic Party Bob Tuke was the Democratic nominee, defeating Businessman Gary Davis 30% to 23%. McCain won Nebraska but Obama earned an electoral vote by winning the popular vote in the 2nd Congressional District. [5] Seven territorial chambers in four territories and the District of Columbia were up. A December 2007 poll showed Coleman's approval rating among Minnesota voters at 53%. [132], In Rhode Island, Democratic senator Jack Reed had an approval rating of 66% in November 2006. Former Governor and U.S. Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander was elected in 2002 to succeed retiring senator Fred Thompson. www.senate.gov. State Representative Joel Dykstra announced his candidacy on July 5, 2007. Congress. [91] Controversy arose when Barbour called for the special election to be held on the same day as the general election. Lieutenant Governor Jim Risch was the Republican candidate; U.S. Army veteran and former congressman Larry LaRocco was the Democratic candidate. 2008 Actual Election Results 2008 Election Facts McCain won Nebraska but Obama earned an electoral vote by winning the popular vote in the 2nd Congressional District. Hazard Eligibility and Local Projects Act (11/04/2021 legislative day) House Floor: H.R.3992. Physician Steve Sauerberg of La Grange won the February 5 Republican primary. Sen. Trent Lott's surprise resignation has opened up the other Mississippi Senate seat in 2008. Libertarian Robert J. Underwood had 3%. Alexander won the election with 65% of the vote. [19] Two former Veco executives have plead guilty to paying the younger Stevens $242,000 in bribes. The site also features a series of explainers about how presidents are actually elected in the United States. By continuing to use the website cookies for non personal advertisements and analytics will still run. Summary of the November 4, 2008, United States Senate election results. [130], In a July 16, 2008, poll, Merkley overtook Smith for the first time 43% to 41%. [160] Polling showed him as a strong favorite to win the seat. States in the Senate. To win the presidency, a candidate must win a majority of all electors. McCain and Obama both voted for a 2008 Senate bill to authorize the Treasury Department to purchase up to $700 billion in securities to prevent additional bankruptcies. simplemaps_election.selected.R = ['AK', 'AL', 'AR', 'AZ', 'GA', 'ID', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'MO', 'MS', 'MT', 'ND', 'NE', 'NE1', 'NE3', 'OK', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'SC', 'SD', 'WY', 'WV']; [43] However, Georgia law stated that if no candidate receives a simple majority of the popular vote, then the election will be decided in a run-off. Congress. Stevens was the most senior U.S. Today, at the beginning of each Congress, senators are given the option to change their seats based on seniority. He ran for the Tennessee House in 2004.[147]. Occasionally one party maintains such an overwhelming majority that it becomes necessary for majority party members to sit on the minority party side in the Senate Chamber. The presidential election, which was won by Democrat Barack Obama, elections for all House of Representatives seats; elections for several gubernatorial elections; and many state and local elections occurred on the same date. Two senators from each state are elected to represent their state. Fellow senator Joe Lieberman, citing his status as an independent, endorsed Collins in her 2008 re-election bid. This election was the second cycle in a row in which no seats switched from Democratic to Republican, and the first since 1990 in which the Democrats retained all their seats. It was also the first time the Republican Party nominated a woman for Vice President (Sarah Palin, then-Governor of Alaska). Pre-election polling indicated that Enzi led Rothfuss by 24%. Senator Pat Roberts sought re-election to a third term. * Democratic total includes Bernard Sanders, an independent from Vermont, who caucuses with the Democrats. McCain won Nebraska but Obama earned an electoral vote by winning the popular vote in the 2nd Congressional District.

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2008 senate interactive map